Duke Lives is the first mission of Duke Nukem Forever.
Part 1[edit | edit source]
The game starts with Duke using the urinal. Exit out of there with the E key. (In one of the cubicles, there will be some poo which Duke can pick up, thus giving an achievement). Exiting the restroom area leads to a sport locker room with some soldiers deliberating how to take down the Cycloid Emperor. (You can interact with the board and draw just about anything to earn another achievement.) Once you exit out of the locker room and into the hallway, you will not be able to enter back in. head towards the stadium area where the Cycloid is, then you will get blown back. With the way blocked, you will have to go down some stairs on the side of the hallway. There will be enemies, but fortunately they would be already dealt with by the time soldiers already. Equip yourself with the devastator and stand on the circular area to be give the lift up to the stadium grounds, in a similar fashion in Duke 3D.
Keep an eye on the Cyclcoid emperor to avoid any rockets it launches. Keep firing with the Devastators. If you run our of devastator ammo, ammunition will drop in a few moments, and you will be informed when they do. The Emperor will also try to use a boost attack, so evade the boss while also firing. Once the boss' health is depleted, interact with its dislodged eyeball and marvel at the cinematic.
Part 2[edit | edit source]
Unfortunately, the previous part was a video game played by Duke himself.
- Maximum Ego location: Go to the door on the other side of the TV room, which will take you to the bathroom. Open the door to the left and in the commode room, interact with the toilet to urinate in real life and be given an Ego boost.
- There is also one of the locations of the phone calls, simply press the interact key when close to the phone on the toilet wall)
Get out of the TV room, and into the game room where the Twins are, go to the end of the room, left, then open the lift and press the lift button.