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Box artwork for Fight Fever.
Box artwork for Fight Fever.
Fight Fever
Publisher(s)Viccom, SNK
Year released1994
ModesSingle Player, Multiplayer
LinksFight Fever ChannelSearch

Fight Fever (왕중왕, Wang Jung Wang, lit. "King of Kings") is a 1994 2D fighting game for the Neo-Geo MVS arcade platform. It is the first Korean Neo Geo title ever officially released, as well as the first game developed and released by Korean publisher of SNK games, Viccom (빅콤). A port for the Neo Geo CD was also showcased but never released.

Table of Contents


Character Select[edit | edit source]

Han Baedal Miyuki Rophen Heimer
Magic Dunker Master Taekuk Golrio
Kim Hoon Chintao Nick Commando