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Besides the major characters mentioned in the plot, Kid Icarus: Uprising has dozens of types of enemies for the player to encounter over its length. Spoilers are to be expected.
Underworld Army[edit | edit source]
- Monoeye - These basic enemies either shoot a large single shot or multiple small shots. These shots aren't particularly fast, but have some homing ability.
- Wave Angler - Fires wide shots, usually oriented vertically or horizontally, that can cancel out your shots.
- Octos - Shoots rings of ink that can simply be flown through.
- Keron - These larger frog-like enemies can either hop around or shoot a projectile to deal damage.
- Gyrazer - This squid-like enemy floats in the air, shooting a long beam or a continuous stream from its eye.
- Shemum - Can poison Pit by biting him. Spawn from large vases, which can only be destroyed using melee attacks.
- Nettler - Flattens in response to being hit. Is surprisingly resilient in this state. Can be forced out of it by using a dash melee attack or a dash charged shot.
- Skuttler - The backbone of the Underworld Army, this enemy type uses melee attacks.
- Skuttler Cannoneer - Can fire slow-moving missiles or a beam from their cannons, although the cannon will occasionally blow up in their face. They will sometimes jump before firing.
- Skuttler Mage - These elite Skuttlers attack with Fire magic or a spell that cuts your maximum health in half.
- Suit of Skuttler - These slow enemies are vulnerable to attacks from behind.
- Mik - Using their tongues to attack, Miks can attack a from up to a medium range. They can also use the same projectiles as Monoeyes.
- Ganewmede - Though powerful, Ganewmedes are usually quite docile. However, they will respond if shot at, making it a good idea to take them out quickly, though at one's leisure. They are defenseless against repeated melee attacks.
- Crawler - These tank-like enemies attack by firing 3 beams, spinning around, charging forward, or firing an explosive. Their only weak point is the large ball in its behind.
- Syren - These flying enemies shoot whirlwinds that launch you upwards in land battles. Some will pull their wings inward before attacking; others attack without warning.
- Shrip - Shrips are equipped with large blades, and essentially use themselves as large spinning projectiles.
- Porcuspine - This defensively oriented monster either shoots its quills in all directions or fires them all in a single line, then takes some time to regrow them.
- Belunka - This behemoth stores smaller troops in its mouth, spawning them at regular intervals. Despite its bulk, it is easy to harm, especially when its mouth is open.
- Handora - This quick moving enemy has 3 attacks: shooting several small projectiles at a time, firing a blade of energy that curves toward you, or punching you. Often works as part of a group.
- Coral - When shot to death, Coral will send projectiles in the player's direction. However, killing them using melee attacks will send them flying away.
- Boogity - These monsters have two sides: An impenetrable shield and a fleshy half that shoots missiles.
- Monolith - More of an object than an enemy, Monoliths are floating squares that can only hurt Pit if he stands directly in their path.
- Splin - Can divide into two before charging at the player. Some of them may fire shots.
- Specknose - Sneezes bombs at the player, or sneezes on the player himself. Although it works with other enemies, Specknoses rarely travel together.
- Commyloose - Octopi that throw missiles at Pit.
- Shulm - Explode into a noxious cloud upon dying due to projectiles, making it important to attack from a distance or use melee attacks.
- Fire Wyrm - These large foes usually cruise through the air, although their ramming attacks can cause burns.
- Shildeen - Create force fields that protect other enemies. However, these shields can be destroyed by simply attacking.
- Zurret - These enemies dwell in jars. They have a long reach and can shoot two types of projectiles: 3 spiraling shots or 3 beams.
- Paramush - A basic fungus enemy that shoots a projectile from its eye like the Monoeye.
- Komayto - Will latch onto Pit and slowly suck his energy. Only vulnerable to melee attacks. Any similarities to Metroids are purely coincidental.
- Daphne - These floral enemies shoot smaller flower missiles.
- Stackjaw - These enemies are composed of several weapon sections and a head. Destroying the head will replace a lower weapon segment with the head. These enemies can cover a large area with their lasers, and get more powerful as they grow weaker. Short to medium range projectile attacks allow the player to attack the head while leaving space to avoid attacks.
- Minos - These enemies explode if hit by attacks in air battles. On the ground, they grow bigger as they take damage, and explode when defeated.
- Merenguy - Forces the game's camera to focus on it, therefore making the player vulnerable to other enemies.
- Mega Mussel - Has three pearls that must each be destroyed. Can shoot fast projectiles and slow projectiles that home in on you.
- Gloomerang - These enemies have a large boomerang on their bodies. Either shoot their exposed hands, or wait for it to throw its boomerang, at which point they become more vulnerable.
- Reaper - Upon seeing Pit, Reapers will spawn smaller Reapettes that can paralyze Pit and attack him with their giant scythes. Fortunately, they are near-sighted, and can be snuck past at points.
- Shelbo - This shelled opponent can vacuum Pit towards its mouth and poison him. Its mouth is the only weak point. Ironically, it only exposes its eye, the weakest part of its mouth, when attacking.
- Zuree - Has two forms: an intangible form where it can't attack and a vulnerable one where it can swipe its ferocious claws and cause shaking.
- Orne - Arguably the most powerful enemy in the game, the Orne will instantly KO players who come into contact with it. Ornes are also immune to most weaponry. Fortunately, they are not particularly fast, nor do they have any projectiles. Also, they can only exist in the presence of other enemies, meaning that by saving them for last, they are automatically defeated. However, when you hear their music in the background, flee.
- Tortolunk - Turns upside down and spins like a top to attack Pit. However, they become vulnerable after attacking
- Eggplant Wizard - Tosses projectiles that temporarily turn Pit into an Eggplant, rendering him incapable of attacking. Capable of teleporting around the area and leaving an eggplant behind if you're too close.
- Clubberskull - These powerful enemies deal massive damage, move surprisingly quickly, and can absorb major punishment. Fortunately, they can sometimes be left alone, although players will have to fight them sometimes. They attack by swinging their arms in a circle, stomping in place, or simply walking over you.
- Magmoo - This magma-based enemy shoots fireballs.
- Bluster - These flying enemies are covered with cloud-like armor. When all the clouds are removed, its vulnerable body suffers more damage when attacked. Attacks by firing rings or throwing its clouds at you, both of which can cause shaking.
- Girin - Lie in wait below the surface, waiting for players to come close. Will sometimes leap out of the ground to create a shockwave. Bait them out carefully, then clobber them before they go back underground.
- Leox - These mechanical lions fire blades of energy that travel vast distances. Usually found near vehicles.
- Armin - These creatures have impenetrable shields in both their front and back. Their sides, however, are fairly vulnerable. Attack them here after dodging their wild charges.
- Petribomber - Tosses rock bombs. Shooting the bomb itself will defeat it, but you won't get any hearts.
- Snong - Summons giant floating limbs to crush enemies. Emits a different sound when it attacks more rapidly.
- Vakloom - Vaklooms absorb ranged attacks to power up their own lasers. Either shoot at it to expose its vulnerable head, or use melee attacks.
- Sinistew - This genie grabs players from a distance and traps them in his pot, causing major damage. Take them out quickly using melee attacks.
- Brawny Claws - Blocks progress by stretching its claws out.
- Snowman - Beware this enemy's breath, which can temporarily freeze Pit. They also use physical attacks.
- Frozum - Summons blizzards that affect the area around it.
- Pluton - These speedy enemies steal weapons that Pit has earned during a chapter, though slaying them will liberate the weapon in question.
- Zik & Zak - Defeating the larger Zik will leave the smaller Zak vulnerable.
- Bumbledrop - When upright, Bumbledrops are easygoing enemies that can admittedly take a fair amount of punishment. When it falls over though, it becomes immune to ranged attacks and either charge or spin at the player.
- Remoblam & Remoblamling - Destroying the master Remoblam will detonate the subordinate Remoblamlings.
- Collin & Phil - Collin is only vulnerable to Phil, who he shoots out of his cannon. Melee Phil back at Collin to deal damage.
- Trailtail - Leaves behind lines of silk that harm Pit upon contact. Shoot the Trailtail at the front of a line to destroy the entire thing.
- Shootfly - Will attack only upon detecting ranged shots. They respond more quickly if they're still awake.
- Igniot - Their beams can temporarily turn Pit into stone, leaving him vulnerable to attack.
- Tempura Wizard - This enemy has two attacks. First, they fire flames that can turn Pit into a shrimp tempura. If this hits, they chase Pit and try to eat him before he reverts to normal. If he manages to eat Pit, its a one-hit kill.
- Erinus - Fires three shots while whole. When it suffers enough damage, its top and bottom halves fight independently. The top half will spin its arms as it flies toward you while the bottom half will try to kick you.
- Guttler - Devours its allies to become stronger. Players can either kill it first or target smaller foes to limit its growth.
- Fort Oink - Like the Belunka, this is a troop transport. However, its only weak point is its face.
- Monomiknose - This combination of basic enemies attacks by firing a couple of projectiles, two continuous beams, or biting you.
Space Pirates[edit | edit source]
- Space Pirate - The grunt of the Space Pirate forces. This enemy attacks by punching you, or rolling towards you to perform an uppercut.
- Space Pirate Sniper - Fires from a medium range to pick off targets. Can either fire a single beam or a spray of shots.
- Space Pirate Commando - Fires explosive rounds or missiles.
Forces of Nature[edit | edit source]
- Nutski - A flying foe similar to the Monoeye
- Trynamite - Essentially a floating mine, this enemy explodes into 3 projectiles that home in on you. These projectiles won't appear if it's defeated.
- Zert - Blasts foes with lightning damage, paralyzing them.
- Blader - Flies through the air using their bladed wings.
- Dibble Dop - Launches water bombs.
- Parashooter - Glides around, shooting compressed air.
- Lurchthorn - Is composed of a head and several segments. Each segment is weaponized, and can be destroyed independently. Alternatively, one may simply destroy the head.
- Pew Pew - A turret-like enemy with some mobility.
- Pip - Divide upon being hit
- Urgle - Charges straight at Pit and flips him into the air.
- Hugworm - Burrows underground and coils around Pit to deal damage. Weak against fire.
- Toxiecap - Shoots poisonous shots.
- Lethinium - Flowers that act like turrets, firing large lasers.
- Jitterthug - Is only vulnerable to ranged attacks when red or melee attacks when green.
- Boom Stomper - Falls over on opponents who get too close. However, it is vulnerable from a distance.
- Mahva - Creastes an aquatic shield that only allows allied fire through.
- Badoot - Work in groups of two to create electric ropes to ensnare Pit.
- Bumpety Bomb - A mobile time bomb, this enemy is well armored, and is best avoided.
- Mudrone - Require three KOs to finish off. Can often simply be run past.
- Cacaw - Uses sonic attacks.
- Skreetle - Skuttles about, attacking with melee.
- Captain Flare - Fires comets and disappears.
- Meeba - A fungus with the head of a rhinoceros beetle. Only vulnerable to attacks from behind.
- Megonta - Giant pill bugs with huge shells protecting them. Attack their fleshy bottoms and dodge their rolling charges.
- Flage - Melee-specialist enemies with the ability to become invisible and therefore nearly impossible to hit; there's a way around it, though : just look for its shadow on the floor!
- Clobbler - Is weak and passive until attacked. It then transforms into a powerful monster before eventually reverting to its peaceful self.
Aurum[edit | edit source]
- Tribyte - These basic troops fire projectiles.
- Blit - Fire barrages of shots before disappearing.
- Quoil - Rams into Pit to force him to spin around, rendering him vulnerable, though still dangerous, for a couple of seconds.
- Jyok - Only vulnerable when attacking
- Claxis - Is composed of several guns, which operate independently.
- Dohz - This troop transport is a deadly fighter in its own right.
- Plixo - Simply appear and disappear in different shapes, rather than attacking.
- Kolma - These wheel-like enemies are usually only vulnerable from the sides. However, they attack by flinging pieces of their armor, making them more vulnerable.
- Taklax - Only vulnerable in its unfurled state.
- Xoneme - Protected by four revolving shields, these foes require precision to take down.
- Sio - Expand and contract, shooting black holes that hold players in place.
- Zaurum - Float about and use psychic attacks.
- Baglo - Only awakens when attacked, at which point it barrages the player with continuous fire.
- Rezda - Function as shields to protect allies. Attack their centers.
- Zrink - Shield like enemies that take many hits, providing allies with protection.
- Roz - These projectile-like enemies are invulnerable to attacks thanks to their heavy mass.
- Nukleen - Mines that hurt both friend and foe.
- Biota - Melee their shots back at them to do significant damage.
- Aurum Monoeye - Behaves similarly to a conventional Monoeye.
- Aurum Mik - Behaves similarly to a conventional Mik.
- Aurum Pip - Behaves similarly to a conventional Pip.
- Aurum Fire Wyrm - Behaves similarly to a conventional Fire Wyrm.
- Aurum Specknose - Behaves similarly to a conventional Specknose.
- Aurum Skuttler - Behaves similarly to a conventional Skuttler.
- Aurum Urgle - Behaves similarly to a conventional Urgle.
- Aurum Shemum - Behaves similarly to a conventional Shemum.
Palutena's Guard[edit | edit source]
- Centurion - Floats in the air and fires weak shots.
- Centurion Knight - Uses shields to protect themselves, albeit ones that can easily be broken.
- Centurion Strongarm - Either wrestles foes into submission or throws large projectiles.
- Juggernaut - Hurls rocks and arrows ahead, but is vulnerable at a short range.
Hades's Cells[edit | edit source]
- Cellular Handora - Behaves similarly to a conventional Handora.
- Cellular Bluster - Behaves similarly to a conventional Bluster.
- Cellular Monoeye - Behaves similarly to a conventional Monoeye.
- Cellular Komayto - Behaves similarly to a conventional Komayto.
- Cellular Igniot - Behaves similarly to a conventional Igniot.
- Cellular Sinistew - Behaves similarly to a conventional Sinistew.
- Cellular Snong - Behaves similarly to a conventional Snong.
- Cellular Skuttler - Behaves similarly to a conventional Skuttler.
- Cellular Gyrazer - Behaves similarly to a conventional Gyrazer.
- Cellular Shildeen - Behaves similarly to a conventional Shildeen.
Unaffiliated/Other[edit | edit source]
- Shadow Pit - Uses weapons similar to Pit's, but lacks his strength or skill.
- Treasurefish - Killing them grants the player powerups.
- Rare Treasurefish - Essentially a Treasurefish with more valuable cargo.
- Souflee - This enemy gives lots of hearts upon death, but loves to run away.
- Mimicutie - A treasure chest-turned foe, this enemy hits hard and moves quickly.