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Golden Axe II Stage 4 (04:25) - Watch a short video walkthrough of this stage.

Head to the right. The Skeleton in the middle will rise and attack. Further along you'll find two magic books, and two more Skeletons will rise to attack you. In the next area there are another two books, and this time three Skeletons attack. After this you'll face a Purple Lizardman and two Purple Longmoans, with two Purple Lizardmen after that.

Next you'll fight a Red Lizardman and a Red Wizard on a Fire Dragon, followed by three more Red Lizardmen.

Boss battle[edit | edit source]

Two Red Lizardmen and two Red Minotaurs await you. Defeat them in the usual way.

Bonus Stage[edit | edit source]

Four bats fly into view and turn into Wizards (two Red, two Green). Defeat them for two magic books and three food.