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The prologue to Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings will teach the player the basics of the game. There are only two missions in the chapter, both of which are simple to complete.

Mission 0-1 (Vaan The Sky Pirate - The Glabados Ruins)[edit | edit source]

While exploring the Glabados Ruins, Vaan is soon separated from the others. He must find his friends before they leave him behind!

* Mission objectives: "Find Penelo, Balthier, and Fran; Vaan must survive"

The objective of this mission is to find Penelo, Balthier, and Fran, and to keep Vaan, the player character, alive. Travel to the end of the map where you'll find the three members, defeating enemies on the way. The only enemies in the mission are three red Flans, and they're very easy to defeat. Along the way, the game will teach you the basics of combact, as well as what each playable character's role is.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Red Flan
    • Type: Melee
    • Level: 1
    • Nature: Fire
    • Weakness:Water
    • Resistance: Fire
    • Immunities: Disable

Items[edit | edit source]

You will receive no items for completing this mission.

Mission 0-2 (The Treasures Twain - The Glabados Ruins)[edit | edit source]

Joined by Balthier and Fran, Vaan and Penelo reach the heart of the Glabados Ruins. But something stands between them and the coveted treasure...

* Mission objectives: "Defeat Ifrit; Vaan must survive"

This is yet another surprisingly easy battle, though this time you'll be up against the mighty Ifrit - the game's first boss, if you could really call it that. Balthier, Fran and Penelo will help you in this battle, though make Vaan attack the primary enemy - Ifrit, while Fran and Baltheir dispatch the others. Penelo's sole purpose is to heal the party.

Enemies[edit | edit source]

  • Djinn
    • Type: Melee
    • Level: 1
    • Nature: Fire
    • Weakness: Water
    • Resistance: Fire
    • Immunities: Disable
  • Ifrit (Boss)
    • Type: Melee
    • Level: 1
    • Nature: Fire
    • Weakness: Water
    • Resistance: Fire
    • Immunities: Poison, Silence, Sleep, Confuse, Stop, Slow, Disable, Gravity

Items[edit | edit source]

You will receive no items for completing this mission.