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The first Hidden Monokuma can be found on the ceiling of the classroom.

Before doing anything else, pan the camera up so that you have a view of the ceiling. Hidden Monokuma #1 is standing above the lights. Examine the door to leave the room. From where you stand, turn around and take a right down the green hall. Keep going straight until you reach the blocked-off stairs, then take a right to find the gymnasium. Examine the doors to enter and truly begin the chapter.

5th Floor[edit | edit source]

The second Hidden Monokuma can be found in the stands of the gymnasium.

After the discussion, pan the camera left; Hidden Monokuma #2 can be found in the stands. There's nothing else to see here, so exit the area. Speak to Sonia and continue down the hallway. Take a left at the fork and enter the Dojo. Examine the book on the floor for your first Truth Bullet, the Reserve Department, which Hajime was told he came to Hope's Peak Academy from. Exit and return to the intersection in the hall to find Kazuichi. Speak to him, then go right down the hall that leads to a dead end. Enter Classroom 5-A and examine the book on the desk for another Truth Bullet, the Tragedy of Hope's Peak. Exit and take a right down the white hallway to find the Bio Lab.

The third Hidden Monokuma can be found under the desk in the Bio Lab.

In the Bio Lab, pan the camera left to spot Hidden Monokuma #3 hiding under the desk. Examine the book on the floor for yet another Truth Bullet, The Tragedy. The story told in these books just keeps getting darker, but Hajime still refuses to believe that they tell the truth. Go back down the hall and take a left at the intersection. You can now enter Classroom 5-B. Inside, speak to Fuyuhiko, then Monokuma for the Ultimate Despair Truth Bullet. He mentions a name that should sound familiar to those who have played the previous game in the series. Afterward, speak to Fuyuhiko again for his thoughts and the Killing School Life Truth Bullet. Exit to find yourself on a different floor.

4th Floor[edit | edit source]

The fourth Hidden Monokuma can be found in the corner of the Office.

Speak to Akane and go down the hall next to her. Take a right into a blue hallway and enter the Music Room. Examine the monument for a Truth Bullet, Future Foundation's Origins. Examine the hologram for The Academy's Survivors Truth Bullet. The role of the Future Foundation and the Ultimate Despair are becoming clear now, but there are still many questions left unanswered. Go back down the hall that you came from and take a left to find the Office. Pan the camera right to find Hidden Monokuma #4 behind the desks, then examine the blackboard at the back of the room to approach it. Examine the newspaper for the List of Subjects Truth Bullet. Examine the portrait above for another Truth Bullet, The Academy's Founder. Examine the hologram for the final Truth Bullet of the room, the Remnants of Despair. Speak to Kazuichi before exiting to proceed to the "next stage."

3rd Floor[edit | edit source]

Take a left down the hall and then another left to find a hallway full of windows and the entrance to the Rec Room. Examine the hologram to update some Truth Bullets, then examine the file on the table for the Hope Cultivation Plan Truth Bullet. Exit to find yourself on another floor.

2nd Floor[edit | edit source]

Look to the right of (what should be) Classroom 2-B to find the final Hidden Monokuma.

Speak to Akane and go down the hallway to the left to find the Library. Examine the hologram for the E-mail to Makoto Naegi Truth Bullet. Leave and go down the hall in the distance to find Classroom 2-B. Enter to find yourself in another location. Confusion aside, look to the right of the room for Hidden Monokuma #5, standing beside a vending machine. This is the final Hidden Monokuma of the game, so make sure to collect it before leaving, as with all other Hidden Monokumas in this chapter. Examine the tablet PC on the table for the Neo World Program Truth Bullet and an existential crisis for Hajime. Exit the room for a strange Monokuma Theater, even by his standards. Afterward, you'll end up on what should be the ground floor.

1st Floor[edit | edit source]

Go straight down the glitchy hallway and speak to Sonia. Take a left at the next intersection and speak to a glitchy Monokuma. Enter Classroom 1-B right by him and examine the "big object" to meet a familiar character. After the conversation, you'll obtain the Observers Truth Bullet as well as updates to other Truth Bullets. After a scene, you'll also obtain the 11037 and Shutdown Sequence Truth Bullets. After the announcement, turn around and examine the red doors at the end of the hall to begin the trial.