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Box artwork for Deimos Rising.
Box artwork for Deimos Rising.
Deimos Rising
Developer(s)Swoop Software
Publisher(s)Ambrosia Software
Year released2001
System(s)Windows, Mac OS, macOS
Preceded byMars Rising
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksDeimos Rising ChannelSearch

Deimos Rising is a computer game by Ambrosia Software, similar to many top-scrolling arcade shooters. The sequel to Mars Rising, it is available on Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms. It is similar to the scrolling arcade shooter, Xevious. The player commands a fighter-bomber airplane known as a VacFighter through twelve progressively more difficult levels. Some of the levels are named after ancient locations or battles, such as Thermopylae or Carthage.

The game builds on its predecessor by using greater colour depth (16 bit colour, rather than 8 bit as in Mars Rising), alpha transparency, motion blur, improved artwork and a wider range of enemies and weapons.

Table of Contents
