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The cheats for Duke Nukem take the form of options that can be toggled on or off in the cheat menu, which is accessible from the main menu.

The cheats options can be accessible upon the completion of the single player campaign game on different difficulties. Some cheats, as indicated below, can lock achievements and ego points.

Safe cheats[edit | edit source]

Cheat name Description Requirements
Duke 3D Freeze Ray The freeze ray will fire bouncing projectiles. (SP campaign only)
Game speed Adjusts the game speed (SP campaign only)
Grayscale Mode Recreates the game in grayscale (SP campaign only)
Head Scale Adjusts the head size of npcs and enemies (SP campaign only) Complete the original game on the “Piece of Cake” difficulty
Mirror Mode Recreates the game but is mirrored horizontally

Unsafe cheats[edit | edit source]

Cheat name Description
Infinite Ammo Weapons never run out of ammo. (SP campaign only)
Instaglib Enemies die in one hit and glib. (SP campaign only)
Invincibility Duke is immune to bullets and explosions (SP campaign only)