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Cameron's Codex is a feature exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS version. In Port Prospect, Cameron Obscura will give challenges that involve taking photos. When you show him your photographs, he will stamp the stamp card. Once the stamp card is full, he will reward an item and give a new stamp card. Completing all challenges in a region also rewards an item. As you progress through the game, more challenges become available. The camera is accessed by pressing Start button.

Challenges[edit | edit source]

ID Name Stamps Region Type
1 Shoot a Monster! 1 Unspecified Regular monsters
2 Fresh-faced Feline 2 Unspecified Regular monsters
3 Squidly Writing 2 Unspecified Regular monsters
4 Together Forever 1 Unspecified Regular monsters
5 Lip Service 1 Unspecified Regular monsters
6 Knighted Slime 1 Unspecified Regular monsters
7 Devilish Dancers 2 Unspecified Regular monsters
8 Bullion Bruiser 1 Unspecified Regular monsters
15 Precious Metal 1 Unspecified Regular monsters
16 Molten Metal 2 Unspecified Regular monsters
20 Crème de la Crème 3 Farebury Region Rare monsters
21 Multicoloured Mummy 3 Kingdom of Ascantha Rare monsters
22 Morrie's Minions 3 Pickham Region Rare monsters
23 Gold Grimalkin 3 Kingdom of Trodain Rare monsters
24 Cherry-fying Timber 3 Baccarat Region Rare monsters
27 Statue of Alexandra 2 Alexandria Region Famous sights
28 Prospect Lighthouse 1 Alexandria Region Famous sights
29 Peregrin Quay Market 1 Maella Region Famous sights
30 Maella's Hidden Treasure 2 Maella Region Famous sights
31 Torture Chamber 1 Maella Region Famous sights
32 Cock and Bull Stories 1 Maella Region Famous sights
33 Knight of the Round Glass 1 Maella Region Famous sights
34 Little Hill of Hope 2 Kingdom of Ascantha Famous sights
35 Spinning a Yarn 1 Kingdom of Ascantha Famous sights
36 Castle Keepsake 2 Kingdom of Ascantha Famous sights
37 View over Ascantha 1 Kingdom of Ascantha Famous sights
38 Swordsmen Siblings 2 Kingdom of Ascantha Famous sights
39 Bandit Borough 1 Kingdom of Ascantha Famous sights
40 Secret Society of Scoundrels 3 Kingdom of Ascantha Famous sights
41 Theatre in the Round 2 Unspecified Famous sights
43 Trodain in Trouble 2 Kingdom of Trodain Famous sights
44 Grandest Piano 2 Kingdom of Trodain Famous sights
45 Sabrecat Statue 1 1 Baccarat Region Famous sights
46 Sabrecat Statue 2 1 Baccarat Region Famous sights
47 Sabrecat Statue 3 1 Baccarat Region Famous sights
48 Sabrecat Statue 4 1 Baccarat Region Famous sights
49 Arboreal or Unreal 3 Baccarat Region Famous sights
50 Churchy Caper 1 Baccarat Region Famous sights
51 Casino Country 2 Baccarat Region Famous sights
52 Bunny Threesome 1 Baccarat Region Famous sights
53 Great Sage 1 Baccarat Region Famous sights
54 Super-sized Sabrecat 2 Baccarat Region Famous sights
55 Charming Portrait 3 Royal Argonia Famous sights
56 Argonia Castle 2 Royal Argonia Famous sights
59 Three-horned Dragon 2 Desert Famous sights
60 Mystery Crystally Ball 2 Desert Famous sights
61 The Face of Arcadia 1 Arcadia Region Famous sights
62 Aurous Organ 1 Arcadia Region Famous sights
63 Colossal Cauldron 1 Arcadia Region Famous sights
64 See a See-saw 2 Arcadia Region Famous sights
68 Savella's Splendour 1 Savella Area Famous sights
71 Stone Lift 1 Savella Area Famous sights
73 Holy Isle 1 Holy Isle of Neos Famous sights
74 Medal Monarch's Mansion 2 Unspecified Famous sights
75 Medal Fountain 1 Unspecified Famous sights
76 Fane of Bane 1 Unspecified Famous sights
77 Embodiment of Bane 2 Unspecified Famous sights
78 Mural of Malevolence 2 Unspecified Famous sights
79 Unsettling Unsettled Statues 2 Unspecified Famous sights
89 Farebury Golden Slime 1 Farebury Region Golden slime statues
90 Alexandria Golden Slime 2 Alexandria Region Golden slime statues
91 Port Prospect Golden Slime 1 Alexandria Region Golden slime statues
92 Peregrin Quay Golden Slime 1 Maella Region Golden slime statues
93 Maella Golden Slime 1 Maella Region Golden slime statues
94 Simpleton Golden Slime 1 Maella Region Golden slime statues
95 Ascantha Golden Slime 1 Kingdom of Ascantha Golden slime statues
96 Ascantha Golden Slime 2 Kingdom of Ascantha Golden slime statues
97 Pickham Golden Slime 1 Pickham Region Golden slime statues
98 Red's Den Golden Slime 2 Pickham Region Golden slime statues
99 Monster Arena Golden Slime 2 Unspecified Golden slime statues
100 Medal King's Golden Slime 1 Unspecified Golden slime statues
101 Baccarat Golden Slime 2 Baccarat Region Golden slime statues
102 Baccarat Golden Slime 1 Baccarat Region Golden slime statues
103 Felix's Golden Slime 1 Baccarat Region Golden slime statues
104 Argonia Golden Slime 1 Royal Argonia Golden slime statues
105 Argonia Golden Slime 1 Royal Argonia Golden slime statues
106 Argonia Golden Slime 2 Royal Argonia Golden slime statues
107 Arcadia Golden Slime 1 Arcadia Region Golden slime statues
108 Arcadia Golden Slime 2 Arcadia Region Golden slime statues
111 Savella Golden Slime 1 Savella Area Golden slime statues
112 Lord High Priest's Golden Slime 1 Savella Area Golden slime statues
118 Mist-clearing Marvel 1 Farebury Region Notable characters
119 Alexandria's Lady of the Manor 2 Alexandria Region Notable characters
120 Kind King of Ascantha 3 Kingdom of Ascantha Notable characters
121 Steadfast Maidservant 1 Kingdom of Ascantha Notable characters
122 Princely Pooch 1 Kingdom of Ascantha Notable characters
123 Savant of the Slums 1 Pickham Region Notable characters
124 Fortune-telling Flop 1 Pickham Region Notable characters
125 Awe-inspiring Outlaw 3 Pickham Region Notable characters
126 Maestro of the Monster Arena 3 Unspecified Notable characters
127 Baccarat Brats 2 Baccarat Region Notable characters
128 Purresident of the Great Sabrecat Trust 2 Baccarat Region Notable characters
129 King of Argonia 3 Royal Argonia Notable characters
130 Prince Charmless 3 Royal Argonia Notable characters
132 Mightiest Magician 2 Arcadia Region Notable characters
133 Super Sculptor 2 Arcadia Region Notable characters

Stamp Cards[edit | edit source]

Name Stamps
Slime Card 3
Dracky Card 5
Imp Card 7
Jailcat Card 9
Slime Knight Card 11
Chimaera Card 12
Restless Armour Card 13
Great Sabrecat Card 15
Tap Devil Card 17