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Table of Contents
- Abysia
- Agartha
- Arcoscephale
- Ashdod
- Atlantis
- Bandar Log
- Bogarus
- Caelum
- C'tis
- Eriu
- Ermor
- Fomoria
- Gath
- Helheim
- Hinnom
- Jomon
- Jotunheim
- Kailasa
- Lanka
- Machaka
- Man
- Marignon
- Marverni
- Mictlan
- Midgard
- Niefelheim
- Oceania
- Pangaea
- Patala
- Pythium
- R'lyeh
- Shinuyama
- Sauromatia
- T'ien Ch'i
- Tir na n'Og
- Ulm
- Utgard
- Vanheim
- Yomi
- Independents
- Special Monsters
- Abysia, Children of Flame
- Agartha, Pale Ones
- Arcoscephale, Golden Era
- Atlantis, Emergence of the Deep Ones
- Caelum, Eagle Kings
- C'tis, Lizard Kings
- Ermor, New Faith
- Fomoria, Cursed Ones
- Helheim, Dusk and Death
- Kailasa, Rise of the Ape Kings
- Lanka, Land of Demons
- Marverni, Time of Druids
- Mictlan, Reign of Blood
- Niefelheim, Sons of Winter
- Oceania, Triton Kings
- Pangaea, Age of Revelry
- R'lyeh, Time of Aboleths
- Sauromatia, Amazon Queens
- T'ien Ch'i, Spring and Autumn
- Tir na n'Og, Land of the Ever Young
- Ulm, Enigma of Steel
- Vanheim, Age of Vanir
- Yomi, Oni Kings
- Abysia, Blood and Fire
- Agartha, Golem Cult
- Arcoscephale, The Old Kingdom
- Ashdod
- Atlantis, Kings of the Deep
- Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
- Caelum, Reign of the Seraphim
- C'tis, Miasma
- Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
- Ermor, Broken Empire
- Jotunheim, Iron Woods
- Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
- Man, Tower of Avalon
- Marignon, Fiery Justice
- Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
- Oceania, Coming of the Capricorns
- Pangaea, Age of Bronze
- Pythium, Emerald Empire
- R'lyeh, Fallen Star
- Shinuyama, Land of the Bakemono
- T'ien Ch'i, Imperial Bureaucracy
- Ulm, Forges of Ulm
- Vanheim, Arrival of Man
- Abysia, Blood of Humans
- Agartha, Ktonian Dead
- Arcoscephale, Sibylline Guidance
- Atlantis, Frozen Sea
- Caelum, Return of the Raptors
- C'tis, Desert Tombs
- Ermor, Ashen Empire
- Jomon, Human Daimyos
- Man, Towers of Chelms
- Marignon, Conquerors of the Sea
- Mictlan, Blood and Rain
- Midgard, Age of Men
- Pangaea, New Era
- Patala, Reign of the Nagas
- Pythium, Serpent Cult
- R'lyeh, Dreamlands
- T'ien Ch'i, Barbarian Kings
- Ulm, Black Forest
- Utgard, Well of Urd
Overview[edit | edit source]
In the Late Age, Humanbreds have outbred the pure Abysians. The heat of the Smouldercone is waning as is its magic. Blood cult of the old days has been reinstituted, and pureblood Abysians are rare.
National Features[edit | edit source]
Units[edit | edit source]
- Unit
- Gold x, Resources y
- Description
Commanders[edit | edit source]
- Unit
- Gold x, Resources y
- Description
Heroes[edit | edit source]
Starting Sites[edit | edit source]
National Spells[edit | edit source]
National Summons[edit | edit source]
- Unit
- Gems z
- Description
Strategies[edit | edit source]
Strategy A[edit | edit source]
Scale Design[edit | edit source]
Pretender Design[edit | edit source]
Expansion[edit | edit source]
Research Order[edit | edit source]
Go to top
- The Eras
- Abysia, Blood of Humans
- Nations/Agartha, Ktonian Dead
Table of Contents
- Abysia
- Agartha
- Arcoscephale
- Ashdod
- Atlantis
- Bandar Log
- Bogarus
- Caelum
- C'tis
- Eriu
- Ermor
- Fomoria
- Gath
- Helheim
- Hinnom
- Jomon
- Jotunheim
- Kailasa
- Lanka
- Machaka
- Man
- Marignon
- Marverni
- Mictlan
- Midgard
- Niefelheim
- Oceania
- Pangaea
- Patala
- Pythium
- R'lyeh
- Shinuyama
- Sauromatia
- T'ien Ch'i
- Tir na n'Og
- Ulm
- Utgard
- Vanheim
- Yomi
- Independents
- Special Monsters
- Abysia, Children of Flame
- Agartha, Pale Ones
- Arcoscephale, Golden Era
- Atlantis, Emergence of the Deep Ones
- Caelum, Eagle Kings
- C'tis, Lizard Kings
- Ermor, New Faith
- Fomoria, Cursed Ones
- Helheim, Dusk and Death
- Kailasa, Rise of the Ape Kings
- Lanka, Land of Demons
- Marverni, Time of Druids
- Mictlan, Reign of Blood
- Niefelheim, Sons of Winter
- Oceania, Triton Kings
- Pangaea, Age of Revelry
- R'lyeh, Time of Aboleths
- Sauromatia, Amazon Queens
- T'ien Ch'i, Spring and Autumn
- Tir na n'Og, Land of the Ever Young
- Ulm, Enigma of Steel
- Vanheim, Age of Vanir
- Yomi, Oni Kings
- Abysia, Blood and Fire
- Agartha, Golem Cult
- Arcoscephale, The Old Kingdom
- Ashdod
- Atlantis, Kings of the Deep
- Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
- Caelum, Reign of the Seraphim
- C'tis, Miasma
- Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
- Ermor, Broken Empire
- Jotunheim, Iron Woods
- Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
- Man, Tower of Avalon
- Marignon, Fiery Justice
- Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
- Oceania, Coming of the Capricorns
- Pangaea, Age of Bronze
- Pythium, Emerald Empire
- R'lyeh, Fallen Star
- Shinuyama, Land of the Bakemono
- T'ien Ch'i, Imperial Bureaucracy
- Ulm, Forges of Ulm
- Vanheim, Arrival of Man
- Abysia, Blood of Humans
- Agartha, Ktonian Dead
- Arcoscephale, Sibylline Guidance
- Atlantis, Frozen Sea
- Caelum, Return of the Raptors
- C'tis, Desert Tombs
- Ermor, Ashen Empire
- Jomon, Human Daimyos
- Man, Towers of Chelms
- Marignon, Conquerors of the Sea
- Mictlan, Blood and Rain
- Midgard, Age of Men
- Pangaea, New Era
- Patala, Reign of the Nagas
- Pythium, Serpent Cult
- R'lyeh, Dreamlands
- T'ien Ch'i, Barbarian Kings
- Ulm, Black Forest
- Utgard, Well of Urd