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Armor not only affects how much damage an enemy can do, but also affects your evasion and speed. There are four types of armor: body, head, arms, and shields. Each character class can equip a different set of armor:

Combat mechanics[edit | edit source]

Each character has an absorb and evade rating. Up to four pieces of armor may be equipped, each adding to the absorb rating and decreasing the evade rating. Thus higher absorb ratings are better while lower evade ratings are preferred. The strongest monsters will have high to-hit ratings however and will rarely be dodged, so absorb is more important than evade.

The base absorb rating of a character is 0, except for unarmored monks/masters which have absorb equal to their level. A bug in the NES version causes the monk/master to have their absorb reset to the unarmored level on leveling up, until the armor page is visited again to correctly set it.

The base evade rating of all characters is 48 plus their agility rating. Every extra point of evade generally decreases the character's chance to be hit by 0.5%. The weight of an armor reduces a character's ability to evade attack. Therefore, a Knight that equips Knight's Armor, the heaviest armor in the game, will be unlikely to avoid many attacks.

Armor types[edit | edit source]

Body[edit | edit source]

Body armor comes in several flavors. Heavy mail offers high protection at the small cost of reduced evasion, but can only be used by a few classes. Shirts or robes generally offer poor protection, and are intended for use by mages and wizards. Armlets offer varying levels of protection with good evasion and can be used by all classes, but at high cost.

Head[edit | edit source]

Helms add more protection than body armor alone, but only the Warrior, Knight, and Ninja classes can equip more than the most basic helm. The most worthwhile headgear in the game is the ribbon, which offers little physical protections, but makes the wearer immune to all status effects.

Arms[edit | edit source]

As with headgear, arm protection adds a small amount of defense, but only a few classes can equip the best kinds. The most useful piece is the protect ring which blocks instant death attacks (except Petrification).

Hand[edit | edit source]

Off-hand items, generally shields, not only give protection, but they can randomly block a physical attack, resulting in no damage to the wearer. Equip a character with shield if possible, no matter how weak it is since a block absorbs all damage. Since the protect cloak technically isn't a shield, it can be equiped by most characters that cannot use shields.

Armor details[edit | edit source]

See the class details chart below for a more detailed list of which classes can equip each piece of armor, and note that some armors have further explanation in the special weapons section.

In the table below, when two names are reported, the first one is from the NES version, the second one from the PSX and GBA remakes.

Default sorting is by price. Armors that can only be found but not purchased are listed afterwards, as more valuable; their listed price is twice the selling price, because every armor can be sold for half its purchasing price; anyway, their Price cell is shaded in gray.

Special effects:

  • Item: use the armor from the "Item" menu to cast a spell; alignment (B/W) and level (1-8) of the spell are noted as well; in order to use it as an item, it is not relevant whether the weapon is equipped or not.
  • Elements: Fire is strong versus ice attacks; Ice is strong versus fire attacks. The Dragon Mail protects from fire, ice and lightning too.

Many armors can only be equipped by specific characters. The tables below reports all of them, abbreviated as follows:

  • wK: Warrior and Knight
  • tN: Thief and Ninja
  • mM: Monk and Master
  • rR: Red Mage and Red Wizard
  • wW: White Mage and White Wizard
  • bB: Black Mage and Black Wizard

Body armor[edit | edit source]

Name Price Def W. Special effects wK tN rR mM wW bB Locations
Shirt / Clothes 10 1 2 - wK tN rR mM wW bB Buy: Cornelia
Find: several
Wooden/Leather armor 50 4 8 - wK tN rR mM - - Buy: Cornelia,
Chain armor/plate 80 15 15 - wK N rR - - - Buy: Cornelia,
Iron armor / Steel plate 800 24 23 - wK N - - - - Buy: Pravoka,
Find: Marsh Cave,
Cornelia Castle
Copper bracelet / armlet 1000 4 1 - wK tN rR mM wW bB Buy: Elfheim
Find: Marsh Cave
Silver bracelet/armlet 5000 15 1 - wK tN rR mM wW bB Buy: Melmond
Find: Marsh Cave
Silver armor / Mithril mail 7500 18 8 - wK N rR - - - Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Mt.Gulg
Steel/Knight's armor 45000 34 33 - wK - - - - - Buy: Melmond
Gold bracelet / Ruby armlet 50000 24 1 - wK tN rR mM wW bB Buy: Gaia
Find: Trials Citadel
Flame armor 30000 34 10 Protects against Ice damage wK N - - - - Find: Mt.Gulg
Ice armor 30000 34 10 Protects against Fire Damage wK N - - - - Find: Ice Cave
Opal/Diamond armor 60000 42 10 - K - - - - - Find: Sunken Shrine
Dragon armor/mail 60000 42 10 Protects against all elemental damage K - - - - - Find: Mirage Tower
Opal bracelet / Diamond armlet 65000 34 1 - wK tN rR mM wW bB Find: Sunken Shrine
Black shirt/robe - 24 2 Item: casts B4 Blizzara - - - - - B Find: Flying Fortress
White shirt/robe - 24 2 Item: casts W6 Invisira - - - - W - Find: Flying Fortress

Helms[edit | edit source]

Name Price Def W. Special effects wK tN rR mM wW bB Locations
Cap / Leather cap 80 1 1 - wK tN rR mM wW bB Buy: Elfheim
Find: Chaos Temple
Wooden helm / Helmet 100 3 3 - wK N - - - - Buy: Elfheim
Find: Mt.Duergar
Iron/Grand helm 450 5 5 - wK N - - - - Buy: Melmond
Find: Mt.Duergar
Silver/Mithril helm 2500 6 3 - wK N - - - - Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Mt.Gulg,
Flying Fortress
Opal/Diamond helm 1000 8 3 - K - - - - - Find: Sunken Shrine
Heal/Healing helm 10000 6 3 Item: casts W3 Heal K N - - - - Find: Mirage Tower,
Flying Fortress
Ribbon - 1 1 Prevents status ailments wK tN rR mM wW bB Find: Sunken Shrine,
Waterfall Cave,
Flying Fortress

Gloves[edit | edit source]

Name Price Def W. Special effects wK tN rR mM wW bB Locations
Gloves / Leather gloves 60 1 1 - wK tN rR mM wW bB Buy: Pravoka
Copper/Bronze gloves 200 2 3 - wK N - - - - Buy: Melmond
Find: Elfheim Castle
Iron/Steel gloves 750 4 5 - wK N - - - - Buy: Melmond
Find: Western Keep,
Trials Citadel
Silver/Mithril gloves 2500 6 3 - wK N - - - - Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Mt.Gulg,
Ice cavern
Pro-Ring / Protection Ring 20000 8 1 Prevents "instant-death" wK tN rR mM wW bB Buy: Gaia
Find: Flying Fortress,
Chaos Temple
Power/Giant's gloves 10000 6 3 Item: casts B7 Saber wK N R - - - Find: Sunken Shrine
Zeus gloves / Gauntlets 15000 6 3 Item: casts B3 Thundara K N R - - - Find: Trials Citadel
Opal/Diamond gloves 20000 8 3 - K - - - - - Find: Sunken Shrine,
Flying Fortress

Shields[edit | edit source]

Name Price Def W. Special effects wK tN rR mM wW bB Locations
Wooden/Leather shield 15 2 0 - wK N - - - - Buy: Pravoka
Find: Terra Cave
Iron shield 100 4 0 - wK N - - - - Buy: Pravoka,
Buckler 2500 2 0 - wK tN rR - - - Buy: Crescent Lake
Silver/Mithril shield 2500 8 0 - wK N - - - - Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Terra Cave,
Flame shield 10000 12 0 Element: fire wK N - - - - Find: Mt. Gulg
Ice shield 10000 12 0 Element: ice wK N - - - - Find: Ice Cavern
Opal/Diamond shield 15000 16 0 - K - - - - - Find: Sunken Shrine,
Flying Fortress
Pro-Cape / Protect Cloak 20000 8 2 - wK tN rR - wW bB Find: Flying Fortress,
Chaos Temple
Aegis shield 40000 16 0 Prevents "petrify" K - - - - - Find: Mirage Tower

Recommendations[edit | edit source]

Buy armor parts only if a character has an empty slot. This means only purchase armor parts early in the game: body armor in Cornelia, gloves in Pravoka, caps in Elfheim, shields in Pravoka and Crescent Lake.

After that, every useful armor part can be found for free in chests and dungeons. Purchasing further armor parts would be a waste of money.

When equipping armor parts, give priority to those with special properties.

The only armor parts recommended for purchase
Armor type Name Shops Users
Body armors Leather armor
Chain armor
Cornelia (Chapter 1)
Cornelia (Chapter 1)
Thief, Monk
Warrior, Red Mage
Shields Leather shield
Pravoka (Chapter 2)
Crescent Lake (Chapter 4)
Thief, Red Mage
Gloves Leather gloves Pravoka (Chapter 2) All!
Headgear Leather cap Elfheim (Chapter 3) All! (buy 2, the 3rd one can be found in the bottom left room of the castle with the first boss in Final Fantasy I, and the 4th one is found for free using the Mystic Key)

Notable armor sets[edit | edit source]

Armor parts can be grouped into sets. The parts in a set have generally some of the following in common: (1) same name; (2) same users; (3) nearby location; (4) similar special properties.

Light armor[edit | edit source]

These armor parts can be used by every character, with justy few exceptions. In particular, they are the only armor parts that can be worn by the White Mage/Wizard and the Black Mage/Wizard.

Name Part Price Def W. Special effects Characters Locations
Starter set (tot. def. = 3)
Clothes Body 10 1 2 - All! Buy: Cornelia
Find: several
Leather gloves Hands 60 1 1 - All! Buy: Pravoka
Leather cap Head 80 1 1 - All! Buy: Elfheim
Find: Chaos Temple
Intermediate armlets
Copper armlet Body 1000 4 1 - All! Buy: Elfheim
Find: Marsh Cave
Silver armlet Body 5000 15 1 - All! Buy: Melmond
Find: Marsh Cave
Ruby armlet Body 50000 24 1 - All! Buy: Gaia
Find: Trials Citadel
Diamond armlet Body 65000 34 1 - All! Find: Sunken Shrine
Wizard set (tot. def. = 41)
Ribbon Head - 1 1 Prevents status ailments All! Find: Sunken Shrine,
Waterfall Cave,
Flying Fortress
Protection Ring Hands 20000 8 1 Prevents "instant-death" All! Buy: Gaia
Find: Flying Fortress,
Chaos Temple
Protect Cloak Shield 20000 8 2 - All
(except Monk/Master)
Find: Flying Fortress,
Chaos Temple
Black robe Body - 24 2 Item: casts B4 Blizzard2 Black Wizard Find: Flying Fortress
White robe Body - 24 2 Item: casts W6 Invis2 White Wizard Find: Flying Fortress

Heavy armor[edit | edit source]

These armor parts are mainly used by the Warrior/Knight and by the Ninja. Some parts can be used by the Thief and the Red Mage/Wizard, but these two classes will generally get better protection from the light armor parts.

Some notes:

  • Steel set: all the parts were named "Iron" in the NES version.
  • Leftovers set: the Bronze gloves can be found for free; the Buckler shield is a must for the Red Mage/Wizard and for the Thief; the Knight's armor should be avoided because it is extremely expensive and it has the worst weight in the game.
  • Mithril set: Silver in the NES version.
  • Elemental sub-sets: equip two parts that protect from different elements; note that there is no protection from thunder element.
  • Diamond set: Opal in the NES version.
  • Ultimate set: all parts have special effects; if your team includes both Knight and Ninja, split this set between them.

Name Part Price Def W. Special effects wK tN rR mM Locations
Leather armor Body 50 4 8 - wK tN rR mM Buy: Cornelia, Pravoka
Starter set (tot. def. = 20)
Chain plate Body 80 15 15 - wK N rR - Buy: Cornelia, Pravoka
Leather shield Shield 15 2 0 - wK N - - Buy: Pravoka
Find: Terra Cave
Helmet Head 100 3 3 - wK N - - Buy: Elfheim
Find: Mt.Duergar
Steel set (tot. def. = 37)
Iron shield Shield 100 4 0 - wK N - - Buy: Pravoka, Elfheim
Steel plate Body 800 24 23 - wK N - - Buy: Pravoka, Elfheim
Find: Marsh Cave, Mystic key
Steel gloves Hands 750 4 5 - wK N - - Buy: Melmond
Find: Western Keep, Trials Citadel
Grand helm Head 450 5 5 - wK N - - Buy: Melmond
Find: Mt.Duergar
Leftovers set (tot. def. = 38 +helm)
Bronze gloves Hands 200 2 3 - wK N - - Buy: Melmond
Find: Elfheim Castle
Knight's armor Body 45000 34 33 - wK - - - Buy: Melmond
Buckler Shield 2500 2 0 - wK tN rR - Buy: Crescent Lake
Mithril set (tot. def. = 38)
Mithril shield Shield 2500 8 0 - wK N - - Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Terra Cave, Mt.Gulg
Mithril mail Body 7500 18 8 - wK N rR - Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Mt.Gulg
Mithril gloves Hands 2500 6 3 - wK N - - Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Mt.Gulg, Ice cavern
Mithril helm Head 2500 6 3 - wK N - - Buy: Crescent Lake
Find: Mt.Gulg, Flying Fortress
Elemental sub-sets (tot. def. = 52 +helm)
Flame armor Body 30000 34 10 Element: fire wK N - - Find: Mt. Gulg
Flame shield Shield 10000 12 0 Element: fire wK N - - Find: Mt. Gulg
Ice armor Body 30000 34 10 Element: ice wK N - - Find: Ice Cavern
Ice shield Shield 10000 12 0 Element: ice wK N - - Find: Ice Cavern
Zeus gauntlets Hands 15000 6 3 Item: casts
B3 Thunder2
K N R - Find: Trials Citadel
Diamond set (tot. def. = 74)
Diamond armor Body 60000 42 10 - K - - - Find: Sunken Shrine
Diamond helm Head 1000 8 3 - K - - - Find: Sunken Shrine
Diamond shield Shield 15000 16 0 - K - - - Find: Sunken Shrine, Flying Fortress
Diamond gloves Hands 20000 8 3 - K - - - Find: Sunken Shrine, Flying Fortress
Ultimate set (tot. def. = 70)
Giant's gloves Hands 10000 6 3 Item: casts
B7 Saber
wK N R - Find: Sunken Shrine
Healing helm Head 10000 6 3 Item: casts
W3 Heal1
K N - - Find: Mirage Tower, Flying Fortress
Dragon mail Body 60000 42 10 Elements: All! K - - - Find: Mirage Tower
Aegis shield Shield 40000 16 0 Prevents "petrify" K - - - Find: Mirage Tower

Armor introduced in Dawn of Souls[edit | edit source]

Light armor parts[edit | edit source]

Armor parts that can be worn by White Mage/Wizard and Black Mage/Wizard.

Name Part Price Def W. Effects wK tN rR mM wW bB Locations
Elven cloak Shield 55800 9 0 Agl+1, Int+1 wK tN rR mM wW bB Find: Earthgift Shrine
Buy: Whisperwind Cove
Bard's tunic Body 67300 20 3 Prevents "Mute" wK tN rR mM wW bB Find: Hellfire Chasm,
Whisperwind Cove
Buy: Whisperwind Cove
Zephyr cape Shield 51000 4 1 - wK tN rR mM wW bB Find: Whisperwind Cove
Buy: Whisperwind Cove
Three-mages set
Sage's surplice Body 70000 25 2 Int+5 - - rR - wW bB Find: Hellfire Chasm,
Lifespring Grotto
Buy: Whisperwind Cove
Wizard's hat Head 46600 4 1 Int+5 - - rR - wW bB Find: Whisperwind Cove
Buy: Whisperwind Cove
Two-mages set
Sage's mitre Head 45200 5 1 MP+10%, Int+5 - - - - wW bB Find: Hellfire Chasm,
Lifespring Grotto,
Whisperwind Cove
Buy: Whisperwind Cove
Gaia gear Body 35 2 Prevents "Stone" - - - - - bB Find: Lifespring Grotto
Light robe Body 35 2 Int+5 - - - - wW - Find: Whisperwind Cove

Medium armor parts[edit | edit source]

Armor parts that cannot be worn by Warrior/Knight, White Mage/Wizard and Black Mage/Wizard.

Name Part Price Def W. Effects wK tN rR mM wW bB Locations
Red cap Head 8 1 Str+4, Agl+3,
Sta+2, MP+25%
- - rR - - - Find: Lifespring Grotto,
Whisperwind Cove
Red jacket Body 24 2 Element: fire - tN rR - - - Find: Whisperwind Cove
Monk set
Kenpo-gi Body 28 1 Str+3 - - - mM - - Find: Earthgift Shrine,
Lifespring Grotto,
Whisperwind Cove
Power vest Body 38 1 Str+15 - - - mM - - Find: Lifespring Grotto
Twist headband Head 3 1 Str+15 - tN - mM - - Find: Hellfire Chasm
Thief set
Black cowl Head 8 1 Agl+3,
Str+3, Sta+3
- tN - - - - Find: Earthgift Shrine
Thief's gloves Arms 6 1 Agl+5 - tN - - - - Find: Hellfire Chasm
Thief's armlet Body 30 1 Agl+5 - tN - - - - Find: Whisperwind Cove
Black garb Body 40 2 Agl+10 - tN - - - - Find: Whisperwind Cove

Heavy armor parts[edit | edit source]

Armor parts that cannot be worn by White Mage/Wizard and Black Mage/Wizard.

Name Part Price Def W. Effects wK tN rR mM wW bB Locations
Crystal ring Arms 9 1 Prevents
Sleep, Stop
K N - M - - Find: Lifespring Grotto
Hero's shield Shield 16 1 Prevents all statues K N - - - - Find: Lifespring Grotto
Feathered cap Head 4 1 - wK tN rR - - - Find: Lifespring Grotto
Tiger mask Head 8 2 Str+3, Agl+2,
K N - M - - Find: Lifespring Grotto,
Whisperwind Cove
Genji set
Genji gloves Arms 6 2 Prevents
Poison, Stone
wK N - - - - Find: Lifespring Grotto
Genji shield Shield 14 0 Prevents
Poison, Stone
wK N - - - - Find: Lifespring Grotto
Genji helm Head 9 3 Prevents
Poison, Stone
wK tN - - - - Find: Whisperwind Cove
Genji armor Body 35 19 Prevents Poison,
Stone, Insta-Death
wK N - - - - Find: Whisperwind Cove
Crystal set
Crystal gloves Arms 10 3 Prevents Stone K N - - - - Find: Lifespring Grotto
Crystal shield Shield 15 0 Prevents Stone K N - - - - Find: Lifespring Grotto,
Whisperwind Cove
Crystal helm Head 10 3 Prevents Stone K N - - - - Find: Whisperwind Cove
Crystal mail Body 44 10 Prevents Blind,
Mute, Stone
K N - - - - Find: Whisperwind Cove