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Moves[edit | edit source]

Guilty Gear Xrd Sign[edit | edit source]

Special Attacks
Berry Pine +
├►High Toss +
└►Low Toss +
Bridal Express +
Aim Ms. Confille +
├►Fire or or or
 └►Reload +
Special Attacks
Aim Ms. Travailler +
 └►Reload +
 └►Cancel +
Judge Better Half +
Genoverse +
Instant Kill
Magnum Wedding +

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator, Rev 2[edit | edit source]

Special Attacks
Berry Pine +
├►High Toss +
└►Low Toss +
Bridal Express +
Aim Ms. Confille +
├►Fire or or or
 └►Reload +
Special Attacks
Aim Ms. Travailler +
 └►Reload +
└►CQC (close)
 └►Cancel +
Judge Better Half + or
Genoverse +
Instant Kill
Magnum Wedding +