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Accessories give characters and their Yahari a bonus effect in battle by giving them 1 Support Ability. Almost all starting versions of each accessory have no Support Ability.

Shoes[edit | edit source]

Name Description Support Ability
Name Effect
Wayfarer's Boots N/A N/A
Sprint Shoes
Battle Boots
Winged Boots

Bracelets[edit | edit source]

Name Description Support Ability
Name Effect
Wayfarer's Bracelet N/A N/A
Argyle Armlet
Corsage Bracelet
Protective Armlet

Pouches[edit | edit source]

Name Description Support Ability
Name Effect
Apprentice's Pouch N/A N/A
Incanter's Pouch
Traveler's Pouch
Goblin Pouch

Earrings[edit | edit source]

Name Description Support Ability
Name Effect
Pirate's Earring N/A N/A
Silver Earrings
Gold Earrings
Terra Earrings

Gloves[edit | edit source]

Name Description Support Ability
Name Effect
Prayer Bangle N/A N/A
Mythril Gloves