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Windows[edit | edit source]

Follow these steps to activate cheats:

  • In the game
    1. Go to the Options menu
    2. Go to the Keyboard section
    3. Go to the Advanced tab
    4. Click "Allow access to console"
    5. Use the  ~  to show console
    6. Enter sv_cheats 1
  • From the desktop
    1. Mouse right click on Half-Life icon
    2. Go to Properties
    3. Go to the Shortcut tab
    4. Add a space followed by -console or -dev -console at the end of the address to hl.exe in the Target box
    5. Open Half-Life and press  ~  to show the console
    6. Enter sv_cheats 1
  • From the command line (DOS Prompt)
    1. Navigate to the Half-Life directory
    2. Enter hl.exe -console or hl.exe -dev -console to run Half-Life
    3. Press  ~  to show the console
    4. Enter sv_cheats 1

Cheats[edit | edit source]

Effect Cheat
God mode god
Adjust gravity sv_gravity <-999 to 999999>
All weapons and ammo impulse 101
Developer mode on developer 1
Verbose developer mode developer 2
Developer mode off developer 0
Suicide kill
Map select map <map name>
No clipping mode noclip
Obtain item give <item name>
Opponents ignore character notarget
Third person view thirdperson
First person view firstperson
Auto-reload enabled +reload
Auto-reload disabled -reload
Brighten dark environments lambert -1.0001
Spawns gibs and blood impulse 102
Show monster stats impulse 103
List global entities impulse 104
Silent player impulse 105
Model/sprite stats impulse 106
Display texture name impulse 107
AI node information impulse 195/196/197/199
Delete monster or NPC from world impulse 203

Item Codes[edit | edit source]

ammo_357 ammo_9mmAR ammo_9mmbox
ammo_9mmclip ammo_ARgrenades ammo_buckshot
ammo_crossbow ammo_egonclip ammo_gaussclip
ammo_glockclip ammo_mp5clip ammo_mp5grenades
ammo_rpgclip item_airtank item_antidote
item_battery item_healthkit item_longjump
item_security item_sodacan item_suit
weapon_357 weapon_9mmAR weapon_9mmhandgun
weapon_crossbow weapon_crowbar weapon_egon
weapon_gauss weapon_glock weapon_handgrenade
weapon_hornetgun weapon_mp5 weapon_python
weapon_quantumdestabilizer weapon_rpg weapon_satchel
weapon_shotgun weapon_snark weapon_tripmine

Levels[edit | edit source]

Single player levels[edit | edit source]

c0a0 c1a1a c1a3c
c0a0a c1a1b c1a3d
c0a0b c1a1c c1a4
c0a0c c1a1d c1a4b
c0a0d c1a1f c1a4d
c0a0e c1a2 c1a4e
c1a0 c1a2a c1a4f
c1a0a c1a2b c1a4g
c1a0b c1a2c c1a4i
c1a0c c1a2d c1a4j
c1a0d c1a3 c1a4k
c1a0e c1a3a c2a1
c1a1 c1a3b c2a1a

Multi-player levels[edit | edit source]


Hazard course[edit | edit source]


PlayStation 2[edit | edit source]

Effect Cheat
Unlimited Ammo Down dpad Cross button Left dpad Circle button Down dpad Cross button Left dpad Circle button
Invincibility Left dpad Square button Up dpad Triangle button Right dpad Circle button Down dpad Cross button
Invisibility Left dpad Square button Right dpad Circle button Left dpad Square button Right dpad Circle button
Slow Motion Right dpad Square button Up dpad Triangle button Right dpad Square button Up dpad Triangle button
Xen Gravity Up dpad Triangle button Down dpad Cross button Up dpad Triangle button Down dpad Cross button
Alien Mode Up dpad Triangle button Up dpad Triangle button Up dpad Triangle button Up dpad Triangle button