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Box artwork for LEGO Alpha Team.
Box artwork for LEGO Alpha Team.
LEGO Alpha Team
Developer(s)Digital Domain
Publisher(s)Lego Media
Year released2000
System(s)Game Boy Color, Windows
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone
LinksLEGO Alpha Team at PCGamingWikiLEGO Alpha Team ChannelSearch
This guide is for the Windows release. For the GBC version, see LEGO Alpha Team (Game Boy Color).

LEGO Alpha Team was developed by Digital Domain and published by LEGO Media. It was released for Windows in 2000, with a GBC version released a few months later.

Story[edit | edit source]

Most of the team has been captured (Dash was not). Now Dash must go around rescuing his comrades and stopping Ogel's dastardly plan. On the way he will meet some of Ogel's henchmen, but the team have some tricks of their own...

Table of Contents
