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Listed below are the various types of items you will be able to find in Fallout.

Gadgets[edit | edit source]

Item Selling price Use First seen
Rope $25 In Vault 15, you will need it to descend down the elevator shafts. In the Glow, you'll need to attach the rope to the beam and descend down the crater. Shady Sands has one in one of the houses in the farm. You can also buy one from Seth.
Tool $200 Use it whenever you are repairing things to get an increase of 25% to the 'Repair' skill. You start out with one if you have enough repair skill. Killian has one in his store.
Lockpicks $150 Use it whenever you are picking conventional locks for an increase to the 'Lockpick' skill. You start out with them, or you can get them from the fridge in the Raiders base.
Electronic Lockpicks $375 Use it whenever you are picking electronic locks for an increase in the 'Lockpick' skill. You must give the necklace that Hightower owns to Loxley. He'll send you to Jasmine, who will give you a set of electronic lockpicks.
Radio $350 Use it to draw off the mutants in the military base, and it can also be used to remotely toggle the computer in the base. I traded some caps and flares for it from Lars at Junktown.
Flares $35 Twist the cap and drop the flare for an increase in brightness in an area. Not too great. You start out with them.
Dynamite $500 Set the timer and the explosives will blow. Good for destroying forcefields, disabling locks on locked doors, and killing immobile foes (i.e, Master). Vault 15 lockers, third floor
Plastic Explosives $850 Same as Dynamite, but a bit more powerful. Tyne sells it. He is a merchant in Adytum; to get to his store, head on to the left and enter the small shack and descend down the ladder. Or if you've visited the Military Base, some pieces are in a locker in the fourth floor.
First Aid Kit $200 Increases 'First Aid' skill if you use this item. You start out with one.
Doctor's Bag $300 Increases 'Doctor' skill if you use this item. There is one in Razlo's bookcase.
Motion Sensor for Pip-Boy $800 Lets you see all of the critters on the Pip-Boy automap. Random encounter (police box) or buy from the Hub.
Geiger Counter $650 Lets you see how much radiation is in your system. Killian has one.
Stealth-Boy $1800 Makes you slightly invisible and increases chances using the 'Sneak' skill. Random encounter (footprint) or kill the Nightkin at the Cathedral.
Vats Control Computer Key $40 Operates the Vats Control Computer at the Military Base. The Cathedral tech standing by the Vats Control Computer has one.
Military Base Key $25 Arms the nuclear bomb at the Cathedral. It's in the locker where the lieutenant is nearby.
Tape Recorder $80 Records Gizmo's confession for Killian so that he has evidence to kill him.
Wire Tap (Bug) $50 You can plant it on Gizmo's desk to give Killian the evidence He needs to kill Gizmo.
Backpacks, Bags Less than $100 It holds items. It's there to better organize your inventory at the expense of carrying weight. ???
Systolic Motivator $150 It's required to repair the Power Armor suit on Level 3 of the Brotherhood of Steel. ???
Psychic Nullifier $1000 Use it to "nullify" the Master's psychic attacks. ???

Holodisks[edit | edit source]

Holodisks can sell for an average of $100 and can be read with the Pip-Boy. They give out information on various subjects.

Here is a list of various holodiscs
Holodisk name Selling price Use First seen
Vault Locations 100 Contains information on specific subject. Mrs. Stapleton has this disc.
Mutant transmissions 100 Contains information on specific subject. The dying mutant has this disc.
Ancient Brotherhood tape 100 Contains information on specific subject. The dead paladin has one in the Glow.
Alpha/Delta/other holodiscs 100 Contains information on specific subject. Get them from the Glow.
Mutant autopsies 100 Contains information on specific subject. Vree has this disc. She has two copies of it.
Brotherhood history 100 Contains information on specific subject. Sophia has this disc.
Maxson's Log 100 Contains information on specific subject. Maxson has this disc.
Combination key for Military Base 100 Contains information on specific subject. The nightkin watching the entrance to the Military Base has it.
Zimmerman's son's death 100 Contains information on specific subject. Razor has this holodisc.

Keys[edit | edit source]

Most of the keys are a type of key card instead of a traditional metal key.

Item Selling price Use First seen
Yellow Key Card 40 Open the elevators at the Glow. Level 1, Brotherhood soldier
Red Key Card 10 Open the elevators at the Glow. Level 2, dead soldier with remains of a radioactive rat.
Blue Key Card 10 Open the elevators at the Glow. Level 4, only dead body
Red Pass Key 12 Open the locked doors on the first floor of the Cathedral. Lasher has one. You can barter them from Ton and Sister Francis.
Black Pass Key 400 Open the locked doors on the first floor of the Cathedral. Morpheus has one.

Books[edit | edit source]

Item Selling price Use First seen
Scout Handbook 200 Increases Outdoors up to 91%. Shady Sands
First Aid 175 Increases First Aid up to 91%. Shady Sands
Guns and Bullets 425 Increases Small Guns up to 91%. Gizmo's bookcase
Dean's Electronics 130 Increases Repair up to 91%. Hub
Big Book of Science 400 Increases Science up to 91%. Hub

Useless items[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Can be sold Selling price
Beer Lose one perception. No N/A
Booze Lose one perception. No N/A
Nuke-A-Cola You can become addicted to it. No N/A
Lighter unknown Yes ???
Box of Noodles Yes ???
TV Dinner Yes ???
Cat's Paw Magazine / You Have No Idea Yes ???
T-51b Repair Manual It's in the locked storage room at the Brotherhood. No N/A
Flower unknown Yes ???
Keys in Killian's store Effect unknown. No N/A