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Charms[edit | edit source]

Must be worn on the body.

Name Buy Sell Stats Other Effects
Travel Charm $60 $30 None Protects against paralysis
Great Charm $400 $200 Def +1, Spd +5 Protects against paralysis
Crystal Charm $600 $300 Def +2, Spd +15 Protects against paralysis
Rabbit's Foot $1800 $900 Def +3, Spd +40 Protects against paralysis

Pendants[edit | edit source]

Must be worn on the body.

Name Buy Sell Stats Other Effects
Flame Pendant $3000 $1500 Def +15 Protects against fire
Rain Pendant $3000 $1500 Def +15 Protects against freeze
Night Pendant $3000 $1500 Def +15 Protects against flash
Earth Pendant $4000 $2000 Def +16 Protects against fire, freeze, and flash
Sea Pendant $5000 $2500 Def +20 Protects against fire, freeze, and flash
Star Pendant $7000 $3500 Def +30 Protects against fire, freeze, flash, and paralysis

Bracelets and Bands[edit | edit source]

Must be worn on the arm.

Name Buy Sell Stats Other Effects
Cheap Bracelet $98 $49 Def +5 None
Copper Bracelet $349 $174 Def +10 None
Silver Bracelet $599 $299 Def +15 None
Gold Bracelet $2799 $1399 Def +30 None
Platinum Band $3899 $1949 Def +40 None
Diamond Band $5198 $2599 Def +50 None
Pixie's Bracelet $1590 $795 Def +60, Luck +10 Protects against hypnosis
Cherub's Band Not for Sale Not for Sale Def +70, Luck +20 Protects against hypnosis
Goddess Band $1980 $990 Def +80, Luck +30 Protects against Hypnosis

Hats and Caps[edit | edit source]

Must be equipped as "other".

Name Buy Sell Stats Other Effects
Baseball Cap $19 $9 Def +5 None
Mr. Baseball Cap $199 $99 Def +6 None
Holmes Hat $59 $29 Def +10 None
Hard Hat $298 $149 Def +15 None

Ribbons[edit | edit source]

Must be equipped as "other". Usable only by Paula.

Name Buy Sell Stats Other Effects
Ribbon $89 $44 Def +20 None
Red Ribbon $179 $89 Def +25 None
Defense Ribbon $389 $194 Def +40, Luck +15 None
Talisman Ribbon $3500 $1750 Def +60, Luck +25 None
Saturn Ribbon $3980 $1990 Def +90, Luck +40 None
Goddess Ribbon $6980 $3490 Def +110 None

Coins[edit | edit source]

Must be equipped as "other".

Name Buy Sell Stats Other Effects
Coin of Slumber $1500 $750 Def +30, Luck +10 None
Coin of Defense $2000 $1000 Def +40, Luck +13 None
Coin of Silence $2500 $1250 Def +45, Luck +16 None
Mr. Saturn Coin $1000 $500 Def +47, Luck +18 None
Charm Coin $3000 $1500 Def +50, Luck +20 None
Talisman Coin $3500 $1750 Def +60, Luck +25 None
Shiny Coin $4000 $2000 Def +70, Luck +30 None
Souvenir Coin $6000 $3000 Def +80, Luck +35 None
Lucky Coin $6000 $3000 Def +50, Luck +20 None

Poo's Special Equipment[edit | edit source]

Can only be worn by Poo.

Name Buy Sell Stats Other Effects
Cloak of Kings Not for Sale Not for Sale Def +20, Spd +40 None
Bracer of Kings Not for Sale Not for Sale Def +30, Luck +35 Protects against hypnosis
Diadem of Kings Not for Sale Not for Sale Def +20, Luck +30 Protects against freeze, fire, paralysis, and flash