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Box artwork for Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil.
Box artwork for Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil.
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
Developer(s)Nerve Software
Year released2005
System(s)Windows, Linux, Xbox
Genre(s)First-person shooter
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Mature
LinksDoom 3: Resurrection of Evil ChannelSearch

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil is an expansion pack for Doom 3 released for Windows, Linux, and Xbox. The Xbox version was distributed as a standalone game rather than an expansion pack, and also included the earlier Doom games on the disc.

Story[edit | edit source]

The game takes place two years after the events of the base game. During another excavation in Mars led by Dr. Elizabeth McNeil, another artifact is found, causing the forces of Hell to return to reclaim the artifact.

Table of Contents
