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XP Table
  • 1125 XP - Kill all Khans
  • 200 XP - Rescue two slaves

Characters[edit | edit source]

  1. Various Desert Raiders
  2. Garl, Raider Leader
  3. Petrox, a tough desert raider
  4. Tolya, another tough desert raider
  5. Diana, a tough desert raider
  6. Gwen, Garl's assistant
  7. The two slaves

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Kill everyone except for the two slaves housed in the main building.
  2. Swipe Garl's Metal Armor, the Desert Eagles, and Leather Armors.
  3. Get the Shotgun and 40 shells from the refrigerator and the desk.
  4. Acquire as much leather armor as you can from the raiders.
  5. Get the lockpicks from the refrigerator.

Loot[edit | edit source]

  1. 4-6 Desert Eagle .44's
  2. 5-10 10mm pistols
  3. 10-15 Leather Armors
  4. 1 Metal Armor
  5. 2 Molotov Cocktails
  6. Lots of ammunition
  7. Stimpacks and drugs

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

When you enter the raider camp, have your gun (by now you should have an SMG or a shotgun), and make sure that Ian has a gun (probably the 10mm pistol). Kill all the raiders, and don't hesitate to give Ian some stimpacks so he can heal himself.

Don't be afraid to burst at the raiders. Just make sure Ian isn't in the way. Make sure you kill Garl, the main Raider, preferably using the burst mode on the SMG. Steal Garl's metal armor, and you'll have fairly good defense early on in the game (normally, you would be buying this at Beth's or Jake's weapon store in the Hub). If you have the shotgun from Vault 13, that one works well too. That way, you can give the SMG to Ian.

After you kill everyone in the large room in the main Raider building, you'll free two slaves. 200 XP for you. Also, be sure to raid the fridge in the building; it has lockpicks, which you should take if you don't have any.

Take all the guns, the ammo, and the stimpacks. You'll need them, and you can sell the guns you found here in the Hub for combat armor and some heavy weapons. The extra armor can be used for trading at the Hub and possibly the Boneyard if you choose to go there. Head south to Junktown to continue your journey.

It is a good idea to give Ian the .44 Desert Eagle and all the ammo right now. He'll make a good shot with it.