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There are 49 achievements in Halo 3 worth a total of 1000 Gamerscore points.

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon
Landfall Completed the first mission of the Campaign. 20 Gamerscore points
Holdout Completed the second mission of the Campaign. 20 Gamerscore points
The Road Completed the third mission of the Campaign. 20 Gamerscore points
Assault Completed the forth mission of the Campaign. 30 Gamerscore points
Cleansing Completed the fifth mission of the Campaign. 30 Gamerscore points
Refuge Completed the sixth mission of the Campaign. 30 Gamerscore points
Last Stand Completed the seventh mission of the Campaign. 40 Gamerscore points
The Key Completed the eighth mission of the Campaign. 40 Gamerscore points
Return Completed the final mission of the Campaign. 50 Gamerscore points
Campaign Complete: Normal Completed the Campaign on Normal difficulty. 125 Gamerscore points
Campaign Complete: Heroic Completed the Campaign on Heroic difficulty. 125 Gamerscore points
Campaign Complete: Legendary Finish the Campaign on Legendary (unlocks achievements for Normal and Heroic, if not earned). 125 Gamerscore points
Guerilla Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the first mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Demon Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the second mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Cavalier Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the third mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Askar Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the fourth mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Exterminator Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the fifth mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Ranger Score over 50,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the sixth mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Vanguard Score over 50,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the seventh mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Orpheus Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the eighth mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Reclaimer Score over 15,000 points in the Campaign meta-game on the final mission. 10 Gamerscore points
Iron Claimed Iron skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Black Eye Claimed Black Eye skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Tough Luck Claimed Tough Luck skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Catch Claimed Catch skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Fog Claimed Fog skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Famine Claimed Famine skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Thunderstorm Claimed Thunderstorm skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Tilt Claimed Tilt Skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Mythic Claimed Mythic skull. 10 Gamerscore points
Marathon Man Accessed all Terminals in the Campaign. 40 Gamerscore points
Graduate Graduated from basic training. Stick with it to earn your Spartan Insignia. 10 Gamerscore points
UNSC Spartan Promoted to Sergeant. Proven in combat, you are a Spartan. 15 Gamerscore points
Spartan Officer True veteran of many battles, you are a Spartan Officer. 25 Gamerscore points
Lee R Wilson Memorial Scored 5 grenade sticks in any ranked free for all playlist. Gamerscore points
Mongoose Mowdown Splattered an enemy with the mongoose in a ranked free for all playlist. Gamerscore points
Headshot Honcho Killed 10 enemies with headshots in a ranked free for all playlist or in campaign. Gamerscore points
Too Close to the Sun Destroyed a banshee with the spartan laser or missile pod in a ranked playlist or in campaign. Gamerscore points
MVP Earned the MVP in a ranked playlist. Gamerscore points
Up Close and Personal Killed 5 enemies by melee or assassination in a ranked free for all playlist. Gamerscore points
Fear the Pink Mist Killed 5 enemies with the needler in a ranked free for all playlist or in campaign. Gamerscore points
Two for One Score a Double Kill with a single spartan laser shot in a ranked free for all playlist (Online). Gamerscore points
Triple Kill Kill 3 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist (Online). Gamerscore points
Overkill Kill 4 enemies within 4 seconds of one another in a ranked free for all playlist (Online). Gamerscore points
We’re in for some Chop Destroy an enemy vehicle with equipment in a ranked playlist or in campaign. Gamerscore points
Killing Frenzy Kill 10 enemies without dying in any ranked free for all playlist (Online). Gamerscore points
Steppin' Razor Score a Triple Kill with the sword in a ranked free for all playlist (Online). Gamerscore points
Used Car Salesman Destroy a vehicle that has three enemies in it in a ranked playlist or in campaign. Gamerscore points
Maybe Next Time Buddy Board the same vehicle within 10 seconds after being boarded in any free for all playlist (Online). Gamerscore points