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Swords (Vaan)[edit | edit source]

Name Description Attack Magick Attack Attack Speed Nature
Longsword Simple weapon, favored for its ease of use. 10 5 60 N/A
Mythril Blade Sword of mythril, used widely among travelers. 20 10 60 N/A
Tempestblade Lightning-forged blade imbued with the heaven's wrath. 30 15 60 Lightning
Flametongue Inferno-forged blade that cuts swaths of flame. 40 20 60 Fire
Icebrand Chilling blade quenched in glacial ice. 49 29 60 Water
Runeblade Mystical sword adorned with ancient glyphs. 50 25 60 N/A
Earthsabre Speed-reducing sword capable of slicking rock. 60 30 40 Earth
Blood Sword Crimson sword that craves enemy HP. 70 35 40 N/A
Pyroblade Sword forged of everburn, carnage incarnate. 65 30 60 Fire
Anastasia Godsblade entrusted to Vaan by the Yarhi. 80 40 60 N/A
Durandal Fabled sword of saintly glory. 95 45 60 N/A
Laevateinn Flaming sword enchanted by imperious flames. 90 45 60 Fire
Stoneblade Rumbing sword enchanted by crushing stone. 90 45 60 Earth
Coral Blade Fluid sword enchanted by raging seas. 90 45 60 Water
Rudra Talwar Charged sword enchanted by blinding lightning. 90 45 60 Lightning
Ultima Weapon Sword capable of returning all to naught. 100 50 60 N/A

Staffs[edit | edit source]

Name Attack Magick Attack Attack Speed Nature Strength Magick Stamina Mind Speed
Crescent Pole
Mythril Staff
Cherry Staff
Vesper Pole

Rods[edit | edit source]

Name Attack Magick Attack Attack Speed Nature Strength Magick Stamina Mind Speed
Rod of Fire
Gaia Rod
Rod of Lightning
Rod of Ice
Storm Wand

Boards[edit | edit source]

Name Attack Magick Attack Attack Speed Nature Strength Magick Stamina Mind Speed
Spectral Edge
Mythril Cutter

Lances[edit | edit source]

Name Attack Magick Attack Attack Speed Nature Strength Magick Stamina Mind Speed
Storm Lance
Mythril Lance