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Ammo[edit | edit source]

Abbreviation key
JHP Jacketed Hollow Point
AP Armor Piercing
FMJ Full Metal Jacket
12S 12 Gauge Shell
MFC Micro Fusion Cell
SEC Small Energy Cell

Due to a bug in the Fallout engine, ammo modifiers are not take into account at all. AP, JHP and FMJ ammo all have the same penetration, accuracy and damage characteristics (all weapons will always deal their base amount of damage, reduced by any armor worn by the enemy). Use whichever ammo type you have.

As for energy weapons, their real effectiveness depends on the type of weapon used. For instance, laser weapons aren't as effective as plasma weapons on armored targets. Plasma is good against anything except for Tesla armor. The Alien Blaster uses a different technology (and from the death animations seen from Fallout and Fallout 2, I think pulse) which is goes through any type of armor. The cells themselves don't serve as damage modifiers, but are merely power units.

Pistols & sub-machine guns[edit | edit source]

Name Selling price First seen Required strength Damage Range Ammo usage Ammo type Ammo capacity Action points used
10 mm Pistol $450 You start out with it. 3 5-12 hp, normal 25 hexes single shot only, can be aimed AP or JHP 10 mm bullets 12 bullets 5 for single, 6 for aimed
14 mm Pistol $1000-1400 Buy from Jake in Old Town, located in the Hub. You can also get it from killing the guards in the Heights. 4 12-22 hp, normal 24 hexes single shot only, can be aimed AP 14 mm ammo cartridge 6 bullets in cartridge 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Desert Eagle .44 $800 Swipe from Raiders. 4 10-16 hp, normal 22 hexes single shot only, can be aimed .44 caliber JHP or FMJ bullet 8 bullets 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Mauser 9 mm $2000 Kill Gizmo to get it. 4 6-10 hp, normal 22 hexes single shot only, can be aimed 9 mm parabellum 7 rounds 4 for single, 5 for aimed
.223 Pistol $4000 Solve Irwin's quest and he'll give it to you. 5 20-30 hp, normal 30 hexes single shot only, can be aimed .223 FMJ cartridge 5 rounds 5 for single, 6 for aimed
10mm SMG $1000 Vault 15, locker on 3rd floor. 4 5-12 hp per bullet, normal 25 hexes single shot, can be aimed, burst shot of 10 bullets 10 mm JHP or AP bullets 30 bullets 5 for single, 6 for aimed, 6 for burst

Large weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Selling price First seen Required strength Damage Range Ammo usage Ammo type Ammo capacity Action points used
Minigun $3800 Buy from Gun Runners, or pick it from the Super Mutants. 7 4-10 per bullet, normal 35 hexes burst shot of 40 bullets 5 mm JHP or AP bullets 120 bullets 6 for burst
Rocket Launcher $6000 Buy from Old Town in the Hub. 6 35-100 hp, explosive 40 hexes single rocket Explosive or Anti-Armor rockets one rocket 6 for single
Flamethrower $2000 Buy from Old Town in the Hub. 6 30-60 hp, fire 5 hexes burst of flames Flame Fuel Enough fuel for 5 shots 6 for burst

Rifles & shotguns[edit | edit source]

Name Selling price First seen Required strength Damage Range Ammo Action points used
Usage Type Capacity
Hunting Rifle $900 In one of the rooms in Vault 15. 5 8-20 hp, normal 40 hexes Single, can be aimed .223 FMJ 10 rounds 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Assault Rifle $1300 Hub, Old Town 5 8-16 hp per bullet, normal 45 hexes Single, can be aimed, burst fire of 8 bullets 5 mm JHP or AP bullets 24 bullets 5 for single, 6 for aimed, 6 for burst
Sniper Rifle $2200 Hub, Old Town 5 14-34 hp, normal 50 hexes Single, can be aimed .223 FMJ 6 rounds 6 for single, 7 for aimed
Shotgun $800 Raiders Base, it is in the fridge 4 12-22 hp, normal 14 hexes Single, can be aimed 12 gauge shells 2 shells 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Combat Shotgun $2750 Hub, Old Town. Either buy it from Jake or kill the thugs holding the Brotherhood initiate captive. 5 15-25 hp per shell, normal 22 hexes Single, can be aimed, burst of 3 shells 12 gauge shells 12 shells 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Red Ryder BB Gun $200 Killian's General Store, in the locked storage room 3 1-3 hp per pellet, normal 22 hexes Single, can be aimed ??? 100 BB pellets 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Red Ryder LE BB Gun $3500 Random Encounter (Bob's Used Cars) 3 25 hp per pellet, normal 32 hexes Single, can be aimed ??? 100 BB pellets 4 for single, 5 for aimed

Energy weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Selling price First seen Required strength Damage Range Ammo Action points used
Usage Type Capacity
Laser Pistol $1600 You can get it from the Brotherhood, or kill COC techs and take it from them. 3 10-22 hp, laser 35 hexes Single, can be aimed Small Energy Cells 12 cells 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Plasma Pistol $2750 Can be found in the sewers of Necropolis, but you can also buy it at the Gun Runners or find it at the Glow. 4 16-35 hp, plasma 20 hexes Single, can be aimed Small Energy Cells 16 cells 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Laser Rifle $5000 Harry has one, and you can get one from the mutants at the Cathedral/Military Base. 6 25-50 hp, laser 45 hexes Single, can be aimed Micro Fusion Cells 12 cells 5 for single, 6 for aimed
Plasma Rifle $4000 ($6000) Again, you can buy it from the Gun Runners, pick it up from the nightkin guards in the 2nd-4th levels of the Cathedral, or get one real early from the 5th level of the Glow, if you decide to go there. 6 30-65 hp (35-70 hp), plasma 25 hexes (35 hexes) Single, can be aimed Micro Fusion Cells 10 cells 5 for single, 6 for aimed (4 for single, 5 for aimed)
Gatling Laser $7500 You can kill Brotherhood guards to get it, but your karma will go way down. The lone Nightkin guarding the entrance to the basement in the Cathedral has the only Gatling Laser which you can get peacefully (BTW, all of the Brotherhood guards will be after you.) The lieutenant also has one, but he is encountered too late in the game. 6 20-40 hp per cell used, laser 40 hexes Burst of laser rays using 10 cells Micro Fusion Cells 30 cells for 3 laser ray bursts 6 for burst
Alien Blaster ??? Available in a special random encounter with two dead aliens. Only is available to characters with extremely high luck. 2 30-90 hp, pulse (good against any armor) 10 hexes ??? Small Energy Cells 30 cells for 30 shots ???

Upgrading the Plasma rifle[edit | edit source]

Turbo Plasma Rifle! Ask Smitty in the Boneyard. The upgrade lowers the AP cost as well as slightly increasing damage and greatly increasing range. This is the best weapon in the game.

Melee weapons[edit | edit source]

All melee weapons cause normal damage. The maximum damage value might vary as it is a direct result of your melee damage bonus.

Name Selling price First seen Required strength Damage Attack methods Action points used Special
Knife $40 You start out with one. There is another one to the bones of another vault dweller to your right. (Or your character's left.) 2 2-10 hp Swing or thrust 3 for swing or thrust, 4 for aimed swing or thrust
Combat Knife $160 It can be seen at Beth's store; you might be able to get one from the raiders at Irwin's house. 2 3-11 hp Swing or thrust 3 for swing or thrust, 4 for aimed swing or thrust
Throwing Knife $100 Raiders 3 3-6 hp Swing 3 for swing, 4 for aimed swing
Sledgehammer $120 It's in the room to the east of the farm in Shady Sands. 6 4-10 hp Swing or thrust 3 for swing, 4 for thrust or aimed swing, 5 for aimed thrust You can hit people from two hexes away.
Super Sledgehammer $3750 Jake at Old Town sells it. 5 14-39 hp Swing or thrust 3 for swing, 4 for thrust or aimed swing, 5 for aimed thrust You can hit people from two hexes away.
Spear $80 Aradesh gives it to you when you tell him that you will find Tandi. 4 3-13 hp Thrust 5 for thrust, 6 for aimed thrust You can hit people from two hexes away.
Club/Police Baton $30 Beth sells them. 3 1-7 hp Swing 3 for swing, 4 for aimed swing
Crowbar $50 Vault 15 5 3-13 hp Swing 4 for swing, 5 for aimed swing
Viroblade Ripper $900 The Gun Runners sell them. 4 15-35 hp Swing or thrust 4 for swing or thrust, 5 for aimed swing or thrust Ammo capacity of 30 Small Energy Cells
Cattle Prod $600 True to his name, Lasher has one. You can buy one at the Gun Runners. 4 12-23 hp Swing or thrust 4 for swing or thrust, 5 for aimed swing or thrust

Unarmed weapons[edit | edit source]

On all unarmed weapons, you can hit single or aim an attack. The single costs 3 action points, and the aimed costs 4 action points. All items require one Strength and do normal damage.

Name Selling price First seen Damage Ammo
Capacity Usage
Brass Knuckles $60 You might start out with them, but you can get a pair from Junktown. 2-10 hp N/A
Spiked Knuckles $250 You can pick them up from Kane once you confess to the Police about Decker in the Hub. Some of the mutant patrols at the military base have them. 4-15 hp N/A
Power Fist $2200 You can get this at the Brotherhood, or you can buy one at the Gun Runners or possibly find one at the Glow. There is one in the footlocker on the top level of the Cathedral, the one next to Morpheus' Room. 12-29 hp 25 small energy cells 1 cell per punch
Rock $0 Shady Sands, the shelf in Aradesh's house/building 1-4 hp N/A

Throwing weapons[edit | edit source]

Name Selling price First seen Required strength Damage Damage type Range Action points used
Unaimed throw Aimed throw
Spear $80 Aradesh gives it to you when you tell him that you will find Tandi. 4 3-13 hp normal 8 hexes 6 7
Throwing Knife $100 Raiders 3 3-6 hp normal 16 hexes 4 N/A
Molotov Cocktail $50 Raiders Base 3 8-20 fire 12 hexes 5 N/A
Fragmentation Grenade $150 There are a couple in the Vault 15 lockers 3 20-35 hp explosive 15 hexes 4 N/A
Plasma Grenade $300 Glow or Gun Runners 4 40-90 hp plasma 15 hexes 4 N/A
Pulse Grenade* $250 Jake sells them at Old Town in the Hub 4 100-150 hp electromagnetic pulse 15 hexes 4 N/A
Flare $35 Everywhere 4 1-1 hp normal 15 hexes 1 1
Rock $0 Shady Sands, the shelf in Aradesh's house/building 1 1-4 hp normal ??? 4 5

*Only affects robots.