Nintendo DS[edit | edit source]
Primarily speaking, use the stylus.
On most screens, there will be a "Ghost" button in the lower-left corner of your touchscreen, used to enter the "Ghost World", where you can move between objects within a certain range. Use the stylus to move Sissel between objects.
On most screens, there will also be a "Trick" button in the lower-right hand corner of your touchscreen, used in the living world to perform "Ghost Tricks" - in other words, to interact with the real world. This includes opening umbrellas, turning wheels, and more. You'll discover more Ghost Tricks as the game goes on, but they all work the same way. Tap the button, watch it go.
Remember that you can use either button any time they're onscreen! Remembering that there's no animation lockout is essential to solving many of the game's puzzles!
Dialogue boxes can either be tapped with the stylus, progressed with the DS' A button, or with the down arrow. The stylus is pretty quick.