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There are 50 achievements for the Xbox 360, including one secret achievement, worth 1,000 Gamerscore points. There are 51 trophies for the PlayStation 3, including one secret trophy, consisting of one 4: Platinum trophy Platinum, three 3: Gold trophy Gold, four 2: Silver trophy Silver and 43 1: Bronze trophy Bronze.

General[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
Zombie Slaughter Kill 500 zombies. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Zombie Destruction Kill 5,000 zombies. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Z-Genocider 2: Genocide Harder Kill 53,596 zombies. 20 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Zombie Genocide Master Kill 72,000 zombies. 20 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Vigilante Justice Defeat 5 psychopaths. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Judge, Jury and Executioner Defeat 10 psychopaths. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Zombie Fu Kill 1,000 zombies barehanded. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Wrong kind of "Chopper" Kill 1,000 zombies while riding a motorcycle. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
He hasn't covered wars... Use every type of firearm on a zombie. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Head Trauma Use every type of melee weapon on a zombie. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Death From Afar Use every type of ranged weapon on a zombie. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Explosive Temper Use every type of explosive on a zombie. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Slaughter - S = Laughter! Use every type of novelty weapon on a zombie. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Come on! Follow me! Escort 8 survivors at once. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Saving the Day Save 10 survivors. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Hero of Fortune City Save 50 survivors. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Needs more chainsaw Create a combo weapon. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Duct Tape FTW Create all combo weapons. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Apprentice Rising Reach level 25. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Professional Rising Reach level 50. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Fashion Aficionado Change into 10 different pieces of clothing. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Chuck Greene: Cross Dresser? Change into all the clothes in the game. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Clean Record Complete The Facts. 20 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Bartender Mix a drink. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Look at all that juice! Create and consume all mixed drinks in the game. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Finally Full Eat all types of food in the game. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Having A Gas Kill 1,000 "special" zombies. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Father of the Month Give Katey a gift. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Father of the Year Give Katey every possible gift. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Justice Served Complete Overtime Mode. 20 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver
Better With a Friend Solve all case files in Co-op. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Don't you die on me! Revive another player in Co-op. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Big Spender Spend $6,000,000 in Fortune City. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Window Shopper Enter all the stores in the game. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Masquerade Have 10 zombies with masks on at once. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Improper Behavior Spraypaint all Zombrex posters. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
TK's Favorite Play and win in all 9 TIR events. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Rising Star Come in first place in a single TIR event. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Win Big! Finish in first place in a TIR episode. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Custom Finish Give your bike a custom paint job. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Curiously Inventive Collect all combo cards hidden in Fortune City. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Life Saver Collect all survivor combo cards. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Tough Guy Collect all combo cards from psychopaths. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Half Deck Collect 25 combo cards. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Full Deck Collect all combo cards. 20 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Data Miner Fill all entries in the notebook. 20 Gamerscore points 3: Gold trophy Gold
Smashy Smash 100 zombies using the Smash skill move. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Stick 'em up Stick it to a zombie by covering him in weapons and objects! 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
The Skill To Survive Tame Snowflake. 20 Gamerscore points 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
DR2 Trophy Master You have acquired all the trophies in Dead Rising 2. N/A 4: Platinum trophy Platinum

Secret[edit | edit source]

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon Trophy
Tape it Or DIE! Discovered The Secret Combo Card. Did You Cheat By Checking Online? 20 Gamerscore points 2: Silver trophy Silver