Hearts serve as the currency of Angel Land. People exchange them for other goods such as life restoring bottles and chalices, or fortress mapping items.
Small Heart
The small heart is the unit of Angel Land currency.
Half Heart
A half heart is worth five small hearts.
Large Heart
Collecting a large heart adds ten hearts to your total.
You can choose one of these items every time you withstand the torture of the training rooms. These do not function immediately when obtained; to activate each weapon, your current health needs to surpass a certain threshold (2 bars for the fireball, 3 for the bow, and 4 for the rod). Once activated, they stay activated unless they are stolen by Plutons. The weapons never function in fortresses.
Crystal Rod
Once active, two crystals will revolve around Pit continuously, damaging any enemy they contact. They do damage equal to Pit's arrows.
Flaming Arrow
A fireball will spin around each arrow fired by Pit. This fireball is a separate projectile from the arrow, hits independently, and does equal damage. The fireball immediately vanishes when the arrow vanishes (whether from reaching max range or hitting an object). Therefore, if the arrow hits something first, the fireball will vanish without inflicting any damage.
Sacred Bow
Pit's regular bow has a limited range. The Sacred Bow makes the range unlimited. Note a maximum of only two arrows can be on screen at once; Pit can't fire any more if two are already present.
The three sacred treasures are the only items that will endow Pit with the power to defeat Medusa, the goddess of darkness. Each one is protected by the three powerful fortress guardians. They must all be defeated in order for Pit to collect the chests that contain the treasures. Not only that, but the treasures will not open unless all three are brought close to one another, at which point, Pit can don the treasures at take his battle directly to Medusa.
Mirror Shield
Only the Mirror Shield possess the ability to repel the stone-causing gaze of Medusa's eye beams. Without it, Pit would become a helpless statue.
Arrow of Light
The Arrow of Light is a beam of pure energy, and can therefore pass through several enemies as it travels forward. Use it to attack Medusa's eye.
Pegasus Wings
The Pegasus Wings can enhance Pit's own wings' power and grant him the ability of true flight. He will need it to reach Palutena's Sky Palace.
Each chalice contains a magical elixir that restores one bar (8 units) of health. These can be found in fixed locations, and are also sold in shops.
These can be used in fortresses to hit enemies or free Centurions by smashing their statues. Each such use costs one mallet. Against enemies, it does five damage. Freed Centurions will appear during the boss fight and shoot arrows at the boss, doing five damage per hit. Mallets are bought from shops, found in treasure rooms, or dropped by enemies when the magic harp is used.
These are scattered through several stages. When collecting a harp, Pit will play a tune for several seconds that transforms enemies into mallets. These can be collected as long as the tune continues.
Power Arrow
If Pit has performed enough deeds that impress the gods (e.g. kill enemies, collect hearts), then when entering certain rooms, the gods will grant him an arrow which increases his arrow damage by 1 (to a maximum of 5). To learn more about how to impress the gods, read the description of the Arrow Power room.
Credit Card
The credit card can only be won as a random reward for completing a treasure room. It lets Pit purchase items from the black market on credit. When used, Pit's heart total is set to zero, and all hearts collected afterward first go toward paying off the debt. The debt is equal to the difference between the purchase price and the number of hearts Pit possessed when making the purchase (there is no interest charge).
Treasure Pot
Eight treasure pots are found in each treasure room. Shooting one with an arrow costs five hearts, and each broken treasure pot drops either a big heart, a hammer, or the god of poverty. If an item is picked up, all remaining unbroken pots vanish. If the god appears, all dropped items and unbroken pots vanish. However, if the pot with the god is shot last, the god doesn't appear and a rare item (e.g. barrel, credit card, feather) drops instead.
The Black Market is expensive, but it sells several rare items. The Black Marketeer will try to sell you your own special weapons if they have been stolen by Plutons. The Black Market will sell items on credit if you have the credit card.
Bottle of Life
If Pit has a Bottle of Life and loses all his health, the bottle will be consumed and Pit's health will be set to one block. Pit can normally only carry one such bottle, but the barrel can hold up to eight.
The barrel increases Pit's carrying capacity for Bottles of Life from one to eight. Can be found in the Black Market or treasure rooms.
Angel Feather
Normally, when Pit falls off the bottom of the screen, the game is over and you must restart the level. However, if you possess an Angel Feather while falling, Pit will instead temporarily fly, and can float back up to a safe spot. This consumes the feather. Use the direction pad and jump button to guide him until the feather wears off.
You will only find the following items in each of the fortresses. They help plot your way around the maze. The map can be found in one of the fortress rooms, while the others are purchased in shops. These items only work in the fortress they are obtained in, so you'll need to reacquire them in each new fortress.
The map is required to map the rooms of each fortress, but is useless without the pencil to mark the map. Once obtained, the map can be seen on your inventory screen.
With a map and pencil, rooms you visit in the fortress will be marked off on the map. If you obtain the pencil first, the game remembers which rooms you visited after obtaining the pencil, and all such rooms will becomed marked when later acquiring the map.
With a torch, the room you are currently in will be highlighted on the map screen, with or without the map.