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This is the first game in the Gothic series. For other games in the series see the Gothic category.

Box artwork for Gothic.
Box artwork for Gothic.
Developer(s)Piranha Bytes
Publisher(s)Egmont Interactive, Xicat Interactive
Year released2001
Expansion pack(s)Diccuric
Followed byGothic II
ModesSingle player
Latest version1.08j/1.08k
Rating(s)ESRB TeenUSK Ages 12+
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Gothic is an RPG by German developer Piranha Bytes. The game centers around a mining colony inside a magical forcefield simply called "the Barrier". The player is thrown in, and then has to choose to ally themselves with one of three factions each with differing quest lines; at a certain point the quest lines merge to a shared plot line as the climax of the storyline draws closer.

While less commonly known in North America, the game became an instant success throughout Europe and was translated into several European languages. It later featured in the compilations Gothic Collector's Edition and Gothic: Collector's Edition and also saw a special "Fan Edition" (including a screensaver, map, and other goodies) as well as a fan-made expansion called Diccuric. It was soon followed by Gothic II, a sequel which picked up from the ending and expanded the accessible game world around the Colony to an entire island.

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