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Common weapons[edit | edit source]

These weapons can be used by many different characters

  • DK = Dark Knight Cecil
  • Ce = Cecil
  • Ka = Kain
  • Ci = Cid
  • Ry = Rydia
  • Ro = Rosa
  • Po = Porom
  • Pa = Palom
  • Ed = Edge
  • Ew = Edward
  • Ya = Yang
  • Te = Tellah
  • Fu = Fusoya

Swords[edit | edit source]

Swords can be used by Dark Cecil, Cecil and Kain.

All swords are metallic equipment. Two swords are only available in the Japanese "Easy Type" version: the Coral sword (lightning-elemental) and the Piglet sword (inflicts Pig status)

Sword Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Avenger 10 80 45 Sets user to Berserk; no shield;
Str+10, Agl+10, Sta+10; Int-10, Spi-10
DK, Ce, Ka Find: Sylph cave
Win: Behemoth, King Behemoth
Mythril sword 6000 50 30 Strong vs. Ghouls DK, Ce, Ka Buy: Mythril;
Win: Mythril Golem
Blood sword 13000 45 0 Absorbs damages inflicted;
strong vs. Flans, Giants, Undead;
Str-5, Sta-5, Agl-5, Spi-5, Int-5
DK, Ce, Ka Find: Cave of Eblan
Flame sword 14000 65 30 Element: Flame DK, Ce, Ka Find: Tower of Zot
Buy: Dwarven castle
Win: Flame Knight
Ancient sword 18000 35 27 Inflicts Curse; strong vs. Ghouls DK, Ce, Ka Find: Ancient waterway
Icebrand 26000 75 30 Element: Ice DK, Ce, Ka Find: Tower of Babil
Buy: Cave of Eblan
Sleep blade 26000 55 27 Inflicts Sleep; Casts Sleep DK, Ce, Ka Find: Eblan castle
Stoneblade 34000 77 16 Inflicts Gradual-Petrify DK, Ce, Ka Win: Gorgon, Medusa,
BlackLizard, Catoblepas
Defender 57000 105 40 Casts Protect; Sta+15 DK, Ce, Ka Find: Eidolons Passage

Axes[edit | edit source]

Axes can be used by Cecil, Kain and Cid.

All axes are Metallic equipment. Some are two-handed, i.e. they don't allow to use a shield.

Axe Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Hand axe 7000 36 0 Str+3 Ce, Ka, Ci (Dummied)
Dwarven axe 15000 62 19 Long ranged. Str+5, Sta+5;
Agi-5, Spi-5, Int-5
Ce, Ka, Ci Find: Dwarven Castle
Buy: Dwarven Castle
Ogrekiller axe 45000 80 19 Strong vs. Giants Ce, Ka, Ci Find: Tower of Babil
Buy: Tomra
Poison axe 94000 95 10 Inflicts Poison, casts Poison;
strong vs. Giants; no shield
Ce, Ka, Ci Win: Armor Construct, Armored Fiend,
Iron Giant
Rune axe 123000 100 10 Strong vs. Mages; no shield Ce, Ka, Ci Buy: Lunar Ruins
Win: Iron Giant

Daggers[edit | edit source]

The Assassin Dagger was originally a dummied item in the SNES and PS1 versions of Final Fantasy 4.

Dagger Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Mithril dagger 3000 20 45 Strong vs. Spirits Ce, Ka, Ed, Ry, Ew Buy: Mithril Town
Win: Mythril Golem
Dancing dagger 5000 28 44 Edge can throw it without losing it. Casts Dancing Daggers. Ce, Ka, Ed, Ry, Ew Buy: Mist
Mage Masher dagger 13000 35 25 Inflicts Mute; strong vs. Mages; Wis+5 Ce, Ka, Ed, Ry, Ew Find: Sylph Cave
Assassin dagger 42000 130 50 Inflicts Instant-Death; Str+5, Agi+5, Vit+5;
Wis-10, Spi-10
Ce, Ka, Ed, Ry, Ew Buy: Lunar Ruins
Win: Chaotic Knight

Bows & Arrows[edit | edit source]

Bows & Arrows are the starting weapon of Rosa the White Mage, who has a special ability specific for these weapons.

Bows and Arrows can also be used by Cecil & Cid (physical warriors), Rosa & Porom (white magic users), Rydia & Palom (black magic users), Edward (bard).

Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Bow 220 10 30 - Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Initial: Rosa
Buy: Kaipo, Agart
Crossbow 700 20 35 - Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Damcyan
Buy: Mysidia, Agart
Great bow 2000 30 40 - Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Troia
Buy: Troia, Dwarven Castle
Killer bow 3000 40 50 - Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Tower of Babil
Buy: Tomra, Cave of Eblan
Elven bow 5000 50 75 Casts Shell; Strong vs.Mages; Int+5 Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Sylph Cave
Yoichi bow 11000 60 60 Str+10 Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Feymarch
Artemis bow 19000 80 70 Str+10, Agl+10, Sta+10; Int-10, Spi-10 Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Win: Moonmaiden
Perseus bow - 110 85 +15 Spirit Rosa Find: Lunar Ruins
Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Iron arrow 10 5 0 (Metallic) Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Initial: Rosa
Find: Damcyan
Buy: Kaipo, Agart
Holy arrow 20 10 0 Element: Holy Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Damcyan
Buy: Mysidia, Agart
Fire arrow 30 15 0 Element: Fire Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Sylph Cave
Buy: Troia
Win: Chimera, Flamehound,
Chimera Brain
Ice arrow 30 15 0 Element: Ice Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Sylph Cave, Tower of Babil
Buy: Troia
Win: IceLizard, Frostbeast
Lightning arrow 30 15 0 Element: Lightning Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Sylph Cave
Buy: Troia
Win: Storm Anima, Lesser Marilith,
Clockwork Soldier
Angel arrow 110 40 0 Inflicts Confuse Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Sylph Cave
Buy: Feymarch
Win: Lamia Matriarch, Lamia
Medusa arrow 10 1 0 Inflicts Petrify Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Sylph Cave
Win: Gorgon, Medusa, Black Lizard,
Stone Golem, Catoblepas
Blinding arrow 40 20 0 Inflicts Blind Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Buy: Dwarven Castle
Poison arrow 70 30 0 Inflicts Poison Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Buy: Cave of Eblan
Win: Hydra, EttinSnake,
Cave Naga, Naga, King Naga
Silencing arrow 100 35 0 Inflicts Mute Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Eblan Castle
Buy: Tomra
Yoichi arrow 140 50 0 - Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Feymarch, Giant of Babil
Buy: Kokkol's Forge, Lunar Ruins
Win: Malboro
Artemis arrow 200 75 0 Strong vs. Dragons Ro-Po, Ry-Pa,
Ce, Ci, Ew
Find: Lunar Subterrane
Win: Gloomwing, Black Flan,
Lunar Virus, Moonmaiden
Perseus Arrow - 95 0 Extra damage vs Giants, may confuse enemies Rosa Buy: Lunar Ruins

Class-specific weapons[edit | edit source]

Dark Knight's swords[edit | edit source]

Dark swords are used by Cecil (Dark Knight).

Dark Blades Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Darksword 700 10 30 - Dark Cecil Initial: Cecil
Shadow blade 1200 20 35 - Dark Cecil Find: Ancient Waterway
Deathbringer 2000 30 40 Inflicts Instant-Death;
Str+5, Vit+5, Agl+5, Wis+5; Int-10.
Dark Cecil Find: King Fabul

Paladin's swords[edit | edit source]

Sword Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Mythgraven blade ? 40 49 Element: Holy; Spi+3 Cecil Initial: Paladin Cecil
Lustrous sword ? 99 49 Element: Holy; Spi+3, Str+3 Cecil Find: Sealed cave
Excalibur ? 160 49 Element: Holy; Str+10 Cecil Find: bring Adamantite to Kokkol's forge
Ragnarok ? 200 49 Element: Holy; Si+15, Str+15, Sta+15 Cecil Win: Dark Bahamut
Lightbringer - 255 49 Holy-elemental, Agility, Strength, Stamina +15, Long Range, may cast Holy when attacking Cecil Lunar Ruins: Complete Cecil's trial

Dragoon's spears[edit | edit source]

Spears are used by Kain the dragoon.

Spear Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Spear 60 8 50 - Kain Initial: Kain, 1st time
Wind spear 7000 50 30 - Kain Initial: Kain, 2nd time
Flamespear 11000 66 30 Casts Fire2; element: Fire Kain Buy: Dwarf Castle
Win: Flame Knight
Frostspear 21000 77 30 Casts Ice2; element: Ice Kain Find: Eblana Castle
Buy: Eblan cave
Blood spear 130 86 -28 Drains HP from enemy;
Str-10, Agl-10, Wis-10, Int-10, Vit-10
Kain Find: Eblan castle
Gungnir 100000 92 30 Vit+15 Kain Initial: Kain, 3rd time
Wyvern Lance 50 99 30 Strong vs. Dragons Kain Win: Blue Dragon, Red Dragon
Holy Lance 74000 109 30 Casts Holy; element: Holy Kain Win: Plague Horror
Abel's Lance - 230 30 Lightning elemental, randomly casts Tornado when attacking, +15 Strength, Stamina, and Agility Kain Lunar Ruins: Complete Kain's Trial

Engineer's hammers[edit | edit source]

Hammers are used by Cid the engineer.

Hammer Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Wooden hammer 80 45 25 - Cid Initial: Cid
Mithril hammer 8000 55 25 Strong vs. Spirits Cid Buy: Mithril Town
Win: Armadillo, Fell Turtle,
Ironback, Magma Turtle
Gaia's hammer 12000 67 25 Casts Quake; element: Earth; Str+5 Cid Find: Tower of Zot
Win: Iron Golem
Thor's hammer - 190 30 Lightning-elemental, +15 Strength, extra damage against Machines, casts Blitz when used as an item. Cid Find: Cave of Trials
Flare sledgehammer - 241 35 Fire-elemental, +15 spirit, stamina, intelligence, magic, extra damage against machines, may cast Flare when attacking Cid Find: Cave of Trials

Ninja's katanas, shurikens and boomerangs[edit | edit source]

Katanas and throwing weapons can only be used by Edge the ninja.

Katanas Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Kunai katana 4000 25 40 - Edge Initial: Edge (x2)
Ashura katana 7000 32 40 - Edge Find: Tower of Babil
Buy: Tomra
Kotetsu katana 11000 40 40 - Edge Find: Sealed cave (x2)
Buy: Feymarch
Kiku-Ichimonji katana 18000 49 40 Str+5 Edge Find: Passage of the Eidolons
Murasame katana 22000 65 50 Str+5, Wis+5; Agi-5, Vit-5, Int-5 Edge Find: Lunar Subterrane
Masamune katana 23000 95 50 Casts Haste; Agi+3 Edge Find: Lunar Subterrane
Mutsunokami katana - 100 49 +10 strength and spirit, casts Blink when used as an item. Edge Find: Lunar Ruins.
Boomerangs Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Boomerang 3000 20 30 Long ranged Edge Buy: Agalt, Eblan cave
Moonring blade 9000 40 45 Long ranged Edge Find: Sylph cave
Shurikens Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Shuriken 20000 40 99 Throw only Edge Buy: Kokoll's house;
Win: BlueDragon;
Find: Eblana Cave (x2), Tower
of Babil, Sealed Cave, Babil Giant
Fuma Shuriken 50000 80 99 Throw only Edge Buy: Kokoll's house;
Win: Flan Princess;
Find: Sealed Cave, Lunar
Underground (x2), Moon Core (x2)
Kitchen knife 10000 255 99 Throw only;
always deals 9999 damage
Edge Find: Yang's home (trade in Fry Pan)

Bows & Arrows[edit | edit source]

Monk's claws[edit | edit source]

Claws are the only weapon that can be used by Yang the monk; they can also be used by Edge the ninja.

Claw Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Fire claw 350 0 30 Element: fire Ya, Ed Initial: Yang
Buy: Fabul, Baron
Ice claw 450 0 30 Element: ice Ya, Ed Buy: Fabul, Baron
Thunder claw 550 0 30 Element: lightning Ya, Ed Buy: Fabul, Baron
Fairy claw 600 0 0 Inflicts condfusion; strong vs. Giants; Agl +3 Ya, Ed Find: Lodestone cave
Hell claw 650 0 40 Inflicts poison; Str +3 Ya, Ed Find: Tower of Zot, Sylph cave
Cat claw 700 0 49 Inflicts sleep; Str +5, Agl +5 Ya, Ed Find: Tower of Babil, Sylph cave
Win: Cait Sith, Coeurl
Tigerfangs - 0 40 +10 Stamina and Agility, may paralyze enemies Yang Buy: Lunar Ruins
Dragon Claws - 0 40 Holy-elemental, extra damage against dragons, +10 Strength and Spirit Yang Find: Lunar Ruins
Godhand - 0 40 Holy elemental, +15 Strength, Agility, and Stamina Yang Find: Cave of Trials

Bard's harp[edit | edit source]

Harps are used by Edward the bard. When equipped with a harp, Edward can use the Sing command, that inflicts a random status ailment on the enemies; if Edward is turned into a toad, the Sing command turns opponents into toads as well.

Harp Cost Atk Atk% Effect Location
Dream Harp ? 8 35% Inflicts Sleep Initial: Edward
Lamia Harp ? 18 40% Inflicts Confuse Find: Antlion's Den
Win/Steal: Lamia, Lamia Matriarch

Summoner's whips[edit | edit source]

Whips can only be used by Rydia the summoner.

Whip Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Whip 3000 20 0 Inflicts paralysis Rydia Initial: Rydia
Buy: Mist, Feymarch
Chain whip 6000 30 5 Inflicts paralysis Rydia Buy: Tomra, Feymarch
Electric whip 10000 40 10 Inflicts paralysis; element: lightning Rydia Buy: Feymarch
Fire lash 16000 52 15 Inflicts paralysis; element: fire Rydia Find: Lunar Underground
Dragon whisker 31000 57 25 Inflicts paralysis; strong vs. dragons;
Str +5, Agl +5, Vit +5, Int +5, Wis +5
Rydia Win: Blue Dragon

Black Mage's rods[edit | edit source]

Rods are the main weapon that Palom the black mage can use. The two sages, Tellah and Fusoya can only use staves and rods. Rods can also be used by Rydia.

Weapon Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Rod 100 3 -10 Casts MagicArrow Ry-Pa, Te-Fu Buy: Kaipo, Agalt;
Win: Bog Witch, Tiny Mage
Ice rod 220 5 -5 Casts Ice1; element: ice Ry-Pa, Te-Fu Find: Underground passage;
Buy: Mysidia
Flame rod 380 7 -5 Casts Fire1; element: fire Ry-Pa, Te-Fu Buy: Mysidia
Thunder rod 700 10 0 Casts Lit1; element: lightning; Wis+3 Ry-Pa, Te-Fu Buy: Baron
Lilith rod 1100 13 -40 Drains HP from enemy; Casts Osmose; Wis+5 Ry-Pa, Te-Fu Win: Lilith
Apparite rod 1250 15 0 Casts Piggy; Wis+5 Ry-Pa, Te-Fu Find: Mist village
Fairy rod 5000 30 5 Inflicts Confuse; casts Confuse; Wis+10 Ry-Pa, Te-Fu Find: Sylph cave
Buy: Feymarch
Stardust rod 11000 45 0 Casts Meteor; Wis+5 Ry-Pa, Te-Fu Find: Lunar underground

White Mage's staves[edit | edit source]

Staves are the main weapon that Porom the white mage can use. The two sages, Tellah and Fusoya can only use staves and rods. Staves can also be used by Rosa, Cecil and child Rydia.

Weapon Gil A. A% Effects Users Location
Staff 160 4 -5 Casts Antidote Ro-Po, Te-Fu; Ce Buy: Kaipo, Agrt
Healing staff 480 8 0 Casts Cure on all Ro-Po, Te-Fu; Ce Buy: Mysidia, Baron;
Win: Marionette, Sorcerer, Summoner
Mithril staff 4000 12 5 Strong vs. Spirits; Int+3 Ro-Po, Te-Fu; Ce Buy: Mythril town
Power staff 2000 32 50 Casts berserk; Str+10 Ro-Po, Te-Fu Buy: Eblan cave
Energy staff 7000 36 10 - Ro-Po, Te-Fu Initial: Fusoya;
Buy: Feymarch
Silence staff 15000 52 10 Casts Silence; Int+10 Ro-Po, Te-Fu Win: Marionette, Sorcerer, Summoner
Sage staff 22000 48 15 Casts Raise Ro-Po, Te-Fu Find: Lunar underground