Sissel[edit | edit source]
Sissel is the main character, and is also the character that is controlled by the player. He died shortly before the beginning of the game, and turned into a ghost shortly after. His true form is a black cat.
Yomiel[edit | edit source]
Yomiel is one of the major characters. He is the real owner of the body that Sissel mistakenly uses in his ghost form.
Ray[edit | edit source]
Ray is a ghost. He takes the form of a desk lamp, and serves as Sissel's mentor throughout the game.
Lynne[edit | edit source]
Lynne is the main female protagonist. She is one of the first characters Sissel meets, and the first one he has to save from death. While Lynne dies multiple times throughout the game, she stays rather optimistic.
Jeego[edit | edit source]
Jeego is a hitman who was tasked to kill Lynne. He shoots people at point-blank range because he cannot see very far away, something which earned him the nickname "Nearsighted Jeego". He uses a golden shotgun.
Sith[edit | edit source]
Sith is the main antagonist. He is the one who ordered the hitman to kill Lynne, and made false promises to Yomiel so he could get the Temsik Meteor fragment.
Masked Muscleman[edit | edit source]
The Masked Muscleman is Sith's servant that expertly operates the machines in the Luxurious Parlor. He is a remote-controlled robot.
Tengo[edit | edit source]
Tengo is a foreign hitman who was tasked to kill Lynne. He specializes in shooting his victims from a distance and uses a sniper rifle. His nickname is "One Step Ahead Tengo", because he always is one step ahead of everyone. He sees Nearsighted Jeego as his rival.
Kamila[edit | edit source]
Kamila Jowd is Detective Jowd's daughter, and treats Lynne like her sister. A cheerful girl despite all that happens to her, she stays with Lynne after her father was arrested. She's one of Missile's beloved mistresses that he'll die to protect. Like Lynne, she is fond of listening to music with her headphones at volumes so loud that she can't hear nearby gunshots.
Missile[edit | edit source]
Missile is a pomeranian belonging to Kamila, one of the major characters. He is usually seen to be overly enthusiastic, causing him to bark against almost anything that moves. This often leads to the old lady from next door to start kicking the wall to make him stop.
Emma[edit | edit source]
Emma is Lynne's neighbour, the wife of the Justice Minister and Amelie's mother. A romance novel writer and a formidable woman, she can knock out Missile through the wall of their apartments with a wine bottle and beat the living daylights out of rats. She's totally fearless.
Amelie[edit | edit source]
Amelie is the daughter of the Justice Minister, and the original target of Beauty and Dandy's kidnapping attempts. She's in the dark about what her parents are arguing about, mistakenly thinking it was about her mother's weird novels instead, and she's rather precocious and in a way, more mature than her parents. Amelie is also a friend of Kamila.
Justice Minister[edit | edit source]
The Justice Minister has a wife called Emma, who lives in an apartment with his daughter Amelie.
Pigeon Man[edit | edit source]
The Pigeon Man is an unnamed junkyard superintendant with a blue pigeon on his head. He is an ex-police medical examiner who quit his job to research the powers of Temsik radiation after he came across Yomiel's unusual "corpse" ten years ago.
Lovey-Dove[edit | edit source]
Lovey-Dove is a pigeon that sits on the head of the Pigeon Man.
Odd Blue Doctor[edit | edit source]
At the scene of the crime in the junkyard, this Odd Blue Doctor came to examine Yomiel's body. Whilst the detectives were talking, you could tell he seemed a bit "off". The truth is he was working with Yomiel all along, and was trying to steal the corpse from the scene.
The Blue Detective[edit | edit source]
The Blue Detective was assigned to investigate the place of Sissel's death (partnered with The Green Detective). His appearance resembles Phoenix Wright from the Ace Attorney game series.
The Green Detective[edit | edit source]
Detective McCaw was assigned to investigate the place of Sissel's death (partnered with The Blue Detective). His appearance resembles that of Winston Payne from the Ace Attorney game series.
Cabanela[edit | edit source]
Cabanela is an Inspector and head of the Special Investigation Unit as of the time in the game.
Guardian of the Park[edit | edit source]
The Guardian of the Park is an unnamed young man who stays in Temsik Park. He's often seen harassing people in Temsik Park with his leaflets about the "rock of the gods" and saving the park from being turned into a housing estate. This is with good reason, because he witnessed the Temsik meteorite fall ten years ago and saw the meteorite fragment kill Yomiel, who had taken little Lynne hostage.
Detective Rindge[edit | edit source]
Detective Rindge is a detective working under Cabanela. He first appeared when he was being called by Cabanela (after taking the phone from the Guardian of the Park).
Chicken Kitchen Chef[edit | edit source]
Chicken Kitchen Chef is an unnamed man who works at The Chicken Kitchen. He loves to sing while cooking chicken, and apparently keeps a bottle of wine (or some other ingredient) under his hat to pour it on the food as it's cooked.
Bailey[edit | edit source]
Bailey is a character found in the special prison as a guard. Bailey is an odd person who tries to go by the rules but is always coerced by other people to not follow the rules.
Rock Jailbird[edit | edit source]
Rock Jailbird is a rock star inmate at the special prison, who sang national secrets during a live broadcast with a song called 'Secret Rendezvous'. At that time, he was manipulated by Yomiel.
Curry-Loving Jailbird[edit | edit source]
The Curry-Loving Jailbird is an inmate in the special prison. He broke through an impossible security at the Metro Police Department (manipulated by the manipulator), and demanded curry and rice. He thought the curry was too spicy and torched the department down with a flamethrower.
Jowd[edit | edit source]
Jowd is a detective, and the father of Kamila. He is the primary reason for Lynne's inspiration to become a detective.
Typical Cop[edit | edit source]
Just one ordinary cop investigating Yomiel's murder.
Dandy[edit | edit source]
Dandy is the shorter of the two foreigners (the other being Beauty) meant to meet Yomiel at Chicken Kitchen at 10 am with the kidnapped Amelie.
Beauty[edit | edit source]
Beauty is one of the two foreigners (the other being Dandy) meant to meet Yomiel at Chicken Kitchen at 10 am with the kidnapped Amelie.
Memry[edit | edit source]
Memry works in the Chicken Kitchen restaurant as a skating waitress serving chicken and drinking water to customers.