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Box artwork for Hudson Best Collection Vol. 6: Action Collection.
Box artwork for Hudson Best Collection Vol. 6: Action Collection.
Hudson Best Collection Vol. 6: Action Collection
Developer(s)Hudson Soft
Publisher(s)Hudson Soft
Year released2006
System(s)Game Boy Advance
Preceded byHudson Best Collection Vol. 5
SeriesAdventure Island
Genre(s)Action, Compilation
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO All ages
LinksHudson Best Collection Vol. 6 ChannelSearch

Hudson Best Collection Vol. 6: Bouken Jima Collection, is the last in a series of six compilation titles for the Game Boy Advance that contains emulated versions of Famicom games. It was released in 2006. This collection contains each and every game in the Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima series (known as Adventure Island outside of Japan) released for the Famicom, namely: