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Box artwork for Earth 2150: The Moon Project.
Box artwork for Earth 2150: The Moon Project.
Earth 2150: The Moon Project
Developer(s)TopWare Interactive
Publisher(s)1C Company
Year released2000
Preceded byEarth 2150
Followed byLost Souls
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB TeenUSK Ages 12+OFLC Mature
LinksEarth 2150: The Moon Project ChannelSearch

Earth 2150: The Moon Project is a real-time strategy game released by TopWare Interactive.

During the later part of the wars in Earth 2150: Escape from the Blue Planet, the Lunar Corporation is developing a superweapon designed to precisely hit targets on Earth. In reaction to this project, both the United Civilized states and Eurasian Dynasty launch counterattacks to prevent the superweapon from being fired.

Table of Contents


Earth 2150: The Moon Project/Table of Contents