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There are many types of armaments in Dragon Quest VIII. Some grant special resistances; others can only equipped by certain characters. Some armaments can change the appearance of your characters.

There are four types of armaments; Armor, Shields, Helms and Accessories. Armor, Shields and Helms all increase a character's Defense. While there are some Accessories that increase Defense, many other Accessories provide benefits to stats such as Wisdom or Strength.

Name Defense Special Equipped by Buy Sell Where to buy To make Used in
Jessica's Outfit 3 Changes Jessica's Appearance Jessica N/A 60 N/A None None
Plain Clothes 4 None Hero, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo 30 15 Farebury None
  • Wayfarer's Clothes = Plain Clothes + Plain Clothes
Bandit's Grass Skirt 5 None Yangus 35 18 Farebury None
  • Boxer Shorts = Bandit's Grass Skirt + Bandana
  • Magical Skirt = Bandit's Grass Skirt + Magical Mace + Magical Hat
  • Bandits Mail = Bandit's Grass Skirt + Bandit's Axe + Heavy Armour
Wayfarer's Clothes 7 None Hero, Yangus, Jessica, Angelo 70 35 Farebury
  • Wayfarer's Clothes = Plain Clothes + Plain Clothes
  • Leather Armor = Wayfarer's Clothes + Magic Beast Hide
  • Templar's Uniform = Wayfarer's Clothes + Templar's Shield
  • Chain Mail = Wayfarer's Clothes + Chain Whip
Boxer Shorts 8 None Yangus N/A 50 N/A
  • Boxer Shorts = Bandit's Grass Skirt + Bandana
  • Leather Kilt = Boxer Shorts + Magic Beast Hide
  • Robe of Serenity = Boxer Shorts + Cloak of Evasion
Silk Robe 10 None Jessica, Angelo 420 50 Peregrin Quay None None
Leather Armor 11 None Hero, Angelo 180 90 Farebury
  • Leather Armor = Wayfarer's Clothes + Magic Beast Hide
  • Scale Armor = Leather Armor + Dragon Scale
Leather Kilt 12 None Yangus 220 110 Alexandria, Port Prospect
  • Leather Kilt = Boxer Shorts + Magic Beast Hide
  • Leather Kilt = Leather Whip + Bandana
  • Titan Belt = Leather Kilt + Strength Ring
Templar's Uniform 13 None Angelo N/A 275 N/A
  • Templar's Uniform = Wayfarer's Clothes + Templar's Shield
  • Templar's Shield = Templar's Uniform + Iron Shield
Leather Dress 15 None Jessica 380 190 Ascantha
  • Leather Dress = Dancer's Costume + Magic Beast Hide
class="table-na" style="background-color: #ececec;" | N/A
Scale Armor 17 None Hero, Angelo 350 175 Alexandria, Port Prospect, Peregrin Quay
  • Scale Armor = Leather Armor + Dragon Scale
class="table-na" style="background-color: #ececec;" | N/A
Chain Mail 20 None Yangus 500 250 Peregrin Quay, Simpleton
  • Chain Mail = Wayfarer's Clothes + Chain Whip
  • Bronze Armor = Chain Mail + Bronze Shield
Leather Cape 22 None Angelo 1100 550 Pickham, West Trodain Church N/A N/A
Dancer's Costume 23 Changes Jessica's Appearance Jessica 1300 650 Pickham, Baccarat N/A
  • Leather Dress = Dancer's Costume + Magic Beast Hide
  • Dancer's Mail = Dancer's Costume + Silver Mail
Bronze Armor 24 None Hero 840 420 Ascantha, Pickham
  • Bronze Armor = Chain Mail + Bronze Shield
class="table-na" style="background-color: #ececec;" | N/A
Iron Cuirass 25 None Yangus 1000 500 Ascantha
  • Iron Cuirass = Iron Shield + Iron Shield
  • Silver Cuirass = Iron Shield + Silver Platter + Silver Platter
Fur Poncho 29 Fire and Ice damage reduced by 20 Yangus N/A 1100 N/A
  • Fur Poncho = Magic Beast Hide + Magic Beast Hide
  • Fur Hood = Fur Poncho + Feathered Cap
Cloak of Evasion 29 Increases dodge ability Jessica, Angelo 3000 1500 Peddler's Tent, Arcadia, Neos N/A
  • Robe of Serenity = Boxer Shorts + Cloak of Evasion
  • Dark Robe = Cloak of Evasion + Devil's Tail + Wing of Bat
Iron Armor 32 None Hero, Yangus 1800 900 Baccarat N/A N/A
Robe of Serenity 34 Damage reduced by 1/2 when sleeping Jessica N/A 3600 N/A
  • Robe of Serenity = Boxer Shorts + Cloak of Evasion
class="table-na" style="background-color: #ececec;" | N/A
Turtle Shell 37 None Yangus 2300 1100 Peddler's Tent, Neos N/A N/A
Bunny Suit 38 Changes Jessica's appearance with Fishnet Stockings and Bunny Tail Jessica N/A 1775 N/A
  • Bunny Suit = Silk Bustier + Bunny Tail
class="table-na" style="background-color: #ececec;" | N/A
Full Plate Armor 39 None Hero 2300 1150 Savella Cathedral, Neos N/A
  • Magic Armor = Full Plate Armor + Prayer Ring + Ruby of Protection
Magic Vestment 39 Damage from elemental spells reduced by 2/3 Jessica, Angelo 4400 2200 Argonia, Savella Cathedral N/A
  • Sage's Robe = Magic Vestment + Scholar's Cap