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Ice Cream allows Terra, Ventus, and Aqua to enter various Command Styles, dependent on the recipe (with the Frozen Fortune Command Style having a 15% chance of being entered via any recipe, being the only Command Styles exclusive to Ice Cream). Ingredients for these recipes are collected from Prize Pods, Unversed that spawn in specific areas and drop special materials when attacked. Below is a list of Prize Pod locations for each character, as well as the ingredients dropped by those Prize Pods (listed alphabetically for convenience). Below the list of Prize Pods is a list of Ice Cream, complete with recipes and effects.

Prize Pods[edit | edit source]

World Location Ingredients
Terra Ventus Aqua
Waterside, by the impassable green flames Audience Chamber, left of the entrance; Red Hot Chilis may spawn instead Waterside, on a cliff to the left when coming from the Forest Clearing Cherryberry, Forest Muffin, Jumbo Almond, Nutty Nut, Rose Honey, Sky Blue Mousse
Underground Waterway, on a waterfall near the path leading to the Courtyard; Red Hot Chilis may spawn instead The Mine, to the right after defeating Monotruckers and Red Hot Chilis; Scrappers may spawn instead Flower Glade, left of the path leading from the Courtyard Apple Pie, Gaspberry, Merry Mint (FM), Merry Dairy, Bijou Bean, Peach Fantasy
Palace Courtyard, in the fountain after defeating Red Hot Chilis; more Red Hot Chilis may spawn instead Mousehole, at the end of the path leading from a table of the Wardrobe Room Foyer, left of the stairs after defeating a Bruiser Birthday Cake, Chocolate Valentine, Crystal Soda, Crystal Sugar, Rich Marshmallow (FM), Wedding Cake
Fountain Court, in an alcove by the stairs after defeating Blue Sea Salts; Red Hot Chilis may spawn instead Moogle Coffee, Nebula Nectar, Rocket Soda, Soy Milk
Raceway, on a roof across from the exit to Pete's Rec Room (accessible with Air Slide/High Jump + Sliding Dash) after defeating Blue Sea Salts; a Chrono Twister may spawn instead Raceway, on a roof leading from Pete's Rec Room after defeating Blue Sea Salts Raceway, right of the exit to Raceway Registration after defeating Blue Sea Salts Melodious Grape (FM), Prickle Pepper, Toonbasco
Town Near Thebes, left of the entrance Cotton Cloudcandy, Heroic Orange, Nutty Nut, Thundercracker
Turo Prison Block, across from the exit Durgon Transporter, by the exit to the Ship Exterior after defeating the first round of Unversed; Sonic Blasters may spawn instead Turo Prison Block, across from the exit Balloon Melon, Bizarro Bean, Cream Fluff, Galactic Caramel, Fizzy Tizzy, Star Syrup
Skull Rock: Entrance, after using Air Slide to reach a cliff from Skull Rock: Cavern; Jellyshades and a Triple Wrecker may spawn instead Mermaid Lagoon, on a ledge from a Cliff Path exit after defeating a Wild Bruiser; a Wild Bruiser and Yellow Mustards may spawn together instead Indian Camp, on a cliff edge alongside a Wild Bruiser Dancin' Lemon, Golden Jam, Honeybunch, Mermaid Salt, Rainbow Syrup, Whipped Dream
Risky Riches, Penultimate wave of Round 3 Dancin' Lemon, Open Sesame (FM)
Treasure Tussle, following the first two waves of Round 3 Open Sesame, Starry Sky Delight (FM)

Ice Cream[edit | edit source]

Image Name Recipe Command Style Terra Ventus Aqua
Bueno Volcano
  • 5 Prickle Pepper
  • 3 Toonbasco
Firestorm Yes Yes Yes
Snow Bear
  • 3 Open Sesame
  • 5 Soy Milk
Diamond Dust Yes Yes Yes
Spark Lemon
  • 4 Thundercracker
  • 2 Rocket Soda
  • 3 Dancin' Lemon
Thunderbolt Yes Yes Yes
  • 7 Gaspberry
  • 10 Nebula Nectar
  • 8 Birthday Cake
  • 7 Rose Honey
Bladecharge Yes No Yes
Sugary Skies
  • 10 Cream Fluff
  • 8 Rainbow Syrup
  • 14 Cotton Cloudcandy
Sky Climber No Yes Yes
Vanilla Glitz
  • 1 Golden Jam
  • 1 Bijou Bean
  • 3 Crystal Sugar
Critical Impact Yes No No
Rockin' Crunch
  • 15 Galactic Caramel
  • 12 Nutty Nut
Rockbreaker Yes No No
Big Bad Pete
  • 20 Bizarro Bean
  • 20 Whipped Dream
Dark Impulse Yes No No
  • 3 Honeybunch
  • 2 Apple Pie
Fever Pitch No Yes No
Goofy Parfait
  • 7 Moogle Coffee
  • 6 Jumbo Almond
  • 5 Chocolate Valentine
  • 10 Forest Muffin
Cyclone No Yes No
Double Crunch
  • 9 Cherryberry
  • 5 Merry Dairy
  • 14 Wedding Cake
  • 15 Star Syrup
Wingblade No Yes No
  • 2 Balloon Melon
  • 2 Heroic Orange
  • 1 Peach Fantasy
Spellweaver No No Yes
Donald Fizz
  • 8 Crystal Soda
  • 13 Mermaid Salt
  • 15 Fizzy Tizzy
  • 8 Sky Blue Mousse
Ghost Drive No No Yes
Daisy Sorbet
  • 8 Starry Sky Delight
  • 15 Rich Marshmallow
  • 10 Merry Mint
  • 12 Melodious Grape
Rhythm Mixer Yes Yes Yes