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PC Xbox 360 and Xbox One Playstation 3 and 4 Wii U Action
WASD Neutral lstick Neutral lstick Neutral lstick Player movement and menu navigation
J A button Cross button B button Jump
H X button Triangle button X button Attack
K B button Circle button A button Context-specific action
U Y button Square button Y button Switch characters. Hold to bring up suit menu/character roster in Free Play
LCtrl/Space LB button/RB button L1 button/R1 button L button/R button Change characters during Free Play
Y/I LT button/RT button L2 button/R2 button ZL button/ZR button Change suits if a character has them.
PL;' Neutral rstick Neutral rstick Neutral rstick Move the camera
Enter Start button Start button Plus button Pauses the game
M Back button Select button Minus button Brings up the world map