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Box artwork for Kurohyou 2: Ryu ga Gotoku Ashura Hen.
Box artwork for Kurohyou 2: Ryu ga Gotoku Ashura Hen.
Kurohyou 2: Ryu ga Gotoku Ashura Hen
Developer(s)Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, syn Sophia
Year released2012
System(s)PlayStation Portable
Japanese titleクロヒョウ2 龍が如く 阿修羅編
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO Ages 17 and up
LinksKurohyou 2: Ryu ga Gotoku Ashura Hen ChannelSearch

Table of Contents


Kurohyou 2: Ryu ga Gotoku Ashura Hen/Table of Contents