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Taunts[edit | edit source]

Direction Description
Down A true hero is skilled with both sword and magic! Watch this!
Down Aha! Your head -- no! What about -- no, no! Wait! Still too dangerous!
Down Ahh, still making the same mistakes, I see. Have you been drinking again?
Down At the moment that I thrust, move the left stick back and forth to stun me with a horizonal swing.
Down Are you leaving that giant head of yours undefended?
Down Aww, bored with life? Try walking through town in only your underwear and pretend to be an ogre.
Down Aww, you make this too easy when you move your feet that slow!
Down Damn you, you bastards! I will avenge General Hugh's death! ... Wait, who gave me this old script?
Down Ever heard of a riposte? If you know how your opponent is about to attack, you can deal a lot of damage by evading and counterattacking... although there's always the chance you may miss. Okay, ready now? I will attack you below the belt!
Down) Hahaha! Does your mother dress you?
Down Hahaha! You waddling duck!
Down Heh eh! Can you follow my fancy dance steps?
Down Hello silly, your shoes are untied!
Down Here's a tip. If you never want to lose a duel again, the answer's simple. Don't show up
Down Hey, wait! Weren't you going to attack me? Oh, I guess not!
Down Hmm ... Which one ... your stumpy legs, or your bulbous fat head?
Down How dare you! You're stepping on Marguerite's kerchief!
Down I met a strange old man the other day. He told me that in the future, we will invent a tool so we don't have to meet people we hate. He called it a ... how you say ... a 'telephone'? I wonder what it does.
Down If you marry Marguerite, you will have to cook her dinner every night for an eternity. You think you can stand that?
Down Isn't this a bit barbaric? Shall we change the sport? How about badminton?
Down I thought you liked your women skinny. Why are you interested in Marguerite?
Down It was spring, seven in the morning. Pearly dewdrops glistened on the hillside, a skylark flew by, and a snail squatted under a thorn bush.
Down I've got a story that will really surprise you. The other day, I saw a long-necked monster in the pond over there. No, I'm not senile! What? A hoax? How disappointing ...
Down Last time, Marguerite served me fried cockroaches dipped in chocolate. She didn't lay a finger on it, so I had to eat the whole thing myself.
Down Marguerite once asked me to steal an ogre's loincloth as proof of my love. After a great ordeal, I managed to grab one. The ogre was so embarrassed, his face turned from black to red
Down Noble you may be, but you still need to use a chamber pot, just like anyone else!
Down No, no, no. That was not what we agreed to! I was to spin and slice at your legs, and you were supposed to evade with a 'Grande Allegro'! You must jump elegantly, elegantly!
Down Oh, I have a little message from your mother! She says 'don't forget ... defend the family jewels!
Down Oh, I heard that Marguerite took out a huge insurance policy on you. I promise we will use a bit of the money to give you a proper funeral.
Down Oh, I know ... How about a drink after this? Hmm ... Where to today? The last place was terrible ... they served us stale beer. Oh, by the way, defend your manhood!
Down Oh, you are ugly and your mother dresses you funny.
Down Okay, this time I will jab at your head, and you evade with a somersault. You know, it will look so stylish!
Down Ready to die?
Down Sniff, sniff. What is that smell? Is this a brown mess you've just stepped into?
Down The moment I thrust, move the left stick back and forth to stun me with a horizontal swing.
Down There's no place for you in Marguerite's heart!
Down This is my final move, flutter like a butterfly, sting like a wasp ... flee like a cockroach!
Down Uh huh, don't forget your side!
Down What thin little legs you have! Why, they're even nicer than Marguerite's!
Down When you are dueling, face away from the sun. It's hot, you know.
Down You don't seem to be using your head! Here, let me take it from you.
Down You know, I once fought a bald man. The glare off of his head was so bright, I could not see a thing. I ended up stabbing my own foot.
Down You know, in a few hundred years, I hear that 95% of the population will be over-weight. That's right, you're not fat, you're just ahead of your time!
Down You know that snooty old man wandering about? Do you think he is after Marguerite too?
Down You know the saying, 'When a door closes, a windows is opened'? Well, your fly is open!
Down You must be popular in Hexter. You've got that kind of pig-face, you know, only little orc ladies could love!
Down Your face may be proud, but those legs ... how shameful!
Up Aha! Your head -- no! What about -- no! Haha! I'll get you!
Up At the moment that I thrust, move the left stick back and forth to stun me! What? You think I'm lying?! Damn.
Up Do not underestimate the power of my thrust. I once skewered three orc troops and two ogres with this move!
Up Do you know the designer, Antego Galli? Marguerite nearly dumped me for not knowing. Is that really necessary?
Up Ever heard of a riposte? If you know how your opponent is about to attack, you can deal a lot of damage by evading and counterattacking ... although there's always the chance you may miss. Okay, ready now? I will attack your head!
Up Focus! Marguerite is watching! Fix your stance! Come on, if you don't act serious, we'll both be in trouble!
Up Give me Marguerite, and I will introduce you to my sister!
Up Hah! You cannot block my roundhouse kick!
Up Have you any idea what 'Oyster Milk' is? Hmm ... no, neither do I?
Up Have you ever heard the saying 'beauty and ugliness are only a skin layer apart'?
Up Hey, please breath through your nose. You're breath is killing me!
Up Hmm ... Which one ... your fat head or your stumpy legs?
Up Hmm, now what was I going to attack next? Oh yes, your manhood!
Up How can you keep your neck straight with a head that big?
Up I have not been riding much lately, and my legs are looking a bit chubby. Or maybe it's just these trousers. I don't know.
Up I shall feed your body to your mutated friends. I shall search every corner of the dimension for your pathetic spirit, and when I find you... Oh, wait. Wrong script, sorry. Can we do another take after break?
Up I thought you liked your women thick. Why are you interested in Marguerite?
Up It is okay to duck, but please, don't just lie on the ground. It's so pathetic.
Up It was spring, nine in the morning. Pearly dewdrops glistened on the hillside, a skylark flew by, and a snail squatted under a thorn bush.
Up Just think. My attack will either be at your upper or lower half! The odds are fifty-fifty.
Up Last time, Marguerite served me fried crickets dipped in caramel. She didn't lay a finger on it, so I had to eat the whole thing myself.
Up Let me give you back the gold I borrowed.
Up Marguerite! I am but a garden slug drowning in the beer of your beauty! Damn, who writes this stuff?".
Up Marguerite once asked me to find out the dark elves' secret to maintaining a slim figure. They sad to us drink lots of milk mixed with vinegar... Marguerite drank a jug of it ... and puked for three days straight. I had to hold her hair back!
Up Marguerite once asked me to find out the dark elves' secret to maintaining soft skin. They said they always bathe in honey... Marguerite poured a huge jar over her head ... and seconds later she was covered in flies! I had to fight off thousands of them.
Up Marguerite once asked me to steal an ogre's loincloth as proof of my love. After a great ordeal, I managed to grab one. The ogre was so embarrassed, his face turned from green to red.
Up Marguerite once made me a dish of Stormrider feet covered in nacho cheese. I nearly passed out, but it's worth it for love, right?
Up Marguerite once made me a dish of Swamp Mammoth testicles covered in nacho cheese. I nearly passed out, but it's worth it for love, right?
Up Marguerite once wanted to fly on a stormrider, so I bribed an officer to borrow one. We rode it for a little while, but ended up crashing into a wall. Why? Marguerite panicked and pulled out all the feathers from the poor bird's head.
Up Never forget to defend your you-know-what!
Up No ... How could there be any room for you in her heart, huh?
Up Oh, I know ... How about a drink after this? Hmm ... Where to today? I'm so hungry. I know, I'd like some barbeque. Oh, by the way, defend your manhood!
Up Oh, my precious Marguerite! You are as elegant as a crab-footed cactus among cabbages.' Did you write this?
Up Oh, this is so exhausting! Why don't we switch to chess? I promise I will go easy on you.
Up Open your eyes! This time I'm going for your middle.
Up Shall we try something new? To block this attack, you must move the left stick in a circle. Just don't do anything until you see my blade engulfed in light. Are we ready?
Up Sniff, phew! What is that smell? I think there is something on your shoe.
Up Take your eyes off Marguerite, or I will poke them out for you
Up Tell me, are you this stiff when you dance with Marguerite?
Up There is a saying. 'A wise man learns from his opponent.' But really, what could you possibly teach me?
Up This is it! There is no avoiding it! I am going for your gut!
Up What?! Is that a necklace you are wearing? I gave that to Marguerite!
Up What is the longest time you have waited for Marguerite? I once waited three days at her front door! I arrived clean-shaven, but by the time I left, I looked like a Vagabond.
Up What's that? I hear your mother calling ... Look behind you!
Up What's that thing in the sky? Look! Over there!
Up When you go out with Marguerite, you tell her the date is on the day before, because it takes a whole day for her just to powder herself!
Up Why don't we call a truce and go find ourselves some less demanding women?
Up You are not worth my attack, you stumpy-legged man!
Up You are the only one I have told about my teddy, Lord Bumbleton ... So how come Marguerite knows?!
Up You cannot beat me at horse racing any more! I acquired the level 10 Horseshoes of Swiftness, fed my horse Hexter carrots to increase her mana, and most importantly ... I lost some weight.
Up You have left your head open!
Up You look a little wobbly ... Are your shoelaces tied together?
Up You must be popular in Hexter. I bet the ogre girls can't keep their hands off you!
Up Your head is huge! I might as well just swing my sword with my eyes closed!