Proceed to the Hotel Restaurant as usual and examine what looks to be a shrine toward the left wall. The other students enter one by one to react to it. After the misunderstanding is cleared up, the chapter truly begins and Hajime will be free to explore the third island. Go to Central Island and then head through the gate marked with a 3 to begin your exploration of the new area.
The 3rd Island[edit | edit source]

Start by entering the Movie Theater, to the left of the island's entrance. Here you can find Hidden Monokuma #1 by panning the camera to the right; he'll be peeking out behind a velvet rope, not far from the actual Monokuma. Examine the goods corner on the counter and Monokuma will begin to peddle his cheap knickknacks. Nagito then confirms that the movie is a waste of time, and you can leave the area.

Continue left to Electric Ave. Pan the camera left to find Hidden Monokuma #2 above a storefront. Then speak to Kazuichi at the left of the area and Chiaki at the right. Both students seem to be engrossed in their hobbies, so take the initiative and examine the laptop corner at the center of the area. Hajime finds a baffling report, but there's not much more to investigate here. Leave the area and proceed to the Motel. After speaking to Hiyoko, leave the area and proceed to the Music Venue. Examine its doors to see the interior, already inhabited by Ibuki and Sonia. After speaking to both girls, exit and go to the final area, the Hospital.

In the Hospital, speak to Gundham after Mikan runs off, then leave. After being approached by Sonia, you'll end up back inside. After speaking to Nagito, examine the door to the left to enter the Hallway. Look through the window at the end of the hall to find Hidden Monokuma #3, floating above what looks like a grave. Now examine the door at the end of the hall (marked "Room 4") for a scene.
Speak to anyone after the scene to conclude the day. The next morning, you must meet with everyone at the Hotel Restaurant as usual. If you have certain items, more bonus scenes await, as detailed below.

Two Free Time opportunities follow. You can spend that time with any student except for Fuyuhiko, but before choosing someone to hang out with, go back to the Hospital on the third island. Enter the Hallway by examining the door to the left as was done before, but this time take the stairs at the end of the hall to the second floor. Here is a door that leads to the Conference Room. Examine it to enter, and then look up toward the room's dark ceiling. Hidden among the pipes here is Hidden Monokuma #4. Only one more to go for this chapter!
After Free Time is over, the day concludes, and the next morning begins with an unexpected visitor.
The return[edit | edit source]

Start the next day by going to the Hotel Restaurant for a scene. A fellow student has returned with some notable changes not just in appearance, but attitude. Two more Free Time opportunities follow, and Hajime gets another visitor to his cottage when night falls. After receiving the invitation, Hajime has no choice but to go to the Music Venue. Going inside triggers a long scene, after which you can follow everyone to the Beach on the first island. After another long scene, another day concludes. Start the morning by going to the Hotel Restaurant as always. Speak to Hiyoko, Nagito, and Akane to trigger the arrival of the other students. In the Hospital, speak to everyone else before speaking to Hiyoko to advance the plot.

Speak to Mikan and Fuyuhiko when you get the chance. Return to the Hospital Lobby and examine the surveillance camera on the counter. Examine the bulletin board after the purpose of the surveillance camera is explained and Monokuma arrives. The next morning, go through the Hallway to Room 2. Return to the Lobby after the short scene. After night falls, go to Room 2 again. The next morning, go to Room 2 one more time. Leave and Hajime will return to the Lobby. Examine the surveillance camera here to see a disturbing transmission. Go to the Music Venue and examine the doors to enter. After the scene, exit the Motel and return to the Music Venue. Examine the doors for yet another horrifying discovery.