Human Enemies[edit | edit source]
Security Guards[edit | edit source]

These security guards are the low men on the totem pole when it comes to Japan's police force. They carry lamps with them wherever they go, and are always on the lookout for suspicious looking people to capture and build their careers upon. Whenever they spot a trouble maker, they shout "Goyou!" which is similar to "Freeze!" They are so desperate to catch a criminal, that they will even resort to tossing lamps at you.
Ronin & Samurai[edit | edit source]

A samurai was the servant of a ruling lord during the feudal period of Japan. A ronin was a masterless samurai. A samurai became masterless from the ruin or fall of his master (as in the case of death in a war), or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege. Neither one are to be trifled with. Although they are not specifically interested in Goemon in any way, if he happens to cross their path, they will not hesitate to unleash their foul mood upon him.
Merchants[edit | edit source]

Merchants of all kinds run around town hocking their wares. In these lean times, they must do everything that they can to promote the sales of their goods and bring as much money home to their families. They view anyone who is not buying from them as competition, and as such will not hesitate to knock them down if they get in the way.
Fish Merchants & Fisherman[edit | edit source]

Both of these men are too busy plying their trade to be stopped by anyone who gets in their way. So anxious are they to finish their daily tasks, that they will literally bowl you over with the stack of fish they carry on the poles that they lay across their shoulder. Give them plenty of room to get by or you're going to take some damage.
Thief[edit | edit source]

While there is honor among thieves, not all thieves share in the honor. Some thieves such as these only look out for themselves. Therefore, when you get hit by them, not only will you take a little damage, but you will also lose money as a result. Avoid tangling with these guys to keep from losing 50 Kobans every time they hit you.
Bushin & Mercinaries[edit | edit source]

Bushin are true warriors who possess a pure fighting spirit. They wander around with their own agendas, or occasionally hire themselves out as mercenaries. There are other mercenaries who cover their face so as to protect their identity as well as their family's honor. Like the ronins, they care little about you, and they care even less for your presence. Keep a safe distance from them, or attack them before they have a chance to do you any harm.
Taxi Runners[edit | edit source]

In feudal Japan, two-men taxi services would run important paying customers from one location to another by carrying them in a cabin that was suspended from two poles, which the men carried on their shoulders. Lately, there haven't been many customers, so the taxi men have become desperate for work. They have become so desperate, that they will pick up any person they can ambush, drop them off at the starting location of the stage, and charge them 30 Kuban for the "favor". Don't let them sneak up behind Goemon and whisk him away.
Villager[edit | edit source]

Although the villagers are secretly appreciative of Goemon's efforts to help them, they know better than to openly support him in public. So villagers must appear apathetic to Goemon's presence at best, and hostile to him at worst, in order to prevent become a suspect of the government and getting arrested. You can avoid them all together, or put them out of their misery.
Mountaineer[edit | edit source]

Mountaineers live solitary lives up in the heights of the mountain ranges that dot Japan. They aren't too fond of visitors, and keep their sword brandished at all times. The mountain ledges are narrow, so be prepared to fight your way past them if you want to continue on to the end of the stage.
Ninjas[edit | edit source]

By the time you get further into the game, word has begun to spread about your courageous deeds. The corrupt government of Edo has hired a clan of Ninjas to disrupt your mission, and stop you at all costs. These ninjas will throw shuriken at you. Unlike the security guards and their lamps, Ninjas can throw shuriken in any direction, so they don't have to be lined up with you to hit you. Watch out for their projectile weapon and move in to strike when the coast is clear.
Farmer[edit | edit source]

In these desperate times, a man must defend his land from intruders at his own peril. When you pass through the rice fields, the farmers will protect their land by throwing sickles at you in an attempt to keep you from stealing their crops. Don't be dissuaded by their demeanor, simply run past them or knock them down.
Soldier[edit | edit source]

As Goemon gets closer to the castle of each district, the lord of the district begins to send his personal army out to stop Goemon. They have sworn loyalty to the lord, and are all master swordsmen, having been trained by the best teachers in the district. Fear their blade and take them very seriously.
Riflemen[edit | edit source]

During this period of Japan, the use of gunpowder in rifles was recently introduced. Though not considered as honorable a way to fight as the use of a blade, they never the less served their purpose when it came to protecting the lords. Naturally, those with plenty of money could afford to invest in this new technology, and some men were trained in the use of rifles. You must dodge the bullets that they fire, or Goemon will lose precious health.
Bodyguard[edit | edit source]

Not content with soldiers and riflemen alone, the lords of the district hired the biggest men to be their personal bodyguards. While their ham sized fist alone could squash Goemon, they prefer to carry rather large clubs around with them, in hopes of finding someone that they can use them on. If they spot Goemon, they will eagerly look forward to practicing their club swings on his head.
Palace Guards & Senior Guards[edit | edit source]

Naturally, you will not see either of these guards until you make it all the way to final stage in the district lord's palace. These men make up the inner defense of the palace, and they are determined to remove you before you can find the lord's chamber. The smaller palace guards are packing a secret weapon: bombs. They like to toss boss which rise and fall at an arc. Be sure to avoid their explosive power.
Non-human Enemies[edit | edit source]
Duck[edit | edit source]

Ducks can be found occupying certain populated regions of Japan. They are easily startled, and when that happens, they take to the air and begin laying eggs as they fly. Steer Goemon clear of the eggs dropped by the duck, as they can be just as painful as any finely forged blade!
Crow[edit | edit source]

For unknown reasons, the bird's in Goemon's worlds are surprisingly hostile. Crows fly low over villages, and rain stones down upon Goemon. They can be attacked, but only a sling shot. A straw hat can serve as very good protection against the stones that crows drop. It's best not to get slowed down by crows in general.
Fish[edit | edit source]

As you hop across the little islands of sand across the sea, large man eating fish jump out of the water in search of their next meal. Don't let Goemon become lunch. Fish leap out of the water in a parabola. Track their motion carefully, and move forward when the fish is on its way back into the water.
Crab[edit | edit source]

Crabs seem pretty harmless at first, with small pincers that can hardly be a nuisance. But they're not only dangerous up close. They have the ability to blow bubbles that can harm Goemon and send them his way. Steer clear of the bubbles and whack the crab when you have the chance to get in close.
Boar[edit | edit source]

Boars occupy the highest mountains where they have few predators, and plenty of prey to feed on. Not being the brightest of animals, they tend to charge any threat that they perceive on sight. Knock them out with your smoking pipe or throw a coin at them in order to prevent them from trying to gnaw on your legs.
Chickens[edit | edit source]

Watch out for Chickens in various parts of town, they can get underfoot and are easy to rattle.
Oni[edit | edit source]

Onis are large demons. These guys carry a big stick, and they're not afraid to hit anyone who gets in their way. Onis live in tribes, and they appear on the beach, pouring out of huts when they hear someone foolish enough to pass through their territory. They continue to pour out, so the best advice is to clear a path for Goemon and get him out of the way as soon as possible.
Tengu[edit | edit source]

Air demons appear above the mountains as you get dangerously close to their home territory. They hover out of reach to all but the highest of mountain climbers and toss their wind blown fans your way. The float about in a figure eight and can be easily defeated when they are at their lowest altitude, but take care when fighting them, as they have no problem flying into Goemon.
Inanimate Dangers[edit | edit source]
Rice Barrel[edit | edit source]

Rice barrels will occasionally escape the hands of the men who handle them and end up rolling down the streets of many Japanese districts. There's no way to destroy them, so all you can do is dodge them by getting out of the way or jumping over them. While a helmet can obviously protect you from boulders, they also have to ability to save you from one of these.
Boulder[edit | edit source]

Boulders bounce down along the mountainside from an unseen source up above. They get knocked back and forth as them tumble down, but they always seem to get in the way no matter where you go. A helmet can protect you from getting hurt by these falling threats.
Bonus Characters[edit | edit source]
Omitsuchan[edit | edit source]

Omitsu is a sweet and kind hearted young lady who aids Goemon in his quests. She appears from time to time, dressed in her fashionable kimono. If you spot her, run up to her and touch her in order to collect 1000 bonus points. However, if you mistake her for one of the enemies, not only will she disappear, but you'll lose 50 Koban in the process! Keep your eyes open and don't attack until you are sure it's not Omitsu.
Princess Yuki[edit | edit source]

Only found in the palace, Princess Yuki roams throughout the hallways of her father's palace. She is sympathetic to your cause, so be sure not to do her any harm. Run to her and touch her, and you will be rewarded with 1000 points. If you accidentally attack her, you will be penalized by losing 50 Koban. Watch out for her, and keep her safe from harm.