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Introduction[edit | edit source]

The opening cutscene introduces you to Cecil, leader of the Red Wings of Baron. The Red Wings' morale is low, since they just completed a raid on the town of Mysidia, killing innocent, defenseless people in order to obtain a crystal. Midway through the flight, monsters are sighted, and attack the ship, but Cecil makes short work of them.

Battle Info
FloatEye x3
Story Fight
Story Fight

Cecil returns to Baron and inquires about the King's motives.

Angered at Cecil's perceived impudence, the king strips him of his title as Captain of the Red Wings and sends him and his friend Kain on a new mission: deliver the Package to the town of Mist and slay a Summon Monster.

Baron Castle[edit | edit source]

Area Info:
  • Ether
  • Tent
  • 480 Gil

When you gain control of Cecil, exit the throne room through the south exit. You should be in a room with a few treasure chests behind a wall to the east. Press the switch on the wall near the eastern torch to access the treasure: Ether, Tent and 480 Gil.

You can explore the castle for more information, but that's it for treasure for now. To progress the story, go up the staircase on the west side of this room. In the next room, head south, and stop to chat with Rosa. After she leaves, go outside. Walk to the north, between the two parts of the castle until you are interrupted by Cid. After he leaves, go through the western door on the rounded tower. Climb the stairs until you are at the top, and climb into the bed.

Rosa visits you during the night and wishes you safe travels.

Overworld[edit | edit source]

Area Info:
Thrown Weapons
Throughout the game you'll see some enemies, such as Helldiver, have "Throw" as a weakness. Really, it means anything ranged. Spears, Arrows, or Thrown weapons will all count.

When you wake up, you will automatically meet up with Kain and leave the castle. After a brief cutscene, you appear on the overworld. At this point you can explore the town of Baron.

Town of Baron[edit | edit source]

Cecil (Dark Knight)
When you first start the game, Cecil is a Dark Knight, a group of knights who channel the darkness in their hearts to land powerful blows and wield powerful Dark Blades.
He has the ability Darkness, which attacks all enemies for non-elemental physical damage at the cost of 1/8th of his HP.
Kain is a Dragoon, a powerful group of knights who wield Spears and leap through the skies to literally get the drop on opponents.
He has the ability Jump, allowing him to avoid being hit for a brief period, as well as dealing extra damage if he is wielding a Spear.
Area Info:
50 Gil/Night
  • Potion x3
  • Tent x2
  • Bronze Hourglass
  • Maiden's Kiss
  • Ether
  • Gnomish Bread
  • Eye Drops
  • Gold Needle
  • Phoenix Down x2
Original Only
  • Maiden's Kiss
  • Ether

There are a few hidden items scattered around town. Check the two pots outside the inn and to the west of the house above the inn for two Potion. Follow the path to the north side of town and walk down the stairs into the water. Walk down through the waterfall and follow the waterway until you're in a pond outside of town. There are two invisible items hidden here: Tent and Bronze Hourglass. The first item is right outside the wall, and the other item is more to the south of the pond.

The last set of hidden items outside are a bit harder to find. From the building north of the Inn, cross the bridge to the east and then go north through an archway. There is a passage through the trees to the east - follow it north and then west to come out into a field. Keep going west and search for a Gold Needle. From that invisible item, go all the way south, to the wall, and then west until your character stops moving for a Phoenix Down. Then, go east, and down into a little nook to find another Phoenix Down.

Enter the inn and check the pot in the south side of the room before you get to the beds for a Potion. Go around to the east, and examine the crossed swords on the wall to open up a secret room with three chests: Gnomish Bread, Tent and Eye Drops.

Version Difference
If you are playing the old 2D versions of the game, examine the pot and the bookshelf in the northern part of Rosa's House for Maiden's Kiss and Ether.

The house north of the inn is Rosa's house. Chat with her family, if you like; they don't like Cecil and Kain too much.

The weapon and armor shops here are closed for now, but you can enter the item shop and stock up on anything you might need.

Item shop
Item Cost
Potion 30
Phoenix Down 150
Tent 200
Gysahl Greens 50

Chocobo Forest[edit | edit source]

If you'd like a free ride to the Mist Cave with no enemy encounters interrupting you, head to the Chocobo Forest to catch a ride. The Chocobo Forest is a small octagon-shaped forest, located southwest of Baron, just beyond the desert.

Search the tall grass inside for a hidden chest with Gysahl Greens inside. Interact with a yellow Chocobo wandering around to get a ride. There is also a white Chocobo, who can restore your MP, but the boys don't have any MP to restore.

Gysahl Greens
In most versions of the game, you only have 48 inventory slots. If you ever run low on space, head to the top of a Chocobo Forest and use a Gysahl Greens on the nest where it smells of Chocobo. This will summon the Fat Chocobo, which acts as a storage vault for you.

Mist Cave[edit | edit source]

Area Info:
  • Potion x 2
  • Tent
  • Eye Drops

Head northwest from Baron until until you reach a mountain cave.

From the cave entrance, head east and go up the stairs. Follow the ridge back to the west, and down a set of stairs. Take the stairs to the north, and continue up the next two flights of stairs as well. Open the chest for Potion. Go back down one flight of stairs, then east across a bridge. Take the first flight of stairs you come to and head east for a chest with Eye Drops. Go back down the stairs and head south, down two more flights of stairs. Then, go around to the northwest until you come to another set of stairs. There is a chest at the top of the stairs with Tent.

Go back around the lake to the east, and up one flight of stairs. Head east, picking up the Potion from the chest along the way. Head north, across a bridge, then head for the cave exit. Now would be a great time to heal up. Just as you are about to leave the cave, someone warns you not to go any further. When asked if you are going to ignore the voice's warnings, choose Yes to start the battle with the Mist Dragon.

Boss: Mist Dragon (Mist D.)[edit | edit source]

Boss Info:
Mist D.

This battle is fairly simple: just attack with Cecil and Jump with Kain. However, when the dragon turns into mist as pictured, choose the Defend command or the dragon will retaliate with a Freezing Mist attack. You can also just wait on a menu for the dragon to reform.

Mist[edit | edit source]

Party Change
Before entering Mist, unequip all items from Kain. He will be leaving the party and won't return for quite some time.
Area Info:

After you exit the cave, head east and enter the town of Mist.

Cecil takes only a few steps into town before the ring begins to glow, summoning Bombs and destroying the town!

While surveying the damage, they find a girl, who says that something happened to her mother since her dragon died. Cecil lets slip that they killed the dragon, and the girl attacks.

Battle Info
Story Fight
Story Fight

The girl summons Titan, causing an earthquake. Cecil is knocked out, but awakens shortly, and finds himself separated from Kain - but still with the girl.

The girl is safe, and Cecil decides to help her - it's the least he can do.

Kaipo[edit | edit source]

Area Info:
50 Gil/Night
  • Ether

Head to the east, through the desert until you reach a small oasis and a town. As soon as you enter the town, Cecil heads straight for the Inn. The Innkeeper generously lends him a bed, free of charge, so the girl can rest.

As soon as Cecil settles in for the night, soldiers from Baron invade the inn, demanding that he hand over the girl. Cecil refuses to comply, and is forced to fight off the soldiers.

Avoid using Darkness here, as the General likes to flee if he is alone, so to maximize rewards try and kill him before killing the guards.

Boss Info
Baron Soldier

After you defeat the soldiers, the girl asks Cecil if he was hurt fighting the soldiers. She makes Cecil promise to protect her, and tells him her name: Rydia. She will then join the party fully equipped. Note that her rod can be used as an item in combat for an effective attack, but she joins at level 1. It would be ideal to level her up around town before taking her to the next area. Make sure she is in the back row for combat.

Go to the house in the northeast part of town. The old lady inside the house tells you that a woman collapsed outside the town of desert fever, and only mutters Cecil's name. Speak to Rosa, and then the man in the room with her. You'll learn that you need to find a SandRuby to cure her desert fever, which you can find in the Antlion's cave.

Before you leave town, take some time to explore the town and stock up on any supplies. There is a single hidden item in a pot just north of the weapon shop: Ether.

The weapons and armor here are useless to Cecil, and are either equal to or worse than what Rydia comes equipped with, so ignore them for now.

Rydia (Young)
Rydia is a Summoner, capable of using low-level Black and White Magic. She isn't very strong in the early part of the game, so don't rely on her too much for fights right now.
Armor shop
Armor Cost
Leather Cap 100
Clothing 50
Leather Clothing 200
Iron Armlet 100
Weapon shop
Weapon Cost
Rod 100
Staff 160
Bow 220
Iron Arrows 10
Item shop
Item Cost
Potion 30
Phoenix Down 150
Tent 200
Gysahl Greens 50