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The items collected throughout Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair are referred to in-game as presents. Most presents can be collected by random from the MonoMono Yachine on the first island's beach and can then be given to fellow students during Free Time, with some exceptions:

  • #61, 104, 105, 106, 111, and 113 can be purchased from the Vending Machine at Rocketpunch Market, and will each trigger bonus scenes depending on when they're collected. Follow the links to the chapters listed below for more information.
    • #104 and 105 must be purchased in Chapter 1.
    • #106 must be purchased before Chapter 2.
    • #61, 111, and 113 must be purchased before Chapter 3.
  • #130 is obtained by clearing Chapter 1
  • #131 and 132 are obtained by clearing the game.
  • #133-140 are obtained by clearing each chapter (including the Prologue and the Epilogue).
  • #115-129 are obtained by clearing every Island Mode ending.

Below is a complete list of presents.

Image # Name Description Love Like
001 Mineral Water Drawn from the ocean depths and rigorously purified. Ideal for a modern on-the-go public unsatisfied with tap water. None None
002 Ramune A sweet, lemon-flavored carbonated drink. A marble plugs the opening of the uniquely designed bottle. The bottle can also be reused if you bring it to the ramune store. None Akane, Byakuya, Ibuki, Sonia
003 Coconut Juice A colorless, transparent juice found inside coconuts. The sweet taste is considered refreshing. None Hiyoko, Kazuichi
004 Blue Ram A famous anti-energy drink that will make you feel very relaxed after drinking it. Became a huge hit through its marketing slogan, "Blue Ram Clips Your Wing." None Gundham, Nagito
005 Civet Coffee Made from an extremely rare and expensive coffee bean collected from the dung of the Asian palm civet. It has a unique fragrance... None Ibuki, Sonia
006 Cinnamon Tea Black tea infused with cinnamon sticks. It is said to be effective for warming your body and maintaining proper digestion. None Sonia
007 Non-Alcoholic Wine A refreshing drink that contains no alcohol. It tastes more like sour grape juice than actual wine. None Fuyuhiko, Peko
008 Prepackaged Orzotto A dish made of boiled pearl barley. It's very nutritious and high in fiber. It also tastes good with beef tongue. Akane Byakuya, Nekomaru
009 Chocolate Chip Jerky Dried beef sprinkled with chocolate chips. A preserved meat product invented by an experimental cook. There's no guarantee that this will actually taste good. Byakuya Akane, Ibuki
010 Cod Roe Baguette This thin loaf of bread is stuffed to the brim with butter and crushed cod roe. A perfect fusion of French and Japanese cuisine. None Akane, Byakuya
011 Gugelhupf Cake This cake is said to be a favorite of Marie Antoinette. Its name is German for "priest's hat." Sonia Akane, Byakuya, Hiyoko
012 Hardtack of Hope Emergency ration that excels at maintaining its freshness. They are often given to students as an emergency food source in case of natural disasters. None Akane, Byakuya, Nagito
013 Sweet Bun Bag Filled with a variety of sweet breads, including melon and peanut butter flavors. The bag has a logo of Hansel & Gretel. Byakuya Akane, Hiyoko
014 Potato Chips A staple snack food made by frying thin potato slices in oil. Beware its dangerously high calorie count. Many men have lost everything after betting they could only eat just one. None Akane, Byakuya
015 Viva Ice This strawberry-flavored shaved ice treat comes with a spoon containing lottery numbers. If your numbers win, you receive more shaved ice. None Akane, Chiaki, Hiyoko, Nagito
016 Jabba's Natural Salt A natural salt found on Jabberwock Island. Though it's commonly used to cook various island dishes, apparently it's also used for strange ceremonial rituals by the local natives. None Ibuki, Teruteru
017 Cocoshimi The pulpy white insides of a coconut. If you eat it with soy sauce and wasabi, it tastes just like sashimi. Byakuya Akane, Ibuki, Teruteru
018 Sunflower Seeds The seeds of that particular flower that loves facing the sun. They have a flavor somewhat similar to peanuts. The flower itself represents the sun's watchful eyes. Gundham Byakuya, Chiaki
019 Coconut The hard-shelled fruit from a coconut tree. Not only is it edible, it can also be used for several purposes, such as crafting musical instruments. Nekomaru Byakuya, Ibuki, Teruteru
020 Iroha T-Shirt A regular t-shirt emblazoned with a cluttered poem. "Though the flower is gone, its scent lingers. Who in this world is truly unchanging? Today we cross the towering mountains of vanity, unswayed by superficial dreams." None Ibuki, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Teruteru
021 Brightly Colored Jeans The frayed jean pants of a detective who roared at the sun in the name of justice. They're not jeans, they're jean pants. Sonia Ibuki, Nekomaru
022 Apron Dress A dress that resembles a maid's uniform. When you wear this, it might seem like you won't be able to defy your master, but in actuality, you'll be the one in control. Peko Mahiru, Mikan, Teruteru
023 Falkor's Muffler A muffler crafted from the fur of a legendary luckdragon. It's sweltering hot to wear in the land of eternal summer. None Fuyuhiko, Gundham, Hiyoko, Sonia
024 Fresh Bindings Strips of cotton cloth. They were once commonly used for underwear and bandages. They say when you wrap it around yourself, both body and soul become taut. Nekomaru Peko
025 Queen's Straitjacket This hand-binding garment was worn by the genius magician Queen Teruko during her escape magic performances. Apparently there are people who might enjoy being bound up. Mikan Ibuki, Teruteru
026 Spy Spike A spike that you can wield with swiftness and agility, just like a real spy. Also known as "Spy-Spi." None Akane
027 Secret Boots Boots that have raised soles, allowing the wearer to face their height. None None
028 Safety Half-Shoes These shoes only cover your toes, but the iron plate in the tip keeps your toes safe. None Akane, Mikan
029 Passionate Glasses Glasses that let you see your passions as they blend with reality. They also have a function that lets you shoot your passion like a laser. (WARNING: This laser *will* come out of your butt.) Teruteru Ibuki, Mahiru, Mikan, Sonia
030 Bvlbari's Gold A popular, name-brand bracelet made of pure gold that's loved by both men and women. With its high-quality fashion sense and brightness, it increases the wearer's visibility by 10 percent. None Byakuya, Fuyuhiko, Peko
031 Earring of Crushed Evil An earring created by the legendary home tutor. Crafted from silver and gold into the shape of a wing. The gold is said to increase luck, while the silver is said to accumulate luck. Gundham Ibuki, Nagito, Sonia
032 Silver Ring A ring made from the purest silver with a natural pink tourmaline set into it. If you need to get a present for someone and have no idea, get them this. Mahiru Akane, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, Mikan, Peko, Sonia
033 Hope's Peak Ring A school ring emblazoned with the Hope's Peak Academy crest. It stands as proof of friendship between those who spent their youth together. Nagito Everyone
034 Spectre Ring A blond earthling was wearing this ring when he was swept into our world from a distant galaxy. A very icy, lame joke is sealed within the ring. None Ibuki, Gundham
035 Cloth Wrap Backpack A cloth wrap with a very fashionable design. Perfect for giving presents to modern girls and elders. Nothing you wrap with this will be sent forward or backward in time. Hiyoko Akane, Ibuki, Mikan, Sonia
036 Another Hope This valuable diamond was created from the remaining fragments of the original Hope Diamond when it was cut long ago. Rumors persist that death follows anyone who has this item in their possession. None Gundham, Nagito, Sonia
037 Jabbaian Jewelry A pendant designed with a coconut tree motif. There's a custom on Jabberwock Island in which parents give this to their children so they can one day pass it down to their own kids. None Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Mahiru, Mikan, Peko
038 Biggest Fantom An ancient fan that has been passed down since the Heian Period. Those who possess it will be able to speak with ghosts. Hiyoko Ibuki, Gundham, Sonia
039 Ubiquitous Handbook A perfectly designed handbook useful for documenting various events that occur throughout the day. It comes with a pen that can be easily stored inside. None Mahiru, Nekomaru
040 Millennium Prize Problems These seven important mathematical problems were posed by the Clay Mathematics Institute, with a reward of one million dollars for each one solved. None None
041 Tips & Tips 2nd Edition A thick book that has hints and codes for every game ever released. The 2nd Edition now includes tips for clearing even the most difficult levels. A must-have for any true gaming fanatic. Chiaki Ibuki
042 Ogami Clan Codex A book which documents the 708 Meridian Channel pressure points that exist throughout the human body. Those who master these points can become the Ultimate Masseuse. Nekomaru Mikan
043 Men's Manma A magazine for gourmands that lists popular restaurants for all kinds of situations. The articles about recommended date spots are especially popular. None Byakuya, Kazuichi
044 Kiss Note A notebook considered to be a good luck charm. The human whose name is written in this notebook shall kiss you. The human who uses this notebook will lose their heart forever. Teruteru Ibuki, Kazuichi, Mahiru, Peko
045 Black Rabbit Picture Book An introductory book for pulling various cons. The cover has a black rabbit on it to avoid attention. Apparently there is a white rabbit and red rabbit version of this book as well. Byakuya Hiyoko
046 2.5D Headphones Headphones that provide a 2.5-dimensional sound quality. Every audiophile who used these said the same thing: "These are hella psychopop." Ibuki Kazuichi
047 Radiosonde A meteorological instrument that measures the temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure by shooting a balloon into the sky. Kazuichi None
048 Male Cylinder A laboratory instrument with a masculine symbol on it. Organic synthesis is possible by combining this with the measuring flask. None Mikan, Teruteru
049 Measuring Flask A laboratory instrument with a feminine symbol on it. Organic synthesis is possible when combined with the Male Cylinder. None Ibuki, Mikan, Teruteru
050 Razor Ramon HG A cooking device that makes pho simply by putting leftover rice inside it. Vietnamese food has surged in popularity due to this item. None Akane, Byakuya, Ibuki, Kazuichi
051 Infrared Thermometer By detecting the infrared radiation released by your body, this thermometer can measure your body temperature without making direct contact with your skin. None Mikan, Nekomaru
052 Flash Suppressor Manufactured by Volcanic Knuckle, attaching this item to the barrel of a gun will suppress the muzzle flare and recoil while firing. However, this item will also amplify the sound of the shot to sound like a tiger's roar. None Ibuki, Sonia
053 Lilienthal's Wings A model left behind by flight engineer Otto Lilienthal. It's filled with the dreams of those who aim for the sky. Kazuichi Fuyuhiko
054 Kirlian Photography A camera invented to take pictures of electrical fields surrounding objects. Sadly, there's no film in it... Mahiru Kazuichi, Sonia
055 Mr. Stapler A stapler used in the medical field. As long as you set the appropriate needle, you can staple a wound closed as easy as assembling a manga. Mikan Akane
056 Small Degenerated Reactor A powerful organization used nuclear fission to repeatedly degenerate gravity and create miniature black holes for the purpose of researching alternate sources of energy. Gundham, Kazuichi Sonia
057 Many-Sided Dice Set A full set of dice consisting of a d4, d8, d10, d12, and d20. Created to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the world-famous tabletop RPG: Mazes and Monsters. None Chiaki, Fuyuhiko, Ibuki, Peko
058 The Funbox The newest home video game console. It promises a rewarding experience that money simply can't buy. You will need money to buy games for it, though. None Chiaki, Ibuki, Kazuichi
059 The Funplane The newest popular portable game system. It has a hi-def touchscreen, and can also play music and videos, making for the perfect all-in-one media machine! None Chiaki, Ibuki, Kazuichi
060 American Clacker A toy consisting of two balls tied with string. You play with it by swinging the balls together to produce a "clack clack" sound. Adults and children alike are fascinated by this toy. Ibuki None
061 Toy Camera A cheaply made camera. Due to its poor quality, its photos are sometimes out of focus or have weird coloration. Oddly enough, that has actually made it more popular. N/A N/A
062 Power Gauntlet A video game controller shaped like a glove. You use your fingers to play games, but it is not compatible with modern game consoles. Die-hard fans love how "bad" this thing is. Chiaki Gundham, Ibuki
063 Mesopotamia This bright red, spring-shaped toy is made out of steel. You can play with it by dropping it down the stairs. It's said its unique form was crafted by an ancient Sumerian god. None Fuyuhiko, Ibuki, Peko, Sonia
064 Nitro Racer A toy car that was popular a few years ago. A unique feature of this product is the Nitro Button. Pressing this button releases a very nice breeze from the car. Chiaki Ibuki, Kazuichi
065 Slap Bracelet A toy that's straight like a ruler, but when you slap it against your wrist it wraps around your arm. None Chiaki, Ibuki, Sonia
066 Gag Ball You bite into this toy like a dog. When you do, you end up making a funny face. That's why it's called a gag ball. None Mikan, Teruteru
067 Kokeshi Dynamo Flip the switch on the bottom to set the doll shaking. Apparently it's a kid's toy, but I don't really get the point of it... Teruteru Mikan
068 Go Stone A black and white stone used to play Go. This game was responsible for popularizing a lot of strategic concepts. The black and white colors may also induce despair. None Byakuya, Chiaki, Nagito, Nekomaru
069 Message in a Bottle A bottle with a letter inside. The mouth of the bottle is too narrow, so you can't actually read the letter. None None
070 Old Timey Radio A radio with a retro exterior but state-of-the art technology inside. All you gotta do now is create a radio station! Kazuichi Ibuki, Sonia
071 Antique Doll A porcelain doll. Due to the exquisite craftsmanship of the doll and its clothing, many people still collect and prize them to this very day. Fuyuhiko, Peko Hiyoko, Mahiru, Mikan
072 The Second Button The button from a school uniform which increases in value as graduation approaches. In a few cases, reservations are necessary. None Ibuki, Sonia
073 Moon Rock A rock taken from the Sea of Tranquility of the moon by astronauts on Apollo 11. Its composition is apparently unusual for where it was found... None Akane, Chiaki, Gundham, Hiyoko, Mahiru
074 Another Battle The first in a series of yakuza films. It became popular for being a yakuza film that had no battle scenes in it whatsoever. Sonia Fuyuhiko, Peko
075 Desperation A collection of famous songs by Tatsuro Furuta, a folk singer/songwriter who ushered in a new era of folk music. Ibuki Sonia
076 1000 Cherry Blossoms A high quality tool used for floral arrangements. The needles are inserted into flowers and branches. None Gundham, Hiyoko
077 Paper "10th Act Verse" A paper handkerchief used by upper-class craftsmen. They keep it inside their pockets until they need to wipe their mouths. Hiyoko Fuyuhiko, Gundham, Peko, Sonia
078 Marine Snow This floating snow-like substance displays a fantastic beauty. It's actually a collection of plankton corpses. None Akane, Byakuya, Chiaki, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Nekomaru, Peko, Sonia
079 Gold Coated Sheath A bamboo sword sheath with a beautiful gold finish on the part where the blade is inserted. Peko Fuyuhiko
080 Mini Wave-Dissipaters This island souvenir is a wave dissipation block that fits in the palm of your hand. If you leave it on the coast, sea water gathers around it. None Akane, Chiaki, Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Mahiru, Peko
081 Stardust A small bottle of stardust. It's said that owning this item is enough to make you happy. Despite its name, it's actually made from the shell of a small sea creature. Fuyuhiko Akane, Byakuya, Chiaki, Gundham, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Peko
082 Japanese Tea Cup A fancy teacup made from royal wood. It's said that regular water will taste sweet if it's served in this cup. Mahiru Fuyuhiko, Peko, Sonia
083 Two-Sided Ukulele This tropical instrument is stringed on both sides. The sound changes depending on which side you play. The outer side produces a light, happy sound, while the inner side produces an dark, heavy sound. Ibuki None
084 Collapsible Fishing Rod A fishing rod designed so you can enjoy fishing anytime, anywhere. It becomes the size of a ballpoint pen when you collapse it, allowing you to carry it with you freely. None Ibuki
085 Bojobo Dolls Made from seeds and coconut fiber, these are used in Buddhist prayers. You determine your wish based on how you position the arms and legs. None Akane, Byakuya, Fuyuhiko, Ibuki, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Mikan, Nekomaru, Peko, Sonia, Teruteru
086 Century Potpourri An aromatic blend of ripened flowers, herbs, and fruit skins. You'll enjoy the smell of this potpourri for one hundred years. Akane, Chiaki, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Peko, Sonia Byakuya, Gundham, Fuyuhiko, Ibuki, Kazuichi, Mikan, Nagito, Nekomaru, Teruteru
087 Absolute Tuning Fork An enormous tuning fork. In the hands of a tuning master, it has the power to destroy everything with its resonance. In a pinch, you can also hang your laundry from it. Ibuki Gundham
088 Seven Sword A sword discovered inside a clay doll excavated from the island. The blade has the unique characteristic of branching off into seven blades, but its number of uses is already maxed out. None Chiaki, Gundham, Peko
089 Sand God's Storm Horn A broken horn from some unknown creature. Those who possess this horn will be able to read the wind. Nekomaru Gundham, Sonia
090 Memory Notebook A ragged notebook. The cover says, "Ky...ko... Oto...'s Memory Notebook." The writings on the inside are too worn out to read. Nagito None
091 Mukuro's Knife A knife with the Hope's Peak Academy crest on it. The blade is too rusted to use. Nagito None
092 Broken Warhead A weapon of mass destruction found at the bottom of the ocean. The following words were inscribed on the warhead by a fallen princess: "Humans can still live without this." Kazuichi Sonia
093 Girl with the Bear Hairpin A masterpiece from the realist artist, Riskini Harden Phenomenon. It was reported last year that he immersed himself in despair, and was constantly painting the entire time. None Akane, Mahiru, Mikan, Teruteru
094 Bar A metal tool used to remove nails or apply leverage. Not to be confused with its J-shaped cousin, the crowbar. None Ibuki, Kazuichi
095 Dip Pen A pen used for drawing lines by absorbing ink into the nib. Depending on your technique, you can create vivid lines with it. The pen of choice for manga artists and illustrators. None None
096 Tissue A modern symbol of our present society. This disposable paper has many uses, such as blowing your nose, wiping away dirt, and wrapping with kindness. None Ibuki, Mikan, Nekomaru
097 Jabba the Frog A frog native to Jabberwock Island. It has an extremely long lifespan, and is said to live approximately 600 years. None Gundham, Sonia
098 Iguana Daughter An iguana native to Jabberwock Island. According to local legend, this creature was originally a young maiden who was changed into this form through magic. None Gundham
099 Dull Kitchen Knife A kitchen knife that's useless for cutting. A first-rate cook will never use this knife... None None
100 Occult Photo Frame A picture frame that automatically converts digital photographs into ghostly photos. None Kazuichi, Sonia
101 Lust Setsugekka Japanese sake that contains no alcohol. Despite being alcohol free, it will still get you drunk. None Ibuki, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Teruteru
102 Rose in Vitro A small rose stored inside a test tube. It's good for both hellos and farewells. In the language of flowers, a red rose means passionate love. Chiaki, Hiyoko, Mahiru Akane, Byakuya, Fuyuhiko, Ibuki, Kazuichi, Mikan, Nekomaru, Peko, Sonia, Teruteru
103 Skullhead Mask A creepy skullhead mask that appears in "Time Travelers." The lackeys of the terrorist Skelton are known to wear this. Chiaki Gundham, Ibuki, Sonia
104 Replica Sword A sword for display purposes. The sheath has a scratch on it, and the gold foil near the hilt is scraped off. It doesn't look very valuable... N/A N/A
105 An An Aan A fashion magazine for teenage girls and women in their twenties. Its articles about topics such as the latest fashion trends, cooking techniques, and tips for appearing more feminine have made it extremely popular. N/A N/A
106 Man's Nut A huge nut that can't be found in nature. It's said to exist within a man's heart. It's said that consuming this will increase your power to pursue romance. N/A N/A
107 Compact Costume By chanting a secret spell, this mysterious compact mirror will transform you into anything. Even if you're a girl who doesn't stand out much, this item will help put you at the front and center. Mahiru Fuyuhiko, Ibuki, Peko, Sonia
108 Angel's Fruit Despite its toxic appearance, this fruit bears a sweetness that will take you to heaven. However, they say that those who eat this fruit will be possessed by evil and fall to the dark side. Gundham Akane, Ibuki, Teruteru
109 Bandage Wrap A cloth bandage wrap used to treat wounds. In some cases, you can also use this to demonstrate your morbidity or cruelty. Mikan Akane, Ibuki
110 Secret Wind Sword Book A book documenting a certain sword technique named after "Sayaka M." The beautiful movements of this technique look like you're cutting through fluttering flower petals. Even the sword itself looks like it's singing. Peko Fuyuhiko, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Nagito
111 Summer Festival Tree The debut single of the boy band, Black Cherry. This song became a huge hit due to its rhythmic beat and catchy lyrics about summer. N/A N/A
112 Hagakure Crystal Ball A broken crystal ball held together with adhesive tape. The previous owner used this item to predict the future. 30 percent of the time, he was accurate 100 percent of the time. None None
113 R/C 4WD Battler Taro A manga about a boy named Taro who fights using RC cars. Children across Japan cried when Taro said this line in the final chapter: "Adults will never understand! A goal is still a goal, even if it's a reverse run!" N/A N/A
114 Used Carrot A carrot given by Monomi. It's been used so much that it's practically scraped clean. None None
115 Nagito's Undergarments Nagito's boxer shorts. Even when the laundry got soaking wet from a sudden rainstorm, this pair of lucky underwear was the only thing that stayed dry. N/A N/A
116 Byakuya's Undergarments Byakuya's favorite high-end underwear. It comes from the only brand that the truly elite will wear. N/A N/A
117 Gundham's Undergarments Gundham's favorite invisible underwear. You can't tell if it's really there or not. Apparently, humans with low astral vision cannot see it. N/A N/A
118 Kazuichi's Undergarments Kazuichi Soda's favorite trunks. A popular brand among mechanical men due to its "Repair the Now, Create the Now" ad campaign. That kind of feeling shines through the colorful design. N/A N/A
119 Teruteru's Undergarments Teruteru's favorite briefs. It's a pretty expensive pair of underwear, perfect for someone who wishes to be seen as a cool, adult man. N/A N/A
120 Nekomaru's Undergarments Nekomaru's favorite briefs. They were created by Military World, the historically renowned men's underwear manufacturer. Only the best of team managers are allowed to wear them. N/A N/A
121 Fuyuhiko's Undergarments Fuyuhiko's favorite underwear. Despite that, it doesn't seem like he wears them because he likes them. Apparently he doesn't have strong feelings toward his underwear. N/A N/A
122 Akane's Undergarments Akane's favorite panties. They emphasize freedom of movement, so they don't interfere with fighting. N/A N/A
123 Chiaki's Undergarments Chiaki's favorite panties. The cute 8-bit pixel pattern is both retro and modern. N/A N/A
124 Sonia's Undergarments Sonia's favorite regal undergarments. The modest lace conveys an air of refined sophistication. N/A N/A
125 Hiyoko's Undergarments Hiyoko's favorite panties. They're actually sized for children in order to fit her body more comfortably. N/A N/A
126 Mahiru's Undergarments Mahiru's panties. It seems she has an eye for detail when it comes to undergarments. N/A N/A
127 Mikan's Undergarments Mikan's favorite panties. She often gets the wrong size, so these are a little small. N/A N/A
128 Ibuki's Undergarments Ibuki's favorite panties. These Harajuku-style panties perfectly capture Ibuki's cheeriness. N/A N/A
129 Peko's Undergarments Peko's favorite black thong. She wears these for all her kendo competitions. N/A N/A
130 Wooden Stick A wooden stick Monomi found on the island. It gives you the courage to fight. This unlocks Monomi Mode, which is even more fun than the actual game. N/A N/A
131 Usami Strap An item that splits the world. There's a paradise waiting on the other end. This unlocks Island Mode, which is even more fun than the actual game. N/A N/A
132 Danganronpa IF A novel that depicts an alternate Danganronpa. This unlocks Novel Mode, which is even more fun than the actual game. N/A N/A
133 Fosho Broken Wand Proof that you've cleared the Prologue. Usami had this magic stick, but it's seriously broken, fosho. N/A N/A
134 3 Star Badge Proof that you've cleared Chapter 1. A memento of Teruteru Hanamura. It's filled with the boastings and pride that have made countless gourmands roar with ecstasy. N/A N/A
135 Black Dragon Blade Proof that you've cleared Chapter 2. A memento of Peko Pekoyama. The highest quality bamboo sword, this ancient and honorable weapon has been passed down through each generation of Pekoyamas. N/A N/A
136 Nurse's Apron Proof that you've cleared Chapter 3. A memento of Mikan Tsumiki. It's soaked with the smell of medicine. N/A N/A
137 Hell Hound Earring Proof that you've cleared Chapter 4. Proof of being the top breeder. When it's worn by Gundham Tanaka, its true power shines through. N/A N/A
138 Gamer's Backpack Proof that you've cleared Chapter 5. A memento of Chiaki Nanami. Apparently, it was a present from a certain gaming magazine. N/A N/A
139 Giant Cell Phone Proof the you've cleared Chapter 6. A memento of Junko Enoshima. This hopelessly decorated cellphone will no longer reach anyone. N/A N/A
140 Easter Egg Proof that you cleared the Epilogue. A monument bearing words of resolution. The following words are inscribed on the front: "Goodbye Academy of Despair." N/A N/A