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Box artwork for Jungler.
Box artwork for Jungler.
Publisher(s)Konami, Stern Electronics
Year released1981
System(s)Arcade, Emerson Arcadia, Tomy Tutor
SeriesArcade Archives
Japanese titleジャングラー
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Arcade Archives Jungler
Publisher(s)Hamster Corporation
Year released2024
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4
Rating(s)IARC Ages 3+ESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 3+General
LinksJungler ChannelSearchSearch
Jungler marquee

Jungler is a multi-directional shooter arcade game that was released by Konami in 1981, and was licensed to Stern Electronics for U.S. manufacture and distribution; it runs on a modified version of Namco's Pac-Man hardware with the video system used for both Rally-X games (a Zilog Z80 main microprocessor running at 3.072 MHz, but with an added Zilog Z80 sub-microprocessor running at 1.789772 MHz and two General Instrument AY-3-8910s running at the same speed for audio).

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The player uses a 4-way joystick to direct a white snake-like ship around a maze in pursuit of three similar-looking differently-coloured CPU-controlled enemy ships, with a single button to make it fire bullets at them - and when both the player and enemy ships are hit by each other's shots, they will lose one segment of their bodies (they also die immediately if they try to run over a ship of greater length than they are). When the player runs over an enemy ship of lesser length, each segment is worth 80 points; however, shooting a segment of any enemy ship is merely worth 60 points (apart from their heads which are worth 500 points when destroyed in this way). In addition, bonus items occasionally appear in the mazes, and if the player eats one it is worth 500 points (it also adds an extra segment to his or her ship) - however, each maze has dead ends that the enemy ships shall eventually get trapped in, so the player only has a short amount of time to kill them all before they self-destruct, depriving him or her of the points for killing them (their speed also increases as they lose more segments so the player must use the mazes' features if wishing to catch up with them).

Trophies[edit | edit source]

Xbox 360 icon. PlayStation network icon.
{{{360}}} 6
Gamerscore Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
{{{g}}} 1 3 2 This game does not have platinum trophy.

There are six trophies for PlayStation 4.

Picture Name Description Trophy
Record score The score has been posted to the online rankings in the "ORIGINAL MODE". 2: Silver trophy Silver
Mark high score High score has been updated. 2: Silver trophy Silver
Score 10,000 points The score won 10,000 points. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Score 30,000 points The score won 30,000 points. 2: Silver trophy Silver
Score 50,000 points The score won 50,000 points. 3: Gold trophy Gold
HI SCORE Player The score has been posted to the online rankings in the "HI SCORE MODE". 3: Gold trophy Gold