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Stage 5 takes place in a town. This is by far the largest stage that you have encountered so far, and there will certainly be larger. Despite its size, it's still a very linear stage with only one branching path in the middle. Be sure to search for underground passageways very thoroughly so that you don't miss the valuable life extending scroll that is hidden in addition to the two passes. The stage's dungeon entrance is also cleverly hidden. If you optimize your path through this stage, you can actually use the lowest section, section 6, as a means to shortcut a majority of the stage. Watch out for the Ninjas that begin to appear here and the Shuriken they throw. You will also encounter your first Pawn Shop.

Outdoors[edit | edit source]

Reminder: These maps are very long. Use the scrollbar below the maps to see the entire section if it does not fit inside your browser.

Section 1[edit | edit source]

a Leads to Section 2
A Armor: 90 (starting price)

Section 2[edit | edit source]

a Leads to Section 1
b Leads to Section 3
B Inrou: 280 (starting price)
C Ramen: 90 (starting price)

Section 3[edit | edit source]

b Leads to Section 2
c Leads to Section 4
D Ramen: 110 (starting price)
E Hourglass: 200 (starting price)
F Slingshot: 90, Sandals: 100, Pass: 500 (starting prices)

Section 4[edit | edit source]

c Leads to Section 3
d Leads to Section 5
e Leads to Section 7
G Onigiri: 450, Omamori: 80, Inrou: 280 (starting prices)
H Hotel: 100
Dungeon entrance: 300.
Work your way down the left side of the dungeon first, then travel back up and proceed down the right side. Don't forget to check the circular section of the lower left portion of the dungeon.
J Onigiri: 450 (starting price)
K Pawn Shop

Section 5[edit | edit source]

d Leads to Section 4
f Leads to Section 6
L Slingshot: 90, Sandals: 100, (starting prices)
M Candle: 250 (starting prices)

Section 6[edit | edit source]

f Leads to Section 5
N Herbs: 140
O Candle: 250, Omamori: 80, Pass: 500 (starting prices)
P Ramen: 100 (starting price)
Q Helmet: 100, Armor: 90, Slingshot: 90 (starting prices)

Section 7[edit | edit source]

e Leads to Section 4

Underground[edit | edit source]

Section 1 - Pass[edit | edit source]


Section 2[edit | edit source]


Section 3 - Pass[edit | edit source]


Section 4 - Scroll[edit | edit source]


Section 5[edit | edit source]


Section 6[edit | edit source]
