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Box artwork for Ed, Edd n Eddy: Scam of the Century.
Box artwork for Ed, Edd n Eddy: Scam of the Century.
Ed, Edd n Eddy: Scam of the Century
Year released2007
System(s)Nintendo DS
Preceded byEd, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures
SeriesEd, Edd n Eddy
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone
LinksEd, Edd n Eddy: Scam of the Century ChannelSearch

Story[edit | edit source]

As Ed, Edd, and Eddy are walking home from school one day Eddy notices that the items in his backpack were stolen. One of the items, a book titled "Who to Scam and When," reaches the hands of the other kids in the neighborhood who get angry at the trio.

You have to control the three Eds to battle your way back home to safety and to defeat The Masked Melonheaded Avenger and Splinter the Wonderwood.

Table of Contents
