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Town of Dorl[edit]

When you begin the game, you will be given a brief synopsis of the story and you are asked to press a button. When you do, you are presented with the town menu, explained below. This is where you will always begin a game when you continue, or visit when you need to heal and purchase equipment.

Command Translation Description
しんでん Temple Visit the temple to restore lost health, and to pray. See below.
こうえきしょ Shop Purchase and sell items here. See below.
もちものをみる View inventory You can view the items currently in your possession.
しろにゆく Go to the castle Proceed to the first floor of the castle.


Command Translation Description
からだのかいふく Healing Restore lost hit points at a cost of roughly 1GP for every 5HP lost. The cost is substantially higher if you've been poisoned.
いのりをささげる Offer prayer A prayer for your success and the devil's defeat will be chanted.
しんでんをでる Exit the temple Return to the Town of Dorl.


Command Translation Description
ぶきをかう Buy weapons Purchase weapons to fight enemies with.
ぼうぐをかう Buy armor Purchase equipment to raise your defense and minimize damage.
どうぐをかう Buy items Buy items such as herbal broth and white mushrooms for your adventure.
もちものをうる Sell inventory Sell back items that you won't need at a reduced price.
こうえきしょをでる Exit the shop Return to the Town of Dorl.

If you wish to buy an item, you can purchase any of the weapons, armor, shields and regular or magical items listed on the items page from the Shop. You can select from the list of items available, and when you are finished selecting, choose the last item on the list (いらない) to return to the previous menu. The armor list is longer than the window allows, and therefore scrolls as you move the cursor down. Note that you must equip a weapon or armor before it becomes active by choosing もちもの in the castle. You are in danger of being attacked before you have a chance to activate your new equipment, so do it quickly.

If you wish to sell an item, you can sell any unused item in your inventory. You will be offered a substantially reduced price from what you possibly paid for the item. If you find the price acceptable (いいなら), press A button. If you find it unacceptable (だめなら), press B button. When you have decided, you will be asked if you wish to sell anything more, yes (はい), or no (いいえ). When selecting an item to sell, press B button to return to the previous menu.