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Click here for more information about Faust's other fighting game appearances.

Before the start of Guilty Gear, Dr. Baldhead was a successful surgeon loved by all. This was until he was conspired against by rival surgeons, who made him believe that he allowed a little girl in his care to perish. When she died, Dr. Baldhead lost all sanity and became a violent murderer. Eventually, he was incarcerated, but freed by a mysterious stranger. This was when Baldhead entered the tournament, using a giant scalpel to slash his way to victory. Though Baldhead disappears after Guilty Gear, he later evolves into the character Faust in Guilty Gear X.

Dr. Baldhead is the most violent character in the game, using his scalpel to slash open opponents and form a bloody mess. His unpredictability and strange mannerisms make him seem out-of-place in the world of Guilty Gear (and more suited for the world of Mortal Kombat), but that's exactly what gives Baldhead the advantage in battle. His attacks can make some serious chains, especially when he grabs the opponent and begins a frenzy of slashes which the opponent can't escape. If you're looking for an unconventional fighter with some easily-formed combos, look no further than Dr. Baldhead.

Against Baldhead, try to keep your distance lest you get caught up in one of his inescapable combos. Though Baldhead's scalpel is quite large, he lacks in the range department - this includes his special. With not much range, it's easily avoidable and hard to land.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Guilty Gear[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Souten Enshin Ranbuu +
├►Lean or
├►Attack or
Metta Giri +
└►Step or
Going My Way +
Rerere no Tsuki +
Charge Move
Metta Giri (+ to charge)
Chaos Move
Crazy Operation (close) +
Instant Kill
Peaceful Death from the Sky

Guilty Gear X[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Rerere no Tsuki +
└►Pull Back
 └►Holler! +
  └►Can't Hear You! +
   └►Holler Again! +
What Could This Be? +
① Souten Enshin Ranbuu +
Forward Move (①)
Backward Move (①)
Rubber Neck (①)
Growing Flower (①)
Going My Way (①)
Cancel (①)
Special Moves
Going My Way +
Hack'n'Slash (close) +
From The Front +
From Behind +
From Above +
Overdrive Attacks
W-W-What Could This Be? +
Stimulating Fists of
Instant Kill
This Week's CLIMAX! +

Guilty Gear XX, XX ♯Reload[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Rerere no Tsuki +
 └►Holler! +
  └►Can't Hear You! +
   └►Holler Again! +
What Could This Be? +
① Souten Enshin Ranbuu +
Forward Move (①)
Backward Move (①)
Rubber Neck (①)
Growing Flower (①)
I'm a Flower. Get It? A Flower? (①)
Going My Way (①)
Special Moves
What Could This Be? (①)
Cancel (①)
Love +
Going My Way +
Hack'n'Slash (close) +
From the Front +
From Behind +
From Above +
Overdrive Attacks
W-W-What Could This Be? +
Stimulating Fists of
Instant Kill
This Week's CLIMAX! +

Guilty Gear XX Λ Core Plus R[edit | edit source]

Special Moves
Special Skill +
Re-re-re no Tsuki +
 ├►Holler! +
  └►Can't Hear You! +
   └►Holler Again! +
 └►Getting to the Good Part +
Souten Enshin Ranbu +
├►Forward / Backward or
├►Small Jump
├►Rubber Neck
├►Growing Flower
├►I'm a Flower. Get it? A Flower?
├►Going My Way
└►Surprise Surprise
Love +
Hack'n Slash (close) +
Special Moves
From the Front +
From Behind +
From Above +
What could this be? +
Going My Way +
Force Breaks
This One's on the House (Getting to the Good Part) +
Re-re-re no Cho-Tsuki (Small Jump)
Re-re-re no Cho-Tsuki +
BAM! Outta Nowhere +
From Behind +
Overdrive Attacks
W-W-What could this be? +
Shigekiteki Zetsumei Ken + or or or (hold)
Instant Kill
This Week's Yamaban +