Battle Creek is one of the smallest maps. As its name suggests, there is a small creek in the middle. It is very popular for shotgun only games, as well as intense CTF games.
As Halo:CE became generally accepted as a competitive game. New tricks and jumps were developed. Most notably, nade placement could allow you to acquire power weapons from across the map. Additionally, you can throw the flag up on top of the base or up through the teleporters allowing for quick and easy captures if your team were to be set up correctly.
The bases of each map have suttle differences, for example, Red base has a window big enough for you to jump out of flag room, while blue room's window is too small for your character model to fit through. Another difference is the power-ups in the back of the base (Med-pack, or Overshield). These differences can give some teams small advantages so it is important to effectivly use the differences to gain the upper hand.
Battle Creek is recommanded for 2-8 players. Playing with excessive amount of players will give you a cramped up, but very popular server.
For CTF games, CTF might be fast if all players are newbies same to rat race and a few small maps but if you put in some pros, CTF in battle creek might get very insane. So insane that it almost looks like slayer. Putting any amount higher than 8 players, and only 1 team will get 1 point.
Slayer games might be boring as time passes but you can see it at its full potential best in 8 players and above.
King of the hill will also get crazy with at least 1 pro in the mix. Since this is a small map, king spots will be very limited.
Oddball and its varients in battle creek might be 1 step ahead of everything else.If you got lots of skulls in your gametype + this map, melee is still the best thing to do.
Over all, Battle Creek will be crazy no matter the gametype, as long as you got lots of players in your hand!