Crowbar[edit | edit source]

The crowbar is a bit of a trade mark within the Half-Life series. Although its mostly there to get you by when ammo is in short supply, you can also use the crowbar for more practical things like breaking windows/crates. Useful on the headcrabs.
- Primary Fire: Crowbar swing
- Damage: 5
Glock 9mm Pistol[edit | edit source]

Not as powerful or as quick firing as other weapons but good for hitting things at a distance.
- Primary / Secondary Fire: Single shot / Rapid fire
- Max Ammo / Clip: 250 / 17
- Damage: 8
.357 Magnum[edit | edit source]

Considerably more powerful than the Glock, usually one shot, one kill. Low clip capacity.
- Primary / Secondary Fire: Single shot / Zoom
- Max Ammo / Clip: 36 / 6
- Damage: 40
Assault Shotgun[edit | edit source]

A semi-automatic assault shotgun that loads from the bottom. Good for close quarter battles.
- Primary / Secondary Fire: Single shot / Double shot
- Max Ammo / Clip: 125 / 8
- Damage: 5
M4 Assault Rifle[edit | edit source]

More powerful than the Glocks' rapid fire and a bigger clip. One of the main weapons of the game.
- Primary / Secondary Fire: Rapid fire / "On-contact explosive" grenade
- Max Ammo / Clip: 250 / 50 / 10 grenades
- Damage: 5 / 100 grenade
Hand-Grenade[edit | edit source]

3 second timer, the longer you hold it the less time before it goes off.
- Primary: Throw grenade
- Max Ammo / Clip: 10 / 1
- Damage: 100
Satchel[edit | edit source]

More powerful than the grenade, but with less range. Good for throwing into foxholes, windows or doors.
- Primary / Secondary Fire: Throw satchel / Detonate
- Max Ammo / Clip: 5 / 1
Snark[edit | edit source]

A small alien creature that will bite any other living entity (including the player). They die after 10 seconds.
- Primary: Throw snark
- Max Ammo / Clip: 15 / 1
RPG (Laser-Guided Rocket Launcher)[edit | edit source]

Rockets will fly towards the laser target, or in a straight line when it is switched off. Good for bigger enemies.
- Primary / Secondary Fire: Launch rocket / Switch laser on/off
- Max Ammo / Clip: 5 / 1
- Damage: 100