After the battle, the party will escape back to their airship whilst the ruins collapse. Balthier and Fran get sepeated from Vaan and Penelo, who make their way back to Rabanastre. Unfortunately, the ship is lost.
Mission 1-1 (Eve of Adventure - Night in Rabanastre)[edit | edit source]
This mission teaches the "rock-paper-scissors relationship" of the 3 categories of units: Melee, Ranged and Flying. Melee is best used against Ranged, Ranged against Flying, and Flying against Melee. Otherwise this mission won't pose any trouble.
After the battle[edit | edit source]
Each character involved will learn its first ability/magick.
Mission 1-2 (The Coveted Derelict - Rabanastre Southgate)[edit | edit source]
The game will teach you how to use an ability/magick. Note that to the south of the map, signaled by yellow dots, are Giza Rabbits, who will heal you if you get close. You will also learn about gambits (a very simplified mechanic taken from the original game) where you can put a skill (magicka/ability) in Auto (the character will use it automatically).
Mission 1-3 (The Treasure is the Key - Aboard the Derelict)[edit | edit source]
Again, nothing complicated here, don't forget to activate the gambits of Vaan & Kytes! You will soon learn how to summon espers.
Mission 1-4 (Unwelcome Guests - Aboard the Derelict)[edit | edit source]
Here you will have a "boss fight" against old acquaintances, again, nothing complicated, the best strategy is to just send everyone at one guy at a time.
This is the end of Chapter 1.