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Name Description Users Granted by
Accost If (User's Attack Speed > Enemy's Attack Speed) and (User's current HP > Enemy's current HP), engages the enemy in another round of combat. Dagdar, Selphina, Conomor, Xavier Accost Manual
Adept (Attack Speed)% chance of dealing two consecutive attacks to an enemy. Leif, Eyvel, Ronan, Asbel, Shannam, Amalda, Ced, Sages, Swordmasters Adept Manual
Astra (Skill)% of user's next strike becoming five consecutive blows. Any of these attacks can be critical hits. Mareeta, Galzus --
Bargain Reduces prices at vendors by 50%. Shannam --
Charm +10% hit rate and avoid to all allied units within a 3-tile radius of the user. Nanna, Diarmuid King Sword
Dance Refreshes an adjacent ally, allowing them to move again if they've already moved. Dancers --
Luna (Skill)% chance of user's next strike ignoring Defense and Magic. Mareeta, Galzus Luna Manual
Miracle (Luck x 3)% chance of user dodging attacks that would kill them for an entire round of combat. Finn, Ilios, Sara Bragi Sword, Blessed Sword, Miracle Manual
Nihil Negates enemy's combat-related skills. Troude, Saias Shadow Sword, Mareeta's Sword, Nihil Manual
Paragon Doubles the user's EXP gained. Homer, Sara Paragon Sword, Paragon Manual
Pavise (User's level)% chance of negating an enemy attack against the user. Xavier, Barons --
Renewal Heals 10-20% of the user's HP at the start of the user's phase. Veld --
Sol (Skill)% chance of user's next strike healing HP equal to the amount of damage dealt to the enemy. Shiva, Perne, Ilios Sol Manual
Steal User can steal weapons and items from enemies if (user's Speed > enemy's Speed) and (user's Constitution > weapon/item's Weight). Lara, Thieves, Thief Fighters --
Vantage If an enemy engages combat against the user, the user always strikes first, unless the enemy also has Vantage. Halvan, Machyua, Thief Fighters Dragon Lance, Beo's Sword, Vantage Manual
Wrath If an enemy attacks before the user, the user always deals a critical hit on their non-follow-up counterattacks (this is affected by attack order changes from Vantage). Osian, Brighton, Sara, Miranda, Xavier Wrath Manual