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Stage 10 takes place in a mansion. It's actually more of a walled city than a single house, but it is one of the largest stages in the entire game, spread out over 10 separate sections. There are no less than 15 hidden staircases that lead to either underground passages, some of which are very difficult to find. One section in particular, section 5, contains extremely narrow ledges that you can cross in order to find stairwells, but you must be extremely cautious walking up to them or you will end up drowning in the water. A few new enemies show their faces here, including a samurai, and an egg laying duck who likes to lay them on the fly.

Outdoors[edit | edit source]

Reminder: These maps are very long. Use the scrollbar below the maps to see the entire section if it does not fit inside your browser.

Section 1[edit | edit source]

a Leads to Section 6
b Leads to Section 2
A Helmet: 200, Armor: 320, Slingshot: 150 (starting price)
B Dango: 140 (starting price)

Section 2[edit | edit source]

b Leads to Section 1
c Leads to Section 3
C Ramen: 160 (starting price)
D Inrou: 400, Onigiri: 700, Hourglass: 300 (starting price)

Section 3[edit | edit source]

c Leads to Section 2
d Leads to Section 4
E Pawn Shop
F Herbs: 300

Section 4[edit | edit source]

d Leads to Section 3
e Leads to Section 5
G Onigiri: 700, Hourglass: 300, Straw Hat: 280 (starting prices)

Section 5[edit | edit source]

a Leads to Section 1
e Leads to Section 6
H Candle: 500 (starting prices)
I Hotel: 400
Dungeon entrance: 700.
The entrance fee may be a little steep this time around, you will be more than able to make the money back. If you work your way through this dungeon methodically, you can hit every alleyway and reach the exit without missing a single item.

Section 6[edit | edit source]

a Leads to Section 1
f Leads to Section 7

Section 7[edit | edit source]

f Leads to Section 6
g Leads to Section 8
K Helmet: 200, Armor: 320, Slingshot: 150 (starting price)
L Gambling

Section 8[edit | edit source]

g Leads to Section 7
h Leads to Section 9

Section 9[edit | edit source]

h Leads to Section 8
i Leads to Section 10
M Hotel: 400
N Omamori: 50, Straw Hat: 280, Inrou: 400 (starting prices)
O Candle: 500, Omamori: 50, Pass: 1500 (starting prices)

Section 10[edit | edit source]

i Leads to Section 9
P Sandals: 150, Hourglass: 300, Armor: 320 (starting prices)
Q Pawn Shop

Underground[edit | edit source]

Section 1 - Pass[edit | edit source]


Section 2[edit | edit source]


Section 3 - Pass[edit | edit source]


Section 4[edit | edit source]


Section 5[edit | edit source]


Section 6[edit | edit source]


Section 7[edit | edit source]


Section 8[edit | edit source]
