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Part 1: Journey[edit]

Starting out[edit]

HnK VGA screen 1.png
  • 1 to look (みる) at the starting point. It's a scrapyard filled with cars that are missing engines and batteries. 63 to pick up a container for water.
  • 0 to move (いどう). 6 to go east (東 or ひがし). There is a cliff here that blocks your path.
  • 0 to move (いどう). 4 to go west (西 or にし). You'll find yourself back at the starting point.
  • Move2 to go south (南 or みなみ). There is a motorcycle with a sidecar here. If you were to use it, you could leave town easily, but there is no key.
HnK VGA screen 2.png
  • Movesouth once more. Here you'll meet a beautiful woman named Leila (レイラ).
  • 7 to speak (はなす) to her.
  • 8 to ask (きく) her → 0 about the water (みず) situation in the village. Continue to ask until you exhaust all topics of conversation (the last should be about Sazakunros (サザクンロス), the town she's headed to) and she leaves.
  • Move8 to go north (北 or きた ). Bat makes sure to point out the pile of cash here.
  • 6 to take (とる) → 2 the rope (ロープ). This could be useful.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 3 at the paper money (しへい). You'll receive a full-screen view of one of the bills. Take it.
  • Move6 to go east (東 or ひがし), where Kenshiro and Bat will find a man with an eyepatch threatening an old lady.
  • 3 to strike (たたかう) and begin the battle.
HnK VGA screen Battle 1.png
  • The two pressure points on Eyepatch (アイパッチ) are the center of his left shoulder and his right hand. He will be killed with the Hokuto Bone Muscle (北斗断骨筋) technique.
  • 6 to take (とる) → 0 his eyepatch (がんたい). This reveals his eye.
  • 6 to take (とる) → 3 his eye (め). There seems to be something there.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 3 at his eye (め). This concludes the investigation of the corpse.
  • Move4 to go west (西 or にし). This takes you back to the previous area, where you can move on to continue exploring.

Exploring the town[edit]

HnK VGA screen 3.png
  • Move2 to go south (南 or みなみ). There's a boarded-up cabin here.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 0 at the cabin (こや). Apparently, the villagers are using it as a morgue. Bat doesn't like the look of it.
  • Look1 at the door (ドア), the wall (かべ), and the flowers (はな) on the ground. Why would there be flowers growing by a morgue?
  • Move6 to go east (東 or ひがし). There is nothing of interest here.
  • Move8 to go north (北 or きた). There is a well here.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 0 at the well (いど)
HnK VGA screen 4.png
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the rope (ロープ) that you picked up earlier. Bat uses it to lower himself down into the well and finds a knife.
  • Move6 to go east (東 or ひがし). You'll find yourself in a bar.
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the knife (ナイフ).
  • 7 to speak (はなす) to the bartender. 8 to ask him about all available topics.
  • 6 to take (とる) → 2 a match (マツチ).
  • Look1 at the flower (はな). It looks familiar.
HnK VGA screen 5.png

The mines and the villains[edit]

  • Move6 to go east (東 or ひがし). You'll find yourself by an abandoned mine.
  • 6 to take (とる) → 4 the dynamite (ダイナマイト).
  • 9 to enter (はいる) → 0 to follow the track0 to enter (はいる).
  • 1 to look (みる) → at the mine (いれ) after exiting. It is now caved-in.
HnK VGA screen 6.png
  • Move4 to go west (西 or にし). There are some children by the well now.
  • 9 to enter (はいる) the well. Bat lights a match and finds something new.
  • 7 to speak (はなす) to the children. 8 to ask (きく) them about various topics. They'll tell you about a group of three villains that have been targeting them.
  • Move4 to go west (西 or にし), then 6 to go east (東 or ひがし). You'll end up back at the cliff, where you can see the three villains the children talked about.
  • Moveeast again for a closer look, and then 7 to speak (はなす) to them.
  • 3 to strike (たたかう) and begin the battle.
HnK VGA screen Battle 2.png
  • You have three fists this time, one for one pressure point on each villain. The pressure points can be found on each of their heads. There's no special Hokuto technique used here; just Kenshiro poking at heads to make them explode.

The secret of the village[edit]

HnK VGA screen 7.png
  • Move4 to go west (西 or にし). You'll find yourself back at the morgue.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 3 at the flowers (はな). Bat points out that they saw the same type of flower at the bar.
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the paper money (しへい). You can use it as kindling for a fire, destroying the boards that block your path into the cabin. As it turns out, this cabin isn't a morgue after all; it was only a cover story for water storage in order to protect it from greedy passerby. Suddenly, another enemy appears.
  • 3 to strike (たたかう) and begin the battle.
HnK VGA screen Battle 3.png
  • The two pressure points on Club (クラブ) are the center of his chest and his nose. He will be killed with the Hokuto Repent Fist (北斗残悔拳) technique. Now you can finally pick up water by using the container from the scrapyard ( 40 ).

Leaving the village[edit]

HnK VGA screen 8.png
HnK VGA screen 9.png
  • Move6 to go east (東 or ひがし). You'll see an old man here. 7 to speak (はなす) to him.
  • Move8 to go north (北 or きた). You'll end up back at the bar, this time with the old man.
  • 7 to speak (はなす) → 1 to the old man (じいさん).
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the harmonica (ハーモニカ).
  • Move4 to go west (西 or にし). You'll meet the old lady who ran from your first battle before she could thank you.
  • 7 to speak (はなす) to her. 8 to ask (きく) her about all available topics, until she leaves.
  • Move6 to go east (東 or ひがし), back to the bar.
  • 7 to speak (はなす) → 1 to the master (マスター).
  • Move8 to go north (北 or きた).
  • 2 to move (うごかす) → the sidecar (サイドカー).
  • 9 to enter (はいる) → 0 to follow the trail. You are now on your way to Southern Cross Town.

Part 2: Southern Cross[edit]

The gas station[edit]

HnK VGA screen 10.png

On their way to town, Kenshiro and Bat stop at a gas station, where they happen upon Leila.

  • 7 to speak (はなす) to her. She stopped here on her way to Sazakunros, where she plans on avenging her family.
  • 8 to ask (きく) her → 0 about food (テキ) three times and 1 Sazakunros (サザクンロス) twice.
  • Attempt to ask her something once more and she'll collapse mid-sentence. The culprit is Heart (ハート), one of Shin's lieutenants, who shot her with an arrow, killing her.
  • 3 to strike (たたかう) and begin the battle with Heart.
HnK VGA screen Battle 4.png
  • The two pressure points on Heart are on his right shoulder and in the center of his stomach. He will be killed with the Hokuto Juha Zan (北斗柔破斬) technique.
HnK VGA screen 11.png
HnK VGA screen 12.png
  • 1 to look (みる) → 7 at the cigar (はまき). Heart dropped it when he died, but it is still smoking.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 3 at the gas station (きゅうゆき). There's a mysterious combination of numbers here.
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the dynamite (ダイナマイト). You can use the combination of the flame from the cigar and the dynamite to blow up the station.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 8 at the safe (キソコ). Enter the combination of numbers mentioned before, 7906, to unlock it. Inside is an ancient document that Leila mentioned.
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the ancient document (こもんじょ) to take a closer look at it. It seems to reveal two pressure points integral to beating the game.
  • 0 to move (いどう). 2 to go south (南 or みなみ).

In the next slightly-animated scene, Kenshiro and Bat trek through the wasteland in their motorcycle, but end up colliding with an enemy. The enemy is Jack (ジャック), the brother of Eyepatch.

  • 3 to strike (たたかう) and begin the battle with Jack.
HnK VGA screen Battle 5.png
  • The two pressure points on Jack are on his elbows. After hearing his last words, movesouth again. Since the sidecar is now broken, Kenshiro and Bat will have to travel the rest of the way by foot.
HnK VGA screen 13.png
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the rope (ロープ). You can use it to scale the wall that surrounds the town. 0 to climb up the left (ひだリ) side of the wall.
  • 9 to enter (はいる) → 0 to get on (のる). A short animation follows, after which Kenshiro and Bat will be on top of the wall.

The path to Shin[edit]

  • 9 to enter (はいる). As soon as you enter, Bat points out a guard that stands in the way.
  • 2 to move (うごかす) → 1 the loose block (ブロツク) from the wall.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 1 at the block (ブロツク).
  • 3 to strike (たたかう) and begin the battle with Kong (コング).
HnK VGA screen Battle 6.png
HnK VGA screen 14.png
  • The two pressure points on Kong are right on his left eye and right above his right eye. Kenshiro kills him with the Hokuto Repent Fist (北斗残悔拳) technique.
  • 1 to look (みる) → 3 at the axe (オノ). There's something strange about it.
  • 2 to move (うごかす) → 3 the axe (オノ). Bat will take it apart for you.
  • 0 to move (いどう). 2 to go south (南 or みなみ). You'll find yourself surrounded by imposing buildings, as if a sign of Shin's strength.
HnK VGA screen 15.png
  • 0 to move (いどう). 6 to go east (東 or ひがし). You'll find yourself in a room where the corpses of what were once the city's inhabitants have been stored.
  • 2 to move (うごかす) → 0 the corpse (したい).
  • 1 to look (みる) → 1 at the wall (かべ). It seems that before his death, the man by the wall scribbled some characters on the wall. These characters may be just the key that Kenshiro needs to defeat Shin.
  • 0 to move (いどう). 6 to go east (東 or ひがし). You'll come across a room that looks to serve as lodging for some of Shin's guards.
  • 9 to enter (はいる), or at least attempt to. Spade (スペード), one of Shin's lieutenants, approaches. There's no need to strike here; the battle begins immediately.
HnK VGA screen Battle 7.png
  • The two pressure points on Spade are on his right ear and at the very top of his head. Kenshiro kills him with the Hokuto Kaikkon (北斗壊骨拳) technique.
  • 9 to enter (はいる) the enemies' lodging. 6 to take whatever is here, just in case.
  • Movewest (西 or にし) and then south (南 or みなみ). Here, you'll meet Diamond (ダイヤ), the last of Shin's lieutenants.
HnK VGA screen Battle 8.png
  • The two pressure points on Diamond are on his neck and on the right side of his stomach. Kenshiro uses the Hokuto Koshu Hagan Ken (交首破顔拳) technique to kill him.
HnK VGA screen 16.png
  • 1 to look (みる) → 3 at Diamond (ダイヤ). Look at him again to pick up a key that you need to get to Shin. Now that you have the key, it's time to backtrack.
  • Movenorth, then east, then south.
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the key (カギ). This unlocks the door to Shin's castle.
  • 5 to open (あける) the door.
  • 9 to enter. You'll be treated to an image of samurai upon entering the castle. Look at the image twice to be treated to another image.
  • 2 to move (うごかす) → 1 the button (ボタン) → 1 of the moon (ツキ) → 2 which is sacred (セイ).
  • 1 to look (みる) → 0 at the wall (かべ), then 2 to move (うごかす) it. Look at it again to see a newly-revealed panel. Move it once more to reveal a keyhole.
  • 4 to check your items (もちもの). Take out the pendant (ぺンダント). With that, the door will open.
  • 9 to enter (はいる). Inside is Shin (シン) and Yuria (ユリア), giving Kenshiro the motivation he needs to finish his quest.
HnK VGA screen Battle 9.png

The three pressure points on Shin are on his right elbow, below his left hand, and at the top of his head. A scene follows in which Shin explains, as he dies, that the Yuria with them is actually a doll; the real Yuria jumped off the building long before Kenshiro came, as she couldn't bear to be with Shin. At that moment, Shin does the same, ending his life. Kenshiro recovers the body before walking off into the sunset with Bat.

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